Revocable Permit 1360 No. View Dr. Inc. (2)~o0 9_ a 7o g1 REVOCABLE PERMIT THIS AGREEMENT, made on this ay of J'tU p/C , 2009, between the City of Miami Beach (City) and Sun Trust Bank, as Trustee under that Certain Trust Agreement dated October 28, 1993 (Permittee). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Permittee is the owner of the residential property abutting the Demised Premises, located at 1360 North View Drive, Sunset Island No. 1, Miami Beach, Florida; and WHEREAS, the Property has a de-minimus encroachment(s) that consists of a portion of an existing carport that projects into the public right of way adjacent to North View Drive; and WHEREAS, at its regular meeting on June 3, 2009, the Mayor and City Commission approved Resolution No. 2009-27091, granting a Revocable Permit to Permittee to retain the aforestated encroachments on the City property; said Resolution attached and incorporated as Exhibit "A" hereto; and WHEREAS, the City, for and in consideration of the restrictions and covenants herein contained, hereby permits the use of the aforestated City right-of--way, as described in Exhibit "B" (Demised Premises), attached hereto and incorporated herein, for the period of twenty (20) years commencing on June 5, 2009. NOW THEREFORE, City and Permittee, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, agree as follows: ARTICLE I USE OF DEMISED PREMISES BY PERMITTEE/IMPROVEMENTS The Permittee shall use the Demised Premises for the installation, maintenance, and construction of the following (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Improvements). ~i.~ m ~ ~ S ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~---- 1tiuU1 emu?-~-~ -- --