Easement with FPL (1)a p~ ~j- a -oG3 ~i) w~;rk Regaest No. EASEMENT Sec._, Twp _ S. Rge _ E Name: _ __ Parcell.D._ co. Name: (Mamtalned by Gounry Appraiser) Address: Fonn 3771 (Stocked) Rev. 7;5e pp _ or The undersigned, in consideration of the payment of 51.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grant and give to Florida Power & Light Company, its licensees, agents, successors, and assigns, an easement forever for the construction, operation and maintenance of underground electric utility facilities (including transformers, cables, conduits and appurtenant equipment) to be installed from time fo time; with the right to reconsUuct, improve, add to, enlarge, change the voltage, as well as, the size of and remove such facilities or any of them within an easement as described in the following pages. See Exhibit "A" for Easement Description ~5 i~ Together with the right to permit grantee to lay cable and conduit within the easement and to operate the same foi communications purposes; the nght of ingress and egress to saitl premises at all times; and further grants, to the fullest exterr the undersigned has the power to grant, if at all, the rights hereinabove granted on the land heretofore described, over, along under and across the roads, streets or highways adjoining or through said property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed and sealed this instrument on Mav l 3 ~, 20 09 Signed, sealed and del' ere jn the presence of: City of Miami Beach ~ }, _ o aesn i ~L 2-<__ ~__ gy: 1 moss gna ure / /.. .tens i a e PrinlNamo: ~`~~thi'~ ..`a-Y~'Itc~f ~ Print Name: Matti llerrera Bower,_ Mayor i ess n r~'-.~sf ~Zt-C--C ~> ess gna ure i Print Name: - ~ ~ ~-. `..~ i /-J - ~ i C- f- o (Wlmess) Print Address: _1700 r`nnvantion r'r+ntPr or. Attest ~ ~~ ecre aryl signs ure Print Name: Rnhor~ Pa rC}yprr r•; t`~ lnrk PriniAddress:t~nn r'nnvnn+i nn r'on+or,~'~ Miami Beach, FL 33139 (Corporate Seal) STATE OFF_lorida AND COUNTY OF Miami-Dade.. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~~dayoi :~ _ 20p~,by Matti Herrera_BOwer ,and unhPrtn.p~rrhAr _ respectively the Ma or _ Presi9ent and _Ci t y C l ~kretary of Miami Beach _ _, a __ corporation, on behalf of said corporation, who are personal known t_o me on have prodaoed'.-- -- - _ -_. identiftcatien, and who did (did not) take an oath. %/' (Type of IdentificatipQ My Commisawn [xpires: „= ,__ - ~Li ~Lc .,#~_-_q__ ,,. ,~ KEFlRY HERNFNDEZ Notary Fi c, Stgnahnt=- ~ ~ x NY ~14dIS5tOtatDD 6~37~ ~ - J,St., >?IRE£Itir°, +,r11 F:In!Namc ~~~~l~~~~~ r in a V!._1l ~ ., mm~b'f APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE 8r FOR EXECUTION •` ~L7 ~~ ate LEGAI. DESCItIP'fTON CPPY OF MIAhll AF.ACA WATER and \VASTE\\'ATER PC)1TP STATION VVWPS-1U Tll~'DF.RGKOGND N'LORIDA PCri1'F,R .AND LIGHT EASEMENT A portion of that certain parcel labeled "PRIVATE PARK" as shown on arncnded plat of '`BLU.G ISLh", according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 1 I, of the Public Records of Miami-Dade C:ounrv, Florida and being more particularly described as follows: A strip of land 10.00 feet wide, 5.00 feet on each side of the fullow'ing described ccntcrline: COM~IENCL\G at the Southerly most point. of curvature at the Northeas[ corner of said "PR[VA'1'E P:1RK' ; TITENCt South 32°23'00" East on the East line of said `'PRIVATE PARK", a distance of 144.20 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve to the right; TI IENCE southerh• on said East line of "PRIVA"I'E PARE" and on the arc of said curve to the right. having a radius of 64.91 feet, through a central angle of US°42'52" and an arc length of 6.47 feet to the YOINT OF BEGINNL~G of said centerline; TI IENCE on said ccntcrline the following eight (8) courses and diaances; 1. North 40'2(133" Hest, a distance of 60.66 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve to the left; 2. Northwesterly on the arc of"said curve, havinG a radius of 22.50 feet, a central angle of 47°43'2?", and an arc distance of 18.74 feet to a point of tangency; 3. North 88` 10'00" \\rest, a distance of 24.83 feet; 4. Soulh 8?