Easement with FPL (8)work Request No. __ EASEMENT This Instnrrnent Prepared By Sec._, Twp _ S, Rge _ E Name: Parcel LD._ Co. Name: (Maintained by County Appraiser) Addrcess: _ _ Form 3722 (Sta.:ked) Rev_ 7194 py _ of _, The undersigned, in consideration of the payment of $1.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grant and give to Florida Power & Light Company, its licensees, agents, successors, and assigns, an easement forever for me construction, operation and maintenance of underground electric utility facilities (including transformers, cables, conduits and appurtenant equipment) to be installed from Gme to time; with the right to rewnstnfci, improve, add to, enlarge, change the voltage, as well as, the size of and remove such facilities or any of them within an easement as described in the follOWing pages. txa:roan 4s Cr_n maw'. - - See Exhibit "A" for Easement Description lA)-q, 4~~T Together with the right to permit grantee to lay cable and conduit within the easement and to operate the same fol communicztions purposes; the nght of Ingress and egress to said premises at all times; and fuAher grants, to the fullest exteN the undersigned has the power to grant, rf at all, the rights hereinabove granted on the land heretofore described, over, along under and across the roads, streets or highways adjoining or through said properly. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed and sealed this instrument on May ! 3 __. 20 09 Signed,s led and elivere~inthep[esenceof: City of Miami Beach ! orp 9 name i nr~ss igna ore / . res a is sig afore Print Name: _ ~~.` f ~•~~ ~ Cif FL Print Name: Matti Herrera Bower, Mayor ~ ness ~ ~') ,;^ PrintAddres5:~~0_.~nnvr'ntion Centar t1r. .' ~i .~Tz~rc; r ~-! 2~tC.~ z, i ness Cigna ore ~_ -__ /? Attest ~? . ~ // r7 J/ ! E- ~ c• . ecm ry s signs re Pdnt Name: ~-- (Witness) Print Name: Rnhari- ~a rrho~~..Clerk Print Address: X0.4-~,pn „fin }i,pxi... Ceu#,e>~Qr , Miami Beach, FL 33139 (Corporate Seal) STATE OF Florida AND COUNTY OF Miami-Dade. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~~tdayof~1_i__ 20~by P1at.ti Herrera Bower ,and wnhert Darrhar _ respectively the May r President and City Cl~kretary of _ _ Miami Beach , a _ __ corporation, on behalf of said corporation, who are personally known to me or have~redueed-_-- -_~ idantificatinn, and who did (did not) take an oath. ~ (Type of Identificatwn) My Commission Expires: lz t`-~_~ti.._. -- Notary'+" ~ficY.. Signaturey \~ PrinWamc .F->r'=)~Y-{ _ i f yl'J ~7 ~~-t~. APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ,~- 5-z8-D~ .;try It r ~- SKETCH FULORIDAOPOWER & ALIGHT CO.LEASEMEDNT CRIPTION THIS IS NOT A SURVEY _EGAL DESCRIPTION: 4 portion of the Right of VJay for North bay Road, Stcle Roac 11'L, Interstate Road 195 as shewr. ur. Florida Deporment of Transporto0on, Right of 'Nay Mep, State Roce No. SR 25. Dade County. Section 8709G--2402. Sheet 4 of 5. Be~nc in the Gly of Miami Beach and being a portion of fractional Sections 22 and 27 in Township 53 South, Range 42 East of the Stale of Florida. Also, Being a portion of Lat "D" as shown an the Plot of "Re-Subdivision of Lo`s 48,49,50, be 51 of Biock t, Nautilus Suodivision" As recorded to Peal Book 35 of Poge 46 of tha Public Records of Miami-bode County, Florida. Being more particularly described as follaws: Commence at a ooint on the Limited Access Righ`. of Viay line on the south side of North Bay Road os shewn at the North Bost corner o`. Lot "D" o`. :he plat of Re-Subaivision of Lats 48, 49, 50, & ~'~ of B':ock 1 NoutiWs Subdivision" As recorded in Plal Book 35 at Page 46 of the Pubiic Records o` Miami- Dade County, Florida. Thence run South 9' 09' 56" West along the Easl Boundary Line of said Lot ".` fore distonce o` 52.58 Feet; l hence run North 80' 5U' 04" West for a distance 4.50 feet to the Point at 3eginnrig o`. the herein described easement' Thence run North 9' 09' Sri" Ecst fora distonce of 10.72 feel: Thence run North 42' 12' S4" West `:or c distance of 10.77 fee:; ~ Thence run North T 41' 25° Wesi for a distonce of 4.47 feet; Thence run North 18' 02' 16° East for distcnce of 12.25 feet; thence run North 42' CS' 25" Eost for distance of 12.35 felt; 'hence run Narlh 51' 37'44° Eost for a distcnce of 8.31 `eet to a point of intersection with the Easi Boundary line of said lot "D", Thence run Nortrt 9' 09' S5" =ast aSOnq the Ecsl Boundary line of said Lot "C" for o distance of 2.25 reef tc the Northeast comer of said Lol "D"; Thence run North 88' 43' 01" East along the North boundary line of L.ct "E", oiock 1 far a distonce o' 2.51 feet; Thence run North 51' 31' 44" Ecs`. for c distcnce of 1.56 feet; ';Fence run North '%1' 44' 30° East fora distonce of 10.38 feet; Thence run North 86' 21' 36" East fora distonce of 14.08 feet; Thence run North 87' S9' 20" Ecst for o distcnce of 14.70 feet; Thence run North 88' 19' 15" Easl fora distance of "5.27 feet: Thence run North 62' S9' 2D" Eost for o distonce of 15.02 feet; Thence run South BT '~1' 46" Easl fora distance of 45.00 feet; Thence rur, North 2' 48' 14" East for a Aistance of tO.OC fee`.; Thence run North 8T i 1' 46" Wesi fora distance of 45.86 feet; Thence run South 8'L' 59' 2.C" Wes`. far c distance of 15.42 feet; Thence run South 88' 19' 15" West fora distance cf !4.83 feet: Thence run South 8T 59' 20" West fora distance of 14.68 feet; Thence run South 86' 21' 36" West for o distance of 15.50 feet; ?here run SoutF 71' 4h' 30" West for a distance of 13.44 feet; Thence run South 51' 31' 44" West fora distance of tfi.t4 feet; Thence. run South 42' 08' 25` West for o distonce of 15.31 fee:; Thence run South 18' O2' 16" West for c distonce of 16.67 feet; Thence run South T 41' 25` Easf for c distonce of 9.86 feet; Thence run South 42' 12' S4" East far a distance of 9.07 feet; Thence run Sa~th 9' 09' 56" West for a distonce of 5.91 feet; -hence rur South 80' S0' 04" East fora distance of 10.00 feet to The Poin}. of Beainnine. Contoininy 1736.2b Syucre Feet, 0.0399 acres o` land more o- less. SURVEYOR'S NOTES A. R. TOUSSAINT & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SUR'JEYORS (i) BEARINGS REFER TO SPATE OF FLORtOA, ?iANE F~_ORIDA CERTIFICATE OF COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH AMERt:AN DATUM A'JtHGP.IZATION No. Lh-273 8390. TRANSVERSE LIERG+dOR GRID, FAST ZONC. 620 N.E. 126 ST. NORTH MU\N,t, hLORIDG. 