E 11,. AG REENIFNT 'WriEREAS. the ALTON BEACH REALTY COMPANY executed an instrument dat=~.- Jung ~~, 1~2~, filed July 21, 1925 and recor°de~ i-; De°~`-" ~,r,;~ "~i at pa'"P ' 37 of the Public Records o1` Dade Co~.zr~t~: , r^-~~^icla . .yt ' ~r~ ;:ist_"_'nent purported to grant an easernerz+.. fc, certa±r: ~,_,_,r,.,;;e~~ (as set forth in detail therein) in t~-.e s~.~~di.'~:tans r'°_fer~~ea to ir. said instrument, and I~~HEREAS, !ryCTOR Ei. LINDLAHR ar,~: FI.~~It~'~rE -- - f . t~r~[,AHR . husband and wife are r.he ~wner•s of .%` Let. l~, Block ~l of cELLEVIEW SUBDIVISION OF ALTON B~;ACIi, as the same is shown, marked and designated on a plat of sa":.d Subdivision reccrded in Plat Book No. 5 at page 114, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for• Dade Co~.zr.ty , Florida, and '~'~~REAS, VICTOR H. i~INDLAN~t are<~ ~'I.:.~,F.~~,CE ;• .. r .u I) LA HR , husband and wife are the contract vendees of Lot 20, Block 41 of ALTON BEACH REALTY COh[PANY's Plat of BELLEVIEW SUBDIVISION, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book b at page 114 of the Public Records of Dade Cc~anty, Florida, and WHEREAS, RAY SHAINESS, an unmarriF•- ,,oman, is the owner of ~ Lot ~, and Twer,;,;,~ feet (2~' } oc~ ;:ne North side cif Lot ` , o, Fsiock ~l of Br~7.LEVIEW SUB- DIVISION o#' A.LTON BEACH, as the sane is shown, marked and dest~;nated on a plat of said sub- division recorded in Plat Book C at page 111 in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and far. Dade Co~Jtnty, Florida , and WHEREAS, EVhLYN J. I>OtJGLAS ( a married woman, who together with her husband. LEE P. DOUGLAS, have executed this instrument) is the osti~ner of All of Lot 1 and Lot 2 less the North Twenty feet (20') thereof, of Block 41 of BELLEVIEW SUBDIVISION, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 6 at page 114 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and -1- ot-~cs or cmr ~rroax~r - cm sarr. - ~~ saaca s9, rzosma '; ~'~ iS i ~ -----~ ~, ~ o e oug ass ~~ .pttest: 9 er STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF DADS) SS: ~. ~~ ~~ (LS ) ve yn . o as , e oug as ( ) CITY OFlMIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA \ / By yor I HEREBY CI~RTIFl' that on this day perao~ull~r appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to adainister oaths and take acknowledgments, VICTOR H. LINDLAHA and ~':.AR~tC~i A. I,~~,q~; his wife, to me well known to be the pe^sons deae~•ibed in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and aclrnowledged before the that they executed the same freely and :~l.untarily for the purpose therein expressed. iiITNESS my hand and official seal at ,~~,~ ,r„~ County of ~,~,e~... and State of ~- fie. - s . ~ .~'+~ this ~ 7'~ day of ~~,~ ~-~ y~---ac.-~~% A . D . 1956 . .• My aommisaion expires : ~- ~~, ~y~, ~ ''~ bc,.. - - - ~ .. ~ y 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -!111.• iTATB Ole g~-~ tl0iJlf'!'1' Ole '~'~°`~~ I•I~RZBY C~R?I1rY that on this day personally appeared before ns, an o2'fiaer duly authorised to administer oaths and take aolanoalsipeats, SAY SIIAIliisi, to to well kRem is be the . {` ;i p~~prr++ - `~. .~' ,x ..: ti+ •' ,. r ~~~ ' r person described in and r:ho executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged before me that she executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purpose therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal at ~y1«_,~ County of ~-~-~_, and State of ~k .~-~..~d-r~-1 this ,~ '7 ~ ~ day of ~~ ~.~ ,x ~~{ _ A . D . 1956. ~F~., ~•, n , My commission. expires : n any a c, a e o STATE OF ~ ~~~°~~ COUNTY c7F ~~``~~/c I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this dffi personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, EVELYN J. DOUGLAS and LB,E P. DO(KiLA3, her husband, to me well known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged before me that they executed. the same freely and volunta:~~ly for the purpose therein expressed. ~~~.~ WITNESS my hand and offjciai seal ate County of %G~/ and State of /G~,v- ~ , this Y7 day of ~ A. D. 195b. 1Ky commission expires: ..., ~ a e o ,IWIM /-. OTTO, it. wrrY r.W~. sr~. w w~. r..k Mw 41-SYf77N, Wwl. in ~llE/N6 Cw prt. ftl~ fig Nnw 1MIc hnnty (?nswtn+M Cxpiret Narch E0, tY67 State of Florida, Coun+y of Dade. ~~ day of.. This Instrument w_~ ~. ~`; iu. ;~~:ord 'he. 1957 at.3-~~~•~"~~ M d duly recorded in OFFICIAL RtCORDS Bo~k......_.../.. ~Zo... ti r; :.: ~ .-~' ~ LI ~ J , t'" ~'., r_ t ; , , x . ,- ~ ~. ; ~ . ,~, t.. ~ j.. ~ p .L ~ 4 ~ +~ ~ ,. ~ A r ~- ~• ~ a~f,0,~~:s{v, j ~,. 1 ..,.>~• ~. .an ~~37~. ...on Page _ E _ L_~.-. ~ H~'t AN Clerk G~cuit Court By yQ fit- . ----------~---- ~ -~- r e ~~~ . ~~ ~- ~ . •, _ ; 4 ~~~^ ~r ~