°23'56" West, a distance of2?.63 feet; 5. Trorth 87°34'49" \Vcst. a distance of 28.64 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve to the right; 6. Northwesterly on the arc oT'said curve, having a radius of 20.00 feet, a central angle of 5I °50'3l", and an arc distance of 18.10 feet to a point of non-tangency; 7. North 09°39'14" Bast, a distance of 25.42 feet-, 8. NoRh U9°02'36" Gast, a distance of 16.68 feet to the POINT' OF' TF.RM[NA1'IUN of'said centerline. Sidelines of this casement arc to be shorlenctl or lengthened to form a continuous strip of land and to intersect. existing right-of-way and property lines. Said lands lying in the City of Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, 1"lorida and containing a total net area of 2,12? square feet (0.0488 acres), more or less. rrepmcd n>~ cnt.vl~, alcm~nho nvu nssocl:~.rPS. we Shcct 1 of .~ Shccts IMiU 811cr Drivq tiuile bUU Pon LaudaJalc. FlonJz 3'316 :logust 27. ~nc1R Ttcviad Aryt'. '. 2UG9 N?Yruiuas'.?.0U?•.0 i 1 j I U Pump Stanons'Surve~giLern: ile.aipri°ns1U?; 5 (G V-SiJ-CLPC-PAM-f.Joc ~'OTI'.S: ! . \ot valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida licensed Surveyor and Mapper. 2. Lands shown he«on were not abstracted, by the Sun'cyor, for rights-of--way, easements, ownership or other instruments of record. 3. 13carings are based on the East Tine of that certain parcel labeled "PRIVATE. PARK" as shown on amended plat of `BELLE [ST.L'°, according to the Plat thereof as « corded in Plat Gook 5, Page I I, of the Public Records of Miami-Uadc County, Florida having an assunred bearing of South 32'2>'00" East. 4. Information shown hereon and on the attxchcd Sketch does not represent a Boundary Survey. CAL .IONIJ:~\`O 3c.l~CIATES, L\C. (/ k/1!!~v mate: T ~ .~' "-l G gory Jy le , nts - ofessioral Sr ev and Mapper Flvrida Regist <tion Number 4479 Prepared ny-. c,~t,vlN,ciloRt~ANO,a:Dnssocaanss.l~c. Sheet ~ of3 Shccts IsW Lllr Dnve. Suitt GMl knl L:nidcrAale, ! lurida 333IG .4ugns: 2?, 2008 Revised :1pi it ?, 20r.9 t'?PfojW~s'$UU^'•A^! 510 Yump SlaUOnS,tiurvc}'d.oea! Dcsa~iptionsl0'i SIO~V,SD-F.LLGPSPiT Am. SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION Underground Florida.,Power and Light Easec~ent ~~ C.ity of Miami Beach Water and Wastewater Pn~Pn ~,o _ -__ _ - Station WWPS-10 ;~ po<°` R - ..- goo ce LEGENU: ~e~ L= OCR DAOE COUNTY RECORDS ~~.o; 1r CA = CENTRAL ANGLE ~ e o\ PRA pR' CONC = CONCRETE \-' c y4 G \ ~' \ L = LENGiH '~. S~ 1E ~ L.B. = ucENSeo BuslNESS set=' ~ \ ~;pa\ 5,Q MDCR = MIAMI-DAOE COUNTY RECORDS ~~ J ~~ \ lp Y+ PB PAGE BOOK JBCJO: ~~<t ~ ~` \~Gl ~', PG = pOg = POINT OF BEGINNING p•/ \ .c pEz « POC c POINT OF COMMENCEMENT d %' ~ \ ~ =~- Q`L. ~ ` yp+' _~ POT = POINT OF TERMINATION 9~s~ \~ ( ~ ~- ~ -4F ~~~~ 6Y.A~ r. R/w RAG TS OF-wnv ` .% `~ \ ~ r_.), T if"_. kgPr:~/. ~ '~~~,Ta~y~' ~~. m~••~o,. _ ~~-•~~;, ~.., ~ ~ LOCATION MAP yOST PQINf OP ~ ; A J Mel to &a< LURyA'CURE`-OP .RHE ~ ~- } .{- ti tea ~ ~• ~~~ ..ter' " ~ NORTNEAST..CORNER ` r ()<-:~yA'tE GARU' I 1 f 1 '-* I ;, y \,I ~ I- } ~ {P~,x PGJ I, O.C. R.); ~ ~`._. ~ ~, ~~~~~1. I ~ ~~ SITE ~~' ~ 2:-~ ,~`~ ~}I I ~ I `-r '~~ i:.r~.~ LOCATION _. ~I ~ ~h *, ~ a ~. 1. ,. ~pc ~. ~~r' ~ ~ ~ - x ~j~' ~~ -, ~~p~~ t J 1~ t o .j 1 y~ Y y u r- ~`, ~ ~ _~11 i"t~. v ~~• I ~ < I -~ ~.I W Vl sW a! ` J ( ^4 ~~,~_, ~ R ~,~ .F~ ^~ •r,a'~~I t r.,~ :~ as I .y 1 ~ {~ I ~ ~I ~ ~ .,,,, M fir, D i` '~ Sr;r ~ `J, _ s`.I o° cE F °R ~.~iv ~~LVU I r ~ 1 `' ~:`v ~. ~ - ~ 4~ ,r~, ~ , ~ ~ , ~ I pp ..ID J GRAPHIC SCALE 7~ a ,~ i ~ h ~ ~ I I , ~~~ (IN FEET) I >: I ~',r. •.' I -'` '~ I r' l`~';vl t loan = 20.0 ri- ,, 7 ~ , I ~.u . ,~.; th~~. -.z~iz~z3C 1 h, ~' ::~..~ ~. n _.~~ I~.Jy_~ Li 15,9 `C cce' 6.( :i" a ~ ~~~~ .,~ ~" , ,t: " C ~._i I ~ t--- % `\ Ana apv v ~3_ N ~` fl ~-~ ~ ~- P ~ T, v. 3~/ \ '~'UCw:m .nµi c~ }A.~ ~ \ _' i\~/ n:, c ~~.. I' N0`19'02 36"E -- ~- '~~ - ! t6.68' `-R~20.00' CA~St'S0'3t' Lm 18.10' REmSED Oa-07-2009 ~ Cahte, Caicadzata i Asso+to¢a, trc. ~ scup cna[c v s~cc~ ~ }~:~„ s~~ Sec. 33-53-42 I.=zo.o_j,`c»-'s~G ;~ ~ , I~ ~~k. ~~... 5~~1• •~ Cit of Miami Beach 3 ~ )~~,•n~ ~~a=»L~ 1er,n,o~,e~' Miami-Dade Count ,Florida ~ .. on.•~- ~ n~~.. mii Y I OS-26-LOGS SiC i:-~ 0 3 i