Ana B. Gomez (2)w r~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~"~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH _ BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM NAME: G O M E~ A ~1 A' Last Name First Name Middle Initial HOME ADDRESS: ~ K S ~ S. ~ ~ M.I U e. ~a9 F-t.t l3l`-~I ~.=L 3~)3a Apt No. House o./Street City State Zip Code PHONE: 3d J 7~1 ~ Of 3~ ~(~ A Ga N~ ~} ~ I--! I-s Pry t~ I;~.wS.can Home Work Fax Email address Business Name: _f--L 1 S ~P~ r fL ~ S~~_ Position: G' 6 IlU C~-/a~ ~'t19 N ~~E ~ Address: ~ c~T ~ fZ., l-C l~ l~ l C ~, ]~ ~1 GZ, ~;V C~ ,T ~T_ i I~ /~'t~ t•= ~- 33 ~ No. treS et - City State Zip Code Professional License (describe) Expires: Attach a copy of the license Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. • Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes ^ or No ~' • Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Mia i Beach for a minimum of six (ti) months: Yes ^ or No~ • Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes ^ or No~ • (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: North Bea h South Beach Middle Beach • I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: • Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? Yes ^ or No`~ Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that only three (3) choices wilt be observed by the City Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City) ^ Affordable Housin Adviso Committee ^Housin Authorit ^ Art in Public Places Committee ^ Loan Review Committee ^ Beautification Committee ^ Marine Authori ^ Board of Ad'ustment' ^ Miami Beach Commission for Women ^ Bud et Adviso Committee ^ Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council ^ Ca ital Im rovements Pro'ects Oversi ht Committee Miami Beach Sister Cities Pro ram ^ Committee on the Homeless ^ Normand Shores Local Government Nei h. im rovement ^ Committee for Quali Education in MB ^ Parks and Recreation Facilities Board ^ Communi Develo ment Adviso ^ Personnel Board ^ Communi Relations Board ^ Plannin Board" ^ Convention Center Adviso Board ^ Police Citizens Relations Committee ^ Debarment Committee ^ Production Indust Council ^ Desi n Review Board* ^ Public Safe Adviso Committee ^ Disabili Access Committee ^ Safe Committee ^ Fine Arts Board ^ Sin le Famil Residential Review Panel ^ Ga ,Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans ender GLBT ^ Sustainabili Committee ^ Golf Adviso Committee ^ Trans aren Reliabili & Accountabilit Committee "TRAC" ^ Health Adviso Committee ^ Trans ortation and Parkin Committee ^ Health Facilities Authori Board ^ Visitor and Convention Authorit ^ His anic Affairs Committee ^ Waterfront Protection Committee ^ Historic Preservation Board ^ Youth Center Adviso Board *Board Required to File State Disclosure Form Note: If applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: Yes ^ No ^ Years of Service: 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children Yes^ No ^. If yes, please list the names of your children, ages, and which programs. List below: Child's name: Age: Program: Child's name: Age: Program: their F:\CLER\$ALL\aFORMS\BOARD AND COMMITTEES\BC Application062609 NEW.doc ANA B GOMEZ TEL. (305) 298.0138 E-MAIL: ANA.MARBF,LLAna 1tOT1~1AlI,.COM OBJECTIVE Get a job opportunity in afield that can help me gain quality work experience, further develop my skills and learn new ones. WORK EXPERIENCE 1997 - 2007 AGM ASESORES-ADVISORS, SA (A SPAIN COMPANY) ^ I started working in this company as an Intem, but quickly, my Direct Manager was promoting me to other different jobs into the company, due my talent in Finances. ^ Into The Financial Department, my mission was to prepare the taxes for the clients, to advice them about their finances, and everything around their financial area in their companies. ^ After some months into the Financial Dept. I was promoted to the Administrative Department. As the Director of this internal Area. My mission in this Department, was to create the internal invoices for our Clients (we have in that time around 