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Y;~110sd ~Z i,~d BY Tl~i~;S.:~ 1'n:S~1'La, '~~hat we, in consideration
of the benefits accruing to us by i°easor, of convenient access
and a lesser cost of the coristructio~~ of sevaers aria the desira-
'aility of having the t'_zings hereinaft:;r specified, placed in the
locations notes below, aril in consideration of ~1.Ou, receipt of
which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby ~-;ive and gr~.nt unto tree
City of ~:iauzi Beach, .'r'lorid~., its successors s.nd a"ssigr~s aild its
grantees operating public utilities, the yaerpetual right alld
easer.~,ent, to lay and r~o.intain se~*~ers, water mc.ins, telephone acrd
electric conduits underground, betti°Teen -lie end o' all~,~ hign~yT~.y
and the vaaters ede, ~.nd betvreen the end of any highti°ray and
another lot or niece of land and ~~al~ich ~:.re reserved from public
use ire the follovJing named subdivisions, as such '~~i ~htiw~,ys a.l~yaear
on the following mays of said subdivisions:-
~:tmended Flat of aunset bake aubczivision; l~~autilus aubdivisiol~;
_~iautilus ~~ddition; 3eac",-~ ~Tiew Subc_ivision; La.Gorce Golf aubdi-
V1.1oY1; _:_ ..'i u1;4v ~,:.~idltl0ll; u:nd 1;cYi~ Vl 'u~ allbtil.Ul.siCY1; ca, :; .~~'`-
ahowu.::_ mn Plats recorded in slat 3001; ~~o. 8, a.~~e ou; in 'l~:,t
Book 1~0. ~3, i'~~;e y~; in Flat 3ook ~o. ~, :ra~~e 13v; in slat _~ook
i o . ~ , x'ae 15~ ; in `~'l~.t ~3ook ao . i4 , ~ a=e 43 ; 7,ri Mat Boox
lvo. 16, Page 10; ~.t~u. in i'lwt ~iook 1~0. 14, Fage 4~; respec~i'vely ,
all os' tai; i'ublic records 0i 1J~,~e CoU11ty, Flori~~a.
It ur ~1~~L5 ~rJH~iOF, the said P~:InTi .~ ~.CN 3izY SOt~F CGI:s'r~ti',
has causd these presents to be signed i-rz its name by its
l.'resident and its corpors,te seal to b~~ firmed, attested by i ~,s
Secrets.ry, both duiu~ ~~u-~hOriZea., at l.:iami Be- cry Daae COUnt ` '
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r~ori__~., ~:_~s clay of r~.. ;~., 1~~~;~.
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aT;il'E OF FLO~IDr1)
COUP~2TY nL~ ~ SS;
I' ~•'?~BY C.`T?TI~'Y that on this da
y persona,11Y appeared
before me, J dT;;'OOD ;7~,~
,and `v. B. I3UCIIdPutilS, Vice i'resident
and dss is tant a"ecre tart', respectively, o f the ,.,?~,;?I B~CI~ B
SIIO.c» CO~;1-~,IY~ a coiroora,tion under the laves of the Smote o dY
to me well ~ov~ to be the ~ f Florida,,
personw described in and who executed the
foregoing instrument
and they acl~zowledged before me that they
executed the same freel
y and voluntarily for the
purposes therein
expressed, and that said instrument is the act and deed of said
;'ITNF,SS my ~~arc;_ az~d c _'.^- ~ -
A~.~-Lal seal at '_iami Beach, .Dade
Cotmty, Florida, this o~q
a. D., 1925.
.~otar~ .-~abl is
~•~ Co.^.v:iiss ion e,ri~ires :~ Q _ ~
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