Easement with FPL (5)o2G0q - ~7nG3~y~ worx Request No. EASEMENT This Instrument Prepared By Sec._, Twp _ S, Rge ~ E Namo: Parcel LD._ Co Name: _ d b ~ Coun N •a seq Atldress: (Maintarne y ry Pp~ ~ Fonn 3722 (Stocked) Rev. 7;94 ~ ~"-~ P9 _ of The undersigned, in consideration of the paymenf of S1.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grant and give to Florida Power & Light Company, its licensees, agents, successors, and assigns, an easement forever for the construction, operation and maintenance of underground electric utility facilities (including transformers, cables, conduits and appurtenant equipment) to be installed from time to time; with the right to reconstruct, improve, add to, enlarge, change the voltage, as well as, the size of and remove such facilities or any of them within an easement as described in the following pages. ~,~„~„,.r:,,,rr.,~„ __ _ . __ See Exhibit "A" for Easement Description YS L ~ Together with the right to permit grantee to lay cable and conduit within the easement and to operate the same foi commurncations purposes; the nghl of ingress and egress to said premises at all times; and further grants, to the fullest exten~ the undersigned has the power to grant, d at all, the rights hereinabove granted on the land heretofore described, over, along. under and across the roads, streets or highways adjoining or through said property. IN W ITNESS W HEREOF, the undersigned has signed and sealed this instrument on Mav ) 3 , 20 09 Signed, staled and delivered in the presence of: City of Miaym~P r Beacom i ess' S/rgna re -- -f''rr iii 1fi . suer ~ uc.I PrintN;~me JS~II~F'( ~1~•~~//f'/~ PriniName: f~~i._ittl *iet-.- i i >=t~;•, i~,:or .~ -(Wivress .~ ~ ~ . f/' _ ~~ ^ / ~ ~ 7 i e~"~--~9V i nom' Sitjna ure -- Print Name: Cam' L /i ~ ~ i ~ ~ __.. (Witness) Prin[Address: /11'7,010 Convenr't.i'nn r`antnr nr, Attest: r Wes, ~ tN-~` ecre ry s signs re Print Name: R~ghr+rt Aa rr•har~ r'i ty_.C,1..erk Print Address:l3II 0.-Lonsr Miami Beach, FL 33139 _ (Corporate Seaq STATE OF Florida AND COUNTY OF Miami-Dade. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me Otis ~~dayof }~_ 20~, by Matti Herrera flower ,and Rnhart Darr•hcr _.__.___ respectively the Mar President and CitY_C1®ekretaryof Miami Beach .a ___ corporation; on behalf of said corporation, who are personally known to me or have produced- _ __ . __ __ identification, and who did (did not) take an oath. ~~ %/ (Type of ldenufication) rAy Commission Expires: ' • ` ` ZC ,~~~-+i~ ~ hlotay Pu ic, Si nature '`a print Namc 'E' Y r _._ 4-. ?r~~Y' i ~E APPROVED AS TO .-'.E FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ~l / c ~ rcy yam, (_ , ate ' SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION s'G• a FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO. EASEMENT ~TO,IY-~~ THIS IS NOT A SURVEY s lllC 9lf CF NDRMAVLri'. P0. 'i5-G!: 0 G / `. s~ IY /U V~ a ~ , N ~- ll' [> ~ '` ~ C ; / j v_. ii / I : - % ,i ~7.1 i I' - ... LOTS 40,41,42,43 AND 44 BLOCK 10 "OCEAN SIDE SECTION OF 7HE ISLE OF NORMANDY" PB. 25-00 e ~~~a//. Fl'L E1SI:MEV'f TO F.NCOAfPASS 'L-5" PVC CUNDi'ITS _EGAL DESCRIPTIOJ'j: >. PGi:HOn OF LU:~6 40.47 42,43 ANC 44. H~_OCK 1C, A,S SHO'bN Cn 7HE PLAT OF "CCL%~N SIDE SCC.P:)~ OF THL ISLE OF nORNANCY" A> ~i;COkGED In PLAT BDUN 25 A7 ?A0C 6U OF illi P'.:RLIC RL!:')RDS GF 614tN1-R4CE CUUnTY, f ~_ORICA. SUNG I4CRE Vrr111CUL=RLY UESCFIBLC ,.. 7YL~0'NS: CCNNENCF Ai TH_ 147RTHYJEST CCRnER CC THE TRACT :)F ..ANC CiiMPRUEC OI ShID LC45 4!:,41.42<3 /dIU ~4 Vf RLGCK I0. OF THE P/1T OF "Ci;L.W 'SIDE SECT'-OA OF lilE. IS,F C~ nCRR1hNCY; iHf NCE .'.UN SiiUTH 5'4"'S" i1'F.ST (;wSll>,IED B~:EINGj ALONC THE WESTERLY LINE GF 5ah: iOT= iC.4'.,4"l,<< AND 44 PCR A. CISL1Nf.F Or I19,bC CET; THENCE RIIN NORTH 73'00'0!" B+Sf FOR A. DIStAN~.".E CF 4A:::i fFE' iU :LE POinT Ci sf ~INNBvD. I~fFNCF IlJN SGIJ i4. 173ti 44" LAST fOR r. UISTAnCF OF 1.49 FEET: THENCE kUN NUItiN. T~ 2~ I6" EAST FCR A ;iI5T0.VCE GE 4E.36 FEET. THENCE Rl1N SGUIIi :?'36'44' LAST FCR A DIS:AN.".E OF '~.4 :iU FEET; THENCE RUN NOR:II :2'i3'1G" [AST FGk A DISIANGE OF 1CIX7 FEET: THCNCF RLN NDRIII 1736'44" Wi51 fOR A DIS iAnCE OF 21.39 fkE-1 THENGC RUN SG~Tii 7pG2'2E' 9![$T fOR A DISTANCE OF 74.T~ FEfi; THENCC Ittlt` SOUTH 7.`.'0:;b 1' NEST IOft A .STANCE vi 12.0E FEc TJ Ti I. PUiNT M NI :;INNINo. CONDIINIFIa 550 fin '>Jl1hRE :EET, !lA'26ACRES f: IAFI~. MORE Oli .FSS. FRL?ARED BY. h. R. TUUSSJ.RIi ~ A.SOCir„FS, InC- ~:.NG S.IiiYE'fJR. ' --°IORIDA CER7IFlCA~L CF aD71s0R!u1710N t& 2?3 s'!G `n;"' ::i6v '.'r,!aNl, t. Giinii•. 33~6f F..:.. (i05i 691-~: }.5(i nJ(: (',-05i 653-0525 ' CA.TE: FLLtIi.iAY.v ';6, 2:06 CRC'R No. ii4+8 A.P. TOUSS:,INT b: A°_~SOC:A'~~, INO. n r ~~ i'f. - - A_BER" ' ='~S4IWT RED :TE:EU !1.taNEEF `. H': :B fiEGISTEF.'4EE :~~:':'f"i,F...1.C IiG: ~'L,~f, NU. 9i'3 T.4n . ~, F_uf C.,.