1.000 clients), to account this invoices, to be in direct contact with the clients to collect our bills, to follow up our services, etc... To be in contact with the banks every day checking the statements, the payments, etc.... The internal accountant, the relationship with suppliers, etc.. ^ Human Resources: While I was the Director of the Administration of the company, and I was just 25 years old, I was the responsible of the management of Human Resources, and there was in that moment in the company 42 employees, between the offices of Granada and Malaga. ^ In 2002, I moved to Marbella (Malaga) as The Director of this new Office. In that moment, we just was working there, a girl at part time and me, and in the first year as my job as the Director, I was able to triplicate the monthly income of this office. ^ In 2004 we were working in this office (Marbella) 5 people. ^ In 2006 I was the Director of Malaga Office too, which were working another 4 people, and also, I was the supervisor of Granada office too which had another 30 workers. OFFICES IN USA AGM International Corporation (2005) ^ From Spain, I was the direct Supervisor of employees in Miami, controlling the company, travelling to Miami when it was necessary (normally, 1 each two months or so), preparing my Boss's scheduling and travels. ^ In 2006 my Boss bought the 50% of a 2 Business Centers in Miami (one in Brickell and the other one, in Coral Gables) . I was the Accountant Supervisor working together whit his partner. ^ In 2006 we created a new company "Hispafihns Corp". A Film Production Company. We were the distributors in Spain of "The Lost City" directed and starring by Andy Garcia. I was the person in charged to prepare all the Promo like travels, hotels, theatres, guests.. I'm living in Miami since February 2007, because we decided to dedicate all our efforts to these companies, and because our Spanish Companies have very good Directives, right at that moment. Since I'm working here, I've been in charged of the management of the companies: in Hispafilms I am Associate Produced of all ours Films, and my job in this Company is between others, the supervision of all the accountants, the payments involves all the production, to review the contract between the LLC and the talents, etc.. Our 2 first productions ("Mancora" and "Celia the Queen' had participated in the biggest and the best Films Festivals: Sundance and Tribeca (New York) in the USA. EDUCATION I.E.S. LA ZAFRA (Granada /Spain) 1989 - 1994 Specialist in Business Administration and Computers I've taken some different curses in Spain like: Human Resources, Finances, etc... English: I have been studying English since I lived in Marbella, an recently I took 31eve1 here in Miami Dade College to continuing my learning SKILLS ^ Team player, creative and hard working. ^ I work whit both, MAC and PC ^ World, Excel, P. Point, ^ I'm very good in Organization, in Customer Service. ^ English, fluent ^ Amateur cook -creative cooking and good following instruction OTHERS ^ I have been working for 12 years with the same employer in all the different areas of a big Company which has 3 offices in Spain and 1 in USA, so I have a big experience in all of areas that involves a company, specially in Finance, Administration, Organization, etc.. ^ I have Florida Drive License, own cat, S.S INTEREST ^ Books ^ Movies ^ Music ^ Art in general *References famished on request 1451 S.MIAMI AVE, #2009 Telf. 305.298.0138 Miami, FL 33130 e-mail: anamarbella@hotmail.com Ana B. Gomez patpg pBlsorlale~ Nacida en Granada - Espana Nacionalidad Espanola Actualmente residiendo en Miami desde el aiio 2007 Plena disponibilidad pars viajaz E7q~erianCia 1997-2007 AGM ASESORES-ADVISORS, SA Espana • Mi e~eriencia esMa basada fundamenlalmentie en haber trabajado siempre bajo d mismo grt~o de empresas y en las diferr~es ~s que ~s ernpnesa~s tienen en tar+eas de Ges66n y Administracibn. Departamenbo f=iscal y corrtable • Comenzando las tazeas de contable propiamente hablando en 8ste departamento. Pasando a ser Asesor Fiscal