Barbara Perez IAM OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT ~ For Fu[{-time Cou and Munippaf Employees Fuu: TINS COUNTY AND MUt~gC~PA~ E~IPI~DYEES~o IN OUrS~E ~-, ~ EMPLOYMENT MUST FM.E AN ANt~Ai. DICE REPQRT BY JULY ~ for -°t .°v 1si of EAa~+ YEAH w acCORO~wce WITH SECTtoN 2-11.t(K)(2) OF Tax Year EadMg: ~ -~ c._ TriE Mw~-Oates CourrrY CODE. ~'' Name: mast First Middle ; ` ~ /j v ~, u; r--, _~ ., Filing as a (check one): ^ Miami-Dade CourrRy Employee -,., Munidpai E~~ ~' r-, Position Title: r L ~ f untyMlunicipal Department: C.o~x~ty/Munk~pai Division: ~ ~ ~ ~ if ynur Horne aoYlress is exempt from public records pursuant Work Teleptwrre: ro Statutes § ~ ~s.o~, please cHec~c Here: ^ ..~ ~o Making Address (Street Name and Number) ~. ~ ~ / ~,~. City State Zip Code ~i' v f ~,~ s / 3~o~y Please list the souroes ~ outside employment, the 'rat'''e of the work and the amourrts of rrroney a otl~er compensation you n~r-ed. li ooMmued ort a ssp~e s~lteet, please' check Here: ^ Name and Address of the Source of t~tur~e of the Work Amount olf Money or Outside income PerfornNd Compensation Received ~b~f ~/ ~"/y,,.~~ L/1~~~ C'rtA~i--' ti1/~I/~/ ~~i~/~I~G~ Ar~,96 ~iyl `~T r ~~07 w. ~.hr~i~~~ ~~/ f0//fA/•~/f/1 C/~/~~/~ • ~3~ . 3s /fil Svij~ ~~~~~ ~/~ ~~/'fl//1 I hereby swear (or affirm) that the aforesaid irtforrr~aRion is a true and oornsct meM. Signature Disckrsing Date Signed a - ~G - ~~ ;-3 ~i ,~