Easement with FPL (7)aoo~- a7o~, ~( b) work Request No. EASEMENT 'his nlsrNmen; Prepared By Sec._ Twp _ S, Rge _ E Name: _ _ _ Parcel LD. Co. Name: (AAdlntained by Codnty Appmiseq Address: Form 3722 {Stocked) Ree•. 7x94 Vg-o`- The undersigned, in consideration of the payment of $1.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grant and give to Florida Power 8 Light Company, its licensees, agents, successors, and assigns, an easement forever for the construction, operation and maintenance of underground electric utility facilities (including transformers, cables, conduits and appurtenant equipment) to be installed from time to time; with the right to reconstruct, improve, add to, enlarge, change the voltage, as well as, the size of and remove such facilities or any of them within an easement as described in the following pages. r«-.,.,t~~..c.~,r~.,~ See Exhibit "A" for Easement Description P~a~ Together with the right to permit grantee to lay cable and conduit within the easement and to operate the same for communications purposes; the right of ingress and egress to said premises ai all limes; and further grants, to the fullest eaten the undersigned has the power to grant. if at all, the rights hereinabove granted on the land heretofore described, over, along under and across the roads, streets or highways adjoining or through said property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed and sealed this instrument on F1av 1 3 , 20 0 9 Signed, sealed anddelivere in the rese_nceof: City of Miaom~B Sash L ,~~~ _ ~i ness igna e ~ re ens g u ~~ ~ Print Name: Matt° Herrera Bower, Mayor Print Name: .1 _Sla • % - ~ ~- r"~' -~ ness ~ 'r • Print Address: 1700 C`nnv n inn (`antsy fir. ? Attest ~/~ ~~°~ ~ -~ ~ e ary s signs re - PrintName: Print Name: Rnhart pT rrhar~_-Ci }`irk (Witness) Pflnt Addmss:97nn (`nn van}inn r`cnf or-DS~~ Miami Beach. FL 33139 (Corporete Seat) STATE OF Florida AND COUNTY OF Miami-Dade. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this f~tday of t~~_ 201, by Matti Herrera Bower_ ,and ____gnt,ar} v:,roher respecfivelythe Ma or Presidenland City Cl~kretaryof_. Miami. Beach _,a corporation: on behalf of said corporation, who are personally known to me or hav ---~- identification, and who did (did not) take an oath. % / , {rype of iden6ecation) My Ckxnmissian Expires: "J ~ -,- F~ ~~' - NolaN P ic. Signature / y__ Print Name ~ R'Y ~ Y ~ P ~ ~/ l /id i° ~0 1 r"%~.-- KEFlRY HFANNiDQ "~'~ •f:5 qty C0lrh!SSIIX•7ADD b267i$ "cRPtP"e$: hlzr 3, 2611 "'`" ~£' _ APPROVED AS TO '+?r,T,+`y'"'r &:~Tkc Rn. NuVrPllc J-mrcrLis ' FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION 2 b~1 ity ate SKET ;H ~r'7 ACCOMPANY EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO. EASEMENT THIS IS NCT A SURVEY p: e, BL~ilK }p Al T'.; DEC AW+ V+: 3 _ `C P PAC[ 31 •~ '•S1' I -_L. ryT rC. VAIL V (! 