en un breve periodo de tiempo, asumiendo las tareas propias del puesto: Inspecciones de Hacienda, confeccion de Impuestos, asesoramiento directo al cliente en cuanto a sus necesidades fmancieras. Departamenbo Administrativo • Despucs de ascender al puesto anterionnente mencionado, pase a desempei7az la Direcci6n del departamento Administrativo interno de la compaflia, to que conllevaba la tares de la factiuacion, gestion de cobro de unos 1.000 clientes de la asesoria, contabilidad interns de la compaiiia, etc... • Relation directs con todas las entidades bancazias, remesas de recibos, facturas, proveedores, clientes, impagados, etc... Departamento de Recursos Humanos. Junto con mi trabajo en la Administration y Direcci6n de la empress, asumi el cargo de Recursos Humanos, teniendo con 25 silos, la responsabilidad de 42 trabajadores distribuidos en 2 oficinas (Granada y Malaga) En el sib 200'1 Traslado comp DgtECTORA DE LA OFICIIW4 de iNarbella ~~~) • Comenzando la tares unicamente con la ayuda de un auxiliaz a media jornada, en el primer afro de mis gestiones, se triQlico la facturacion mensual de la asesoria • En el at[o 2004 ya habia 5 trabajadores. Gracias a las gestiones realizadas de fidelizacibn a implementaci6n de clientes • En el alto 2006, asumi la direction tambion de la oficina de Malaga capital, que confabs con 4 trabajadores y compaginaba con la direction de la oficina de Mazbella y la supervision de la oficina principal de Granada que en aquel momento contaba con 30 trabajadores Fn el a~io 2005 Comienmo con la DineccKm y Gerencia de las Oficina de Miami deeds Espa~Ya • Desde EspaHa, estoy en contacto directo con los trabajadores de Miami llevando la organization y el control del trabajo, organizacic5n de viajes tanto de mi jefe, Como mios personales paza el establecimiento de la compafYia • En el aiio 2006, mi jefe compra e150% de un Business Center en Miami con 2 sucursales, una en Brickell Ave, y otra en Coral Gables, haci~ndome cargo yo de la supervision Contable de las mismas, control de gastos, personal, etc... Aso 2006 HISPAFILMS • Nos introducimos en la industrica del tine Distribuvendo en Esoaila la velicula "The Lost City" diri~idgy nro onizada Qor Andy Gazcia. v fui la encatgada de la or¢anizaciGn de toda la semana de promotion en Esnalla de la i ula. o~ganizacidn de Hoteles vies comidas etc Lncluvendo un almuerzQy cena en la Emba~ada Americana en Madrid que D F.duazdo AeuirrejEmbaiador) dio Como homenaje al Sr. Andv Garcia ANO 2007 • Llevo viviendo en Miami desde el a0o 2007 que nos decidimos instalaz plenamente en USA, pare encazgarme completamente tanto del control de las producciones de tine (Control de contratos, control fmanciero, bancario, etc..) y compaginando la supervision de las compailias en Espac3a desde aqui. • Siendo Productora Asociada de las producciones realizadas hasty la fecha (que han sido elegidas pare participaz en el festival de Sundance 2008 y en el de Tribeca (NY) en 2008 tambien) FortnaGlbn EdttCativa 1989-1994 I.E.S LA ZABRA Motrii, Granada (EspafYa). • Formation Profesional, Ingeniem en Administration y Gestion de empresas • Cursor realizados en Espat7a de Recursos Humanos, Area Laboral, Fiscal y contable, inglos por supuesto. • Trabajo tanto con PC Como con MAC, por to que me desenvuelvo COnonlClnienti0~ completamente en cualquier programs que estos inciuyen, tales Como Word, Excel, Powerpoint, mucho conocimiento de Internet, Mecanografia muy avanzada, etc.. • Especialidad en Atencion al clients tanto personal Como telefonica. • Especialista en Organization y Gestion Administrative • Inglis fluido, hablado y escrito. ~ • Espa0ol, lengua materna Db+D~ • Soy una persona que lleva trabajando 12 aiYos bajo la supervision del mismo jefe, pero Como he resumido anteriormente, he trabajado en casi todas las areas que una empress puede cubrir. Tengo coche propio, licencia de conducir americans, S.S, • Puedo presentaz cuantas cartes de recomendacion Sean necesazias paza acreditaz mi experiencia. }~ppbieg Lecture, tine, temas cuhurales en general, musics.