53161 r PH: (305) 691-7340 FAX: (3C5) 893-C32_ (2; ---INDICATE`i BURI© CLECI RIC DUCE AS OR:JF_R No. 12421 DATE: OCTOBFn 13. 2 04 PAINTF~ 2ED D''' OTHERS, A..BERT R. TOUSSAINT oRGFESSIONAL SilRVEYOR & MAP?ER hfo. 9U PROFESSIONA'_ ENGINEER No. 8939 3 S1 ATE OF F_OR1JA S-fEt~ ~ ~" n N MaTCH uNE SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION _ ~ I w FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO. EASEMENT N I I THIS IS NOT A SURVEY o I i N r ~ I °~ I I ~'r a , ~~ ~ cn l 0.0071 z w I I ° I~ ~ ~ i W< ; ~ ~ ~ W W I` I > y O / ~J-'~- ~ o r I W 1 c f/-1, W ~ ~ ~ I I =_ N ~ I J I -° '~~ w LEGEND: W I '~ P.o.a. = Poln~ of BECINNwc ~~ 14. ~ ~ l: P.O.C. = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT zao 1 li ~ "~ ~ a ~_~ ~ \\ \ ° ~, I.~ w SCALE: ~ io t" = 10' ~~ \ s z z ~n Im •~e N~ ~4¢^ \\ \, ~- ~~ LOT ,~E" o`-~ \ ~\ no.'~z BLOCK 1 NAUTIUS Z N '~ ~ „O„ „~ ~~. SUBDIVISION ~y' a31va0~ ° ~, PB 35-46 \ ~ \ ~ 'L 3Mtl \ \ x! 8 ~lLN3ciObd `~ 9l \ ivy ~S \ ~\ ?~ .._o., \ ~ 6~ f~l ~p4. T \ ,; a ~ \ FO \\ 1x78. ~~t / yr s ~Z \\GG \ Oz J6" a \~ / O ZS O o 'I' ~ f Ni'41'25'Y / w ~ o ~~~ ~. GROUND ~~. _~--~_~// 5.9.• 00 "'2 d ~ - . ~ cGFC?RlC r... p>JCTS 666-' // ,,, F,S9'0950 '~ Oa ~ 76.6j• '~ -~ p`L ~ ~ J8~02•. 9.8'0' `' ,6, %v g ~•a+.'25" E LOT "D" A. R. TOUSSAINT & ASSOCIATES, INC. BLOCK 1 NAUTIUS ;AND SURVCroRS 41st STREET WATER SUBDIVISION ~~oRIDA CERnFICA,F n= BOOSTER PUMP PB 35-46 AUTIIORIYATION No. I_[?-273 620 N.E. "26 SL NORT~I IAIAN.I, FLORIDH 33165 STATION #41 Prrl: ,305j 891-7340 FAX: (305) 893-0325 ORDER Nc. '/2/4n2' DATE: OCTOBER 13, 2004 B":____-~1,~/C.~ ORES. ALBERT R. fCUSSAINT PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR ~,c MAPPER Nc. 90? PRO~SSIONA_ ENGIKLER No. 8939 STATE OF =:ORIOA SFIE~ t OF/ ALTON ROAD SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1G•o~ " FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO. EASEMENT N 2 as 14 E. THIS IS NOT A SURVEY 10 II I J •I I 21 a . .. ~~ I I ~ o I /I r I ~ 1o ~ I I I ~ I I ' r I r I N i I ~ , U w C i ,p I ~ I f I ~ l0 I a r I ~ •_ '- .\ F-/ / -~ --~~ ' ' I ~ / ~. I ~ ( _ ~ '` i m F- I . I ~ Z' ~ I - W I i ~ ~ I ~ I w W l r l it (n i w ~ ,~ N Q W i rn ~ W I I ~ 1 I ~ I I Q ~ N I J i ' w W 3 I 0_ ' i ' Z °a ~ ~ ' LOT "E° ° ~ ~ ' ~ BLOCK 1 NAUTIUS ~, Y , ! , z SUBDIVISION I m ; I o 1 W P8 35-46 N ~ mQ . I a 'I ' ~N O Z ry ~ I O I i In r~ Z ' ~ ~ ?.0.3. = POMI OF BEGINNING II ~ g ~ P.O.C. = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT t I ~\ ~~' I ° I ,,, o SCALE: ;~ I ~ I e~ 1 " = 1 C' I < I - rn~ I ~ I N~ wa ~! ~ I ~~ A. R. TOUSSAINT & ASSOCIATES, INC. v> i 2 I LAND SURVEYORS ,., I Z FLORIDA CERTIFICA"f` OF ' I ALTHOR~7ATION No. LB-273 M. TC}I LI _ 620 N.E. 126 Si. NORTH MIAMI, FLORIDA 33'.61 ~ ~ PH: (305) 891-7340 FAX: (305) 893--037.5 ~ 42' DATE: OCTOBER 13. 2004 . 12 ORCER N o , BY: / ~ / !:!ti i' /C~~- _. 'RES. A'_BFRi R. T^vUSSAINT ~RSi(-SS~ONA~ SURb'=1'OR & MAPP[R No. 90i "'RvFESSIONAL "eNGINEER No. 8539 ' STATE OF ^LORICA SHEET 3 OF _