Easement with FPL (6);yoo~'-a7UC~.3 (5) work ttequear: No. EASEMENT This Instrument Prepared By Sec.-, Twp _ S, Rge - E Name: _ Parcel LD. Co. Name: _ (Pulaintained by County Appraiser) Address: Form 1722 (Stocked) Rev. 7?94 pg _ of The undersigned, in consideration of the payment of $1.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grant and give to Florida Power & Light Company, its licensees, agents, successors. and assigns, an easement forever for the construction, operation and maintenance of underground electric utility facilities (including transformers, cables, conduits and appurtenant equipment) to be installed from time to time; with the right to reconstruct, improve, add to, enlarge, change the voltage, as well as, the size of and remove such facilities or any of them within an easement as described in the following pages. ~a~..~~1~::,T„n~.,~ See Exhibit "A" for Easement Description t'7 is ~ Together with the right to permit grantee to lay cable and conduit within the easement and to operate the same for communications purposes; ttre right of ingress and egress to said premises at all times; and further grants, to the fullest exten the undersigned has the power to grant, d of all, the rights hereinabove granted on the land heretofore described, over, along under and across the roads, streets or highways adjoining or through said properly. IN WITNESS W HEREOF, the undersigned has signed and sealed this instrument on _ May ! 3 , 20~ 9 Signed, sealed and delivere N the presence of: City of Miami Beach t- or ~o a s na --~ -l ess Ignawre / /~ ;~~~~. sl en 3srgna ni rY Print Name: _/ `:fit%~F' --~(~,7C'-~~ Print Name: Matti Herrera Bower, (Yiayor (Ness /~-~7 I ess gna re"j Print Name: ~ ~; ` y r ~ J f-~ r ~ ~ O (wllneSS) Print Address: 1700 r`nnvr~nFinn ('enteS_~r. ~^?Y',~M''ami nearh FL "i.11 ~o Attest: ~""''`^~~ ~ ecre ryssgna re Print Name: Rnhc~ Pa rrhar !`,_~_ h~ r'l ork Print Address: ~0 0 __r o rr pr , Miami Beach, FL 33139 (Corporate Seaq STATE OF Flor ida AND COUNTY OF Miami-Dade. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 13 ~?day of~ f'~ 20^r, by Matti Herrera Bower _. ,__-, and Rnhart Parr•har __ respectively the Ma r Presideritand City Cl~kretaryof__ Miami Beach _. ,a __ corporation, on behalf of said corporation, who are personally known to me or have predueed-_ - -- -__ as identifieaEien, and who did (did not) lake an oath. //JJJ ~_ (type of laontifiwtion) A4y Conxnission Expires: ~ ~~{ ~ ~~~ r z Notap• P w, Siena ...."^°'°'°-i print Namc ~ 7 ~ YY/C/ f1 ~~ ~ •':n::;Z •..,.t KERRY HERNANDEZ I '~~ ~" h1V Cgit,llSSiltJtDJ82ri37 r~. ~: EXPIReS. tdey's, 2D11 ]~ ?cn03]Rr_Maa~'FJ.n: U'„c^:.r ter.. ,.M,h APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION 1 ~ , ; `~ - Ity tto EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A SURVEY I f ~ CONCRETE N ~ ~ z :...~ +~ ?AVEMENT Wo: v( N . O ~ ~~ 2 .. 3.3~ ~. f 10.00' ~ o~Si SAAt 3.0' °_' 10.8' S83'30'35 rn -0' ' 61, f{- -'-" r ~v------ ~ SA ~~ ~OrJ• h0 .\ LTA Q OUT '_OT 231 ~" o N L_EGEN D ~,' o = POIM OF BEGINNING C' 0.6. ,~~~ lU?3 1 P.0-C. = POINT OP COMMENCEMENT U;5a5j ~ ~ P-~ B it ~. I ry'J --8.00 A.R. TOUSSAINT & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ / LAND SURVEYORS 'a I FLORIDA CEPTIFICATE OF ,bm- )~ - - ~ AUTHORIZA(!UN No. LB--273 ~~ ' 620 N.C. 126 ST. NORTH b1IAM'., P_ORIDA 3'.161 ~' v ORDER Nr.. 12428 OA1 E: 05/02/08 C SGAIE~ ~~~ ~~ PRES. ''~~ ~ . ~s~~,~~vfi ~ t ~ ~ ~ AL6ERT R. TOUSSNN7 Ai. .ti/ f `C STATE Oh YLUKIL SHEET i OF 2 EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A SURVEY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A ?ORTION OF "OUT LOT 231" OF THE "AMENDED PLAT OF FIRST OCEAN fRONT SUBDIVISION OF THE MIAMI BEACH BA.YSHORE COMPANY. b110.M1 3EaCH, FLA.", AS RECORDED IN PU1T 800K 9 AT PAGE 78 OF THE PUBJC RECORDS OF MLAMI-DADS COUNT'!, FLORIDA. BEING MORE PAR71CUlARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID "OUT LOT 231", AS SHOWN ON THE FLORIDA DEP.aRTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, RIGHT OF WAY, MAP SECTION NUMBER 87060, SHEET 7 OF 11 FOR S.R. A-1-A (COLLINS AVENUE), SAID POINT BEARING NORTH 69'1550" WCST FROM 1HE CENTER POINT OF A 1271.23 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT; 'HENCE RUN NORTH EASTERLY TO THE RIGHT ALONG SAID CURVE !-IAVING A CENTRAL RNGLE OF C'49'41". A R.ADPJS OF 1271.23 FEET AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 18.37 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RUN NORTIi 70'58'52° WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 1C.23 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 47".2'19° WEST FOR A D'STANCE OF 40.94 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 6'29'25" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 6.79 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 83'30'35" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 6'29'25" WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 3.74 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 4712'?9" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 33.78 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 70'58'52° EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 8.61 FEE: TO THE INTERSECTION OF A CURVE, SAID POINT BEARING SOUTH 67'59'05° EfS'T TO THE CENTER POINT OF SAIC CURVE. THENCE RUN SOUTHWESTERLY TO THE LEFT ALONG SAIC CURVE HAVING a CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0'2704", A R.AD~US OF 1271.23 FEET AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 10.G1 FEET TC THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 530.20 SQUARE FEET, 0.01221 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. A.R. TOUSSAINT & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYORS FLORIDH CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. LB-273 62C N.E. 126 5i. NORTH MIAMI, FLORIDA 33161 ORO~R No. 12x26 DATE: 09/02/08 MAPPER No. 9G7 2 No. 8935