Easement with FPL (9)don't-Zyob3(g) work Request No. EASEMENT This ICSVW`ient Prepared Hy Sec. , Twp - S, Rge - E - Name: __ Parcel LD._ Co. Name: _ (Maintained by County Appraiser) Address: dorm 3722 (Stocked) Rev. 7:'Ja py _ of The undersigned, in consideration of the payment of $1.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grant and give to Florida Power & Light Company, its licensees, agents, successors, and assigns, an easement forever for the construction, operation and maintenance of underground electric utility facilities (including transformers, cables, conduits and appurtenant equipment) to be installed from time to time; with the right to reconstruct, improve, add to, enlarge, change the voltage, as well as, the size of and remove such facilities or any of them within an easement as described in the following pages. F ~..arnn ,.c:~:,rt See Exhibit "A" for Easement Description P~ ~, Together with the right to permit grantee to lay cable and conduit within the easement and to operate the same fol commumcafions purposes; the right of ingress and egress to said premises at alf times; and further grants, fo the fullest exten fhe undersigned has the power to grant, if at all, the rights hereinabove granted on the land heretofore described, over, along under and across the roads, streets or highways adjoining or through said property, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed and sealed this instrument on May l3 , 2099 Signed, seal d and dellivere~ in th presence of: _ City of Miami Be ch . P lL / r nom L~~/ r> P.c. ~ ~~ BY' A _ - i no~s iDna ure / t~esiden 's si9na re ,UE ,~7~_'~f/~ PrinlName: Matti Herrera E3owcr, Mayor Print Name: -~---~!~ / - (v4dness ,~ Print Address: 1700_Convantinn Cantor Dr. ,~,-an ~-~lyC' / r ,,--~~.3m.LPreacl~PS. 3313Q ~~ i~r' !/t !~'--/t.- ~; naelar5ssgna ure Print Name: -- (Witness) Print Name: ,hart Pa rr•hor f`i tv r`1 ark Print Address:l ~ ~ , Miami Beach, FL 33139 (Corporate Seal) STATE OF F_1_ orida AND COUNTY OF Miami-Dade. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~~dayof ?ter c, 20~by Matti Herrera Bower ,and Rnharl:_Parrhor ____ respectivelylhe Ma Y President and City Cl.~kretaryof____ Miami Beach .. ,a __ corporation, on behalf or said corporation, who are personally known to me or have-prodaeed--__ -.-as identrfieatiea, and who did (did not) take an oath. , /~ (Type o! idenlificaeon) ;,^ ~, My Commission Expires: ~`..-~~, ._. -~.~ ~.. - Nolap•?ut~c S naWr Print Namc ~~, Y~ ~° Y./7A ~~`~"= ? ,it~~ji~"";`,. KEFlRY HERNANDQ - r, ,.: IdY C061hIISS10N5DD 82f~'Pd >;r~~ F,(PiF-E ~: h1ay3, 20!t _ '~••°~r,.~a' ~_,~~~~~~„_:;i•~r~.rtrr,.~-,. APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE n & FOR EXECUTION f ry tto ate r Sk~TC:N 70 ACCOMPANY EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO. EASEMENT 7HIS 15 NOT A SURVEY 1 1 th. ST. _ ~ ___ T - -- - - - 1 ~! ~, I I F. c it Y.S' IC @ Gy Uk. U'~ ~ D7RL~~ i -__~~.. 7 - OVHC ~: OL. tEl.i'C. ' • C PD = / _ I11 PJ. IRCM It =l ":c NCE V +v ltif ~I:J~ FU. ~ a \.ryj REBAH ~ FPt 'R4Na $i.NEXI ~ ~vC :9.W ~/ "' I c ., -- i/ ~S. II I d0. `• ~p 1~G GAS YA~VE \pV ~~~ IAiT~R , 5' z ~ 'i fib.. r~ IAI1.0 4~ I y ,I ~~ LOi I6 IL e, m BLOCK 69 f° i 70.C' ' V < ' Al1Y ' I4.G~ 1 ~ N ~ fANG SU3 ' m ~ ~~^iNFHA7UR v~ ry ~ '. b.G• _ ~~. It-~-6.5~. ~ I ~PJ~~ ! ` YI!J1J{{ J ^ G L N P9~E ~) I :EMER SEYFJi SEWD? , 3' IHIGH''~l IH.C MNiC MH.C I C9~ WALL ~- WFS•EWATEn PUMP STA7+ON NO. 1 I ttn STREE? AND JE: FEP,SON AVENUE CITY OF MIAMI BCM^H, F~_ORIDA LEGAL DESCRIPL~: 1M 5>OUiH X0.00 =EE1 OI" THE NCRTH 16.L1't =EET OF iHt LtiST TS.6G OF LOT +G, BLOCY, 69. OC:CAN 3F.ACH, FLA., PD/ITION NC. 3, ACCOROtNG TO THL PI.R THEREOF RF(nRDED IN PLAT BCOK IJUMDER 2 AT PAGE HI OF THE =UUUf. RECORDS MWMI-DARE COUMY. FLORICA. .~xURVEYOR'S CERT LfICAII WL HEREBI' CERTIl': 'I N+ Jh115 "SKETCH TC AD::OM'ANY EASEMENT '. E4FL DEP~C~i4''I:1~1", I`: 1HUE AND CORRECT ,1ti '=RFr'ARED "NCUt OUk DIRECTION AND THI ';F'.~CH ai EASEMEIJ- LEGAL DESCKIPIICN" COMPLIES 1VITH THE MINIMUM 1'CCMN'..^.k. `.TANOARUS PUR LANT: SURVEYS I~ "I1. S'r\"F CF FLCRIUk, TINDER CF+APTLF. 4'i< ~F T4E ~TAIl STATUTES, S1Gi7-L.000. PREPARED BY: ' A.R. TQUSSAINT & ASSOCIATES, INC. IhNU SUR~YOR'J ROHR)A CERTIFIC.ATC OF AITHORIZALON No- .E-273 S20 hl.L, 17fi ST. NOR iI' NIAIAI. F.ORIQA 331F.1 // i! ~ ~ VR.S. .UBERT a u)uSSAINT PFOFCSF9Uhf1 SURVP'UK B A1A°Pc Nc. HG? PROFESSIONAi ENGIREER No. 6939 ;TATE OF FLORING, REV'. APRI_ tl, 206g RE'.^ FPNIL 6. 20U; ORDER NC. ',2cpg SHEET f0= 1 L'A.TC. MARCH YS. 20^S