David Jose De La Espriella C?UTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT MIAMFDADE ~~ For Full-time Coun and Munici al Em 'lo ees tY P P Y FULL-TIME COUNTY AND MUNIC1PAt EMPLOYEES ENGAGING IN OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT MUST FILE AN ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT BY .IULY DiSC108ure fOi 1ST OF EACH YEAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2-11.1(x)(2) OF Tax Year Ending: THE MIAMhDADE COUNTY CODE. Name: Last First Middle ~E ~ tsPRdEU~ ~~ut0 ~OS~ Filing as a (check one): ^ Miami-Dade County Employee ='°r~ p ~: ~. ~Muniapal Employee of: C~ t r or µUt-~.[ Dt~ ~ r I Position Title: p ~1tulENM~I~ of- I~.lu~ ~' 3 County/Municipal Department: County/Municipal Division: -,-, •• ~`' t c~ }~~ Llc.~ .1~c~MU rimer C'_(4tlt~,,tl .~Jdi-iiiW-nor ~~', tf your home address is exempt imm public records p uant Work Telephone: to Florida Statutes § 119.07, please check here: ~ 3pS- (0'13- 77 7 ~ X $~t( "~ Mailing Address (Street Name and Nurnber) Apt. # (1no W~l~t-~6io~l ~r State Zip Code Ciry p 1 ~Frl \ 0 rh~-N I'L 333 tis Please list the sources of outside employment, the nature of the work and the amounts of money or other compensation you received. tf continued on a separate sheet, please check here: Name and Address of the Source of Nature of the Work Amount of Money or Outside Income Pertormed Compensation Received ~lA P~Tos la ~ ~ / DJ~1~-iG- Cti 333 t,~ ~~0~! `~~>`12 V3~.I~i , A~ o~'bs , ton I hereby swear (or affirm) that the aforesaid information is a true and cornett statement. Signature of Person Disclosing gned Date S i I i' d ~' °tl ~J ,orteroo