037 Request Re Swim Test Records for Joseph Fisher, Lifeguard IIm MIAMIBEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TO: Commissioner Edward L. Tobin FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager , DATE: July 10, 2009 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Request Regarding Swim Test Records for City Employee Joseph Fisher, Lifeguard II This memo is in response to your request made at the July 7, 2009, Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Meeting regarding the swim test results forJoseph Fisher, Lifeguard II. This information was provided by the Ocean Rescue Division. All lifeguard personnel are required to pass a 550 yard (500 meters) swim test per the United States Lifesaving Association (U.S.L.A.) under 10 minutes. Mr. Fisher was scheduled to attend the 550 yard (500 meters) swim test at Scott Rakow Youth Center on March 3, 2009, but did not attend due to the fact that he was on scheduled union leave. The make-up dates were March 4, 5, 6, or 7, but he did not attend any of those sessions. Mr. Fisher has already been directed to take the swim test this year and is scheduled to take the make-up swim test on July 22, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Fisher did not attend the swim test which was scheduled in 2008. On July 10, 2007, Mr. Fisher participated in, but did not pass, the 550 yard (500 meters) swim test as part of the Ocean Rescue Lieutenant Promotional process for which he had applied for. Also in 2007, Mr. Fisher took the 550 yard (500 meters) swim test (conducted at various pools throughout the City) on the following dates as part of the yearly requirement for Lifeguard II's: February 25, 2007 -did not pass swim test (Mr. Fisher stopped at 425 yards). May 28, 2007 -did not pass swim test (Mr. Fisher's time was 10:14 minutes). June 6, 2007 -swim test successfully completed in 9:53 minutes. In 2007, Mr. Fisher was allowed to take "practice" tests to prepare for the swim test. Practice tests are not a standard practice in the Ocean Rescue Division, but were permitted for Mr. Fisher as.part of his remedial training. Should you need additional information, please feel free to contact Ramiro Inguanzo, Human Resources Director. Cc: Mayor and City Commission Eric Yuhr, Fire Chief Ramiro Inguanzo, Human Resources Director Joseph Fisher, Lifeguard II F:\humaLLaboILABORREL\Labor Relations\CWA\Public Records Responses\CommTobinrequeslReJoeFisherSwimTest.dac We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community,