Evaluation Committee Procedures CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Office of the City Manager Interoffice Memorandum m To: Executive Staff Department/Division Directors Date: September 21, 2001 From: Jorge M. Gonzalez ~ City Manager U ~ Subject: EV ALUA nON COMMlITEE PROCEDURES Enclosed please find a summary of evaluation committee procedures. The action." de~';ribed in the attached procedures are designed to ensure an efficient, effective, and consistent application to each Request for Proposals (RFPs) and Request for Qualifications (RFQs). Please ensure that your staff is aware of the actions and responsibilities as outlