039-2009 Current Unclassified Employees w/ Salary =+ $125Km MIAMIBEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TO: Commissioner Edward L. Tobin FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez DATE: July 13, 2009 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: List of Current Unclassified City Employees Whose Base Salary And Pension Benefit Equal To $125,000 or More This memorandum is in response to your follow-up request from the memorandum sent to you on July 10, 2009 regarding the list of current unclassified (non-union) employees whose base salary and pension benefit equal to $125,000 or more. Based on the parameters of your proposed Ordinance, the employees on this list (excluding staff from the City Attorney's Office) would be affected. As with the prior list for general (non police and fire) employees, the pension assumption used was 23.02 percent (the current employer required contribution of 21.57 percent for pension and 1.45 percent for the Medicare contribution) of the base pay which equates to a minimum salary of approximately $101,609.49. Attached is the list of all general unclassified employees whose minimum salary is at least $101,609.49. For police and fire employees, the pension assumption used was 51.47 percent (the current employer required contribution of 50.02 percent for pension and 1.45 percent for the Medicare contribution) of the base pay which equates to a minimum salary of approximately $82,524.99. All unclassified police and fire employees were included in the original list which has already been provided. If you have any additional questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact me. Cc: Mayor and City Commission F:\cmgr\$ALL\JORGEGON\MEMOS\Employee Salaries of at least $125,000 with pension benefit.doc We are committed fo providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, Tropical, historic community. Assumption for General Employees = 23.02% (21.57% Pension, 1.45% Medicare) -Min Salary = $101,609.49 Assumption for Fire and Police Employees = $51.47% (50.02% Pension, 1.45% Medicare) -Min Salary = $82,524.99 Full name __._ Position Title ~ ----------._.._.._~.~. --- - -------------__---~.~w--- MARTINEZ, CANDELARIO A ~~CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR TIGNER, KRISTIN HR ASSISTANT DIR 011-0370 Home department i Annual Salary ! ---------__-~__.J-____-_._- -- Building Serv- Building $ 101,910.79 Human Resources $ 103,619.98 Years of service. --- 5.2 7.8 SUAREZ, RAMON I FINANCE MANAGER 011-0366 Finance/Treasury Management $ 103,663.16 7.3 VELASCO, ANA CECILIA CUNNINGHAM, GERALD VALDES, ROBERT L. ASSET MANAGER 011-0530 SR NETWORK ADM 550-0640 CHIEF STRUCT PLANS EX 011-1150 Real Estate, Housing & Comm Dev IT Support Building Serv- Building $ 103,663.52 $ 103,700.02 $ 104,000.00 Y 3.1 4.4 1 ~~ WILLIAMS, ALLISON R ~ CHIEF ACCOUNTANT 011-0364 ~_.__ v ~ Finance/ Admin $ 104,523.39 5.3 ~ _ _ ~ MEDRANO, LEONEL ~ _~_._..._,_._.~. _ ._ CHIEF BUILDING INSP 011-1510 Building Serv- Building ~ $ 104,961.17 12 HERRANZ, HENRY SR SYSTEMS ANALYST 550-0630 _ _ IT Applications $ 105,010.37 21.7 REBOSO, ROBERT ~ _ REDEV SPECIALIST 011-0530 _. Real Estate, Housing & Comm Dev ~ $ 105,010.37 21.5 j SZKLAVER, BERNARD SR SYSTEMS ANALYST 550-0630 ITApplications $ 105,010.37 8.8 CARMONA, LUZ SR SYSTEMS ANALYST 550-0630 IT Applications ~ $ 105,010.88 7.9 CARMENATES, AURELIO J CAPITAL PROJ COORD 011-0820 v CIP~ $ 105,394.52 2.7 DIXON-VINCENT, CARLA ~ CAPITAL PROJ COORD 011-0820 CIP $ 105,394.52 13.5 _ LAMAZARES, MERCEDES _ PRINCIPAL PLANNER 011-0520 Planning $ 105,914.33 18.9 HOANSHELT, JUDY GRANTS MANAGER 011-0650 Budget ~ $ 106,257.47 16 w PEREZ, MIGUEL V. CAPITAL PROJ COORD 011-0820 CIP $ 106,417.81 2.9 TOLEDO, JOHN ASST DIV DIR-PROP 520-1720 Pw-Property Mgmt ' $ 106,526.24 12.8 CARLSON, CARMEN SR M & B ANALYST 011-0340 ~ ~ Budget ~` $ 106,897.01 20.4 ZUECH, RICHARD C ~ DATABASEADMIN 550-0630 IT Applications $ 107,390.17 7.2 BILES, ROBERT R APP SYSTEMS MGR 550-0630 IT Applications $ 107,596.33 4.3 CABANAS, HUMBERTO ~ CAPITAL PROJ COORD 011-0820 CIP $ 107,874.37 2.2 MIZELL, KEITH CAPITAL PROJ COORD 011-0820 CIP $ 108,556.50 5.4 DORRESTYN, BERTUS I GIS MANAGER 427-0427 ~ Public Works Storm $ 108,921.71 2.7 SORIA, RAUL ------ ~FINANC ANALYST III 011-0361 Finance/ Revenue 00 $ 109,00 8.6 _ . HANKEY, JAMES HENRY MCGRAW, JOHN T SAN ARCHITECT 550-0640 I_..._-_~ __._._ _._~~_._- SR SYSTEMS ADM 550-0640 IT Support IT Support 5 $ 109,104.58 $ 109,253.23 3.3 9.4 BOKSNER, ALEKSANDR SR ASST CITY ATTY 011-1410 City Attorney $ 110,000.02 0.3 ANDERSON, ROBERT L ~FINANC ANALYST III 160-0363 Finance/ Resort Tax $ 111,579.43 5.3 RODRIGUEZ, JUAN A ~EXP/TREASURY MGR 011-0362 Finance/ Treasury Management $ 112,141.64 7.3 AREVALO, JORGE A ANTONA, GIANCARLO -- (CHIEF STRU PLANS EXAM 011-1510 CHIEF ELEVATOR INSP 011-1510 Building Serv-Building Building Serv- Building $ 112,677.62 $ 114,106.92 2.9 11.2 AZZINARO, WILLIAM ~ COMM RES COORD 011-1220 Fire Rescue ~ $ 114,107.62 -..~ 21.5 ALLER, MICHAEL _ TOURISM & CONV DIR 440-0442 City Manager $ 114,107.99 13.7 BERNSTEIN, LYNN GONZALEZ, WILLIAM HIBBERT, RONALD ICOMM RES COORD 011-1520 (SR M & B ANALYST 011-1110 ~SR SYSTEMS ADM 550-0640 Code Compliance Police Chief Office IT Support $ 114,107.99 $ 114,107.99 $ 114,107.99 12.5 20.5 6.5 _ MEYERS, JOYCE A PRINCIPAL PLANNER 011-0520 Planning $ 114,107.99 9.5 MOORE, S L ~ CHIEF FIRE PROT ANALY 011-1230 Fire PRevention $ 114,107.99 10.8 SANTIESTEBAN JR., OSCAR VARGAS, ELLEN DATABASEADMIN 550-0630 PARK FACILITIES MGR 011-0950 IT Applications Parks Recreation $ 114,107.99 $ 114,107.99 19 27.4 SOSA, ARIEL _ TECH SERVICES MGR 550-1750 IT Communications $ 114,129.62 6.4 CROWDER, KEVIN ECON DEV DIV DIR 011-0530 City Manager $ 114,165.80 11 FRANCO-RUBINES, LAURA ASST INT AUDITOR 011-0330 Internal Audit $ 115,436.40 15.3 LORBER, RICHARD (PLANNING & ZONING MGR 011-0520 Planning $ 115,791.26 11.2 SALAS, GLADYS CHIEF ACCES INSP 011-1510 Building Serv- Building $ 116,402.87 15.5 MAROUEZ JR., MANUEL ____. REVENUE MANAGER 011-0361 Finance/ Revenue $ 118,902.99 9.8 MCCOY, KIMBERLY ANNE SR ASST CITY ATTY 011-1410 City Attorney $ 119,246.36 1.4 ANDREANO, VINCENT OCEAN RESCUE DIV CHF 011-0960 Fire Ocean Rescue $ 120,881.58 28.4 1 OF 1