75th STREE~~ - - ~' - - - V' I E w z w - > a -.:bf:S. ~ _ 15.0' 1°: ~ Y •: ~ , O I ~'4 'D - ^IY Oi MIAMI BCAGN _ Cvr 'IP! •WATER 4NJ WASTE WATER ~~ PUMP STATION WWPS-13 I-- s5- n'F :T :RANSrc•?Ir ~. vy? f• i x 6.5 LE9AL DESCRIPTION: A P:?KII:IN C= P : !I~kF67?CED NCHTH SHCF.C FY•HF PAC'EFTY ~(:i:ATE7 AT Ti{ :;Ol1THWE57 ~ONNFR C~ THE IN-E?iC(:"IlM r- Tiin .`:IItFT ABC i•:^.Ki NS 4'+EMV`_'h' NE CITr :3 I/ANi 6c f.H IY S(:alGh 2. 70'hNiI V~' ST `:O'.'iH, R:•Ni;` 3~ EA'. Il.n»I-CAGE COJhIY, 'L^F.ID4 BI IN ; MC?E FARIV.:.fI ARTY 7E>CIAitCD .45 'OL_C'W`: ~7Nel IJC.E AT 1HE ';:?I:IHFA':T COliv:~ k C: LOT < SC?::a ?4. C" -Li(?1E DFI M4F., Nn }, ACSORC'vC IC f-I' PL4T 1HEh I F"JFJEC rv F'. •`•T POOK P 4I • r <t •7v a '_ PLP.I l: F.ECOIT?S :)F MIA//' J C !: Jrlly FL7Rtl'•, I' 6rlC.E I'.ll SOJtiI ' PR TO' tvE>t ALON; -iF E7!gH tl`' F%ffi:'iICN OI IhE Ff`i PF7FLK Y IP F SLO;;K tt F7F' 4. D61AN%L OI ..5.a: FEET 10 iHF S2J-P RLJHI OF 'NAY Lv= lIF 'S1h 51?CCP. 'H: ACF P,Uh DUL 'd't ~T ALCIJC 1I IL -.:'~~' F. BHT OI Al•~ IvE 0° 64C '+U. S-?_ / Ir•:? ;, 71.TANOC (:'- ld9-Sr::EF-; I I-VCF F.GY DUC i0l1TH FC? A 015-AVCF OF `<O FEEI 10 lhf 'UIIJ( ~ ~{(LIhHIVC 0' '•. IFN COT 'RIDE 5'RIP OF lAVO. L<. VP >.U' °EEl GN G\7H aDE ,",= ll4 pLL:%9iIVG OC5: R19`_i: !:FNiERJNC C: FJSEIlEhI: II It NCF RUN 7!IC W't`I" A.UNO A LINt 4.47 FEE! :+'.1,JH :i= ANO ^AR.LL"L ':i IMF :0!I-II r::?~ ~•F 7rA° LINE iJF EAC 'Stn `;'BEET FOE A 7L`:i/•NCE CF IS I:0 "EET: 7HENCL !t!IN '?^:III 6"3C_01'"R 'Ok A 7157Ar1(:'--_ :i~ :2C2 FECI; II IFh CE RUN DIl'. YIF~r Ai01a0 A LINE '},g3 FECI S:)Ii 4 :' A.^IC' f AF.•\L'_LI 1(! THE n:liPl F.I ~i- "- P'AY (IF SAIC' T:dh `i1PFFt :^? A Jltib\FJ,^.E CF 15.5y FFFT TC Ti? '"RMII+471CN i •::.6'. C' '+AT? I:FNTE?L'.RC ANC• FI-F EVJ Gi ITS C3CRIBEl1 .A`;FMEtJT. SURVEYQR'S CERTIFI ATION: hE HE?E;IY CERT=Y' i•I!.' 'HIS 'EKEiCh. ill AB?7MFAVY FASENEh'1 L'_;bl :E.OR'~nON", IS 7P.UE AV7 C•^RRFCT Ag i'REP.ARE7 UNDrk OUR JI?ECIION AV7 1HI: '><FT°H OF FJC;F.MF*R LEGAL OCSf'.RIP-101:' COMPI ES 'NRN III! AONIMUAi IL'hHI:N SI•V.`V•INg FOP. tAAO SJirpr N iHL 51AT ::F °ICP.IDA. UHCEP. CHA°IER 472 CF ME ''>IAII STATLiF:. 4iGli-FdINE. PREPARED BY: A. R. TOUSSAINI & ASSOCIATES, INC. I UiP.I:N ::E?T.I '::..F U' 420 nl. l4F 5' N:?•?Yt h1 Al.ll, It_rtpl'::< 33'6' ttr i rt. C?~Q".~a-i' -PR-s- ~~~ AI Ifl Y, R. TOCt:A\I VT VHOFES~UjNAI Li.: R': EY'OR F' »iJ°OE' No 4(l? ~EO=GSF?tpJA_ ENCN"_I R No. g4`~ r:TATE 0. II_Okl;d '.1'4=: yn. 1Z4'~': 54tEI ar ! UAIE' .K)I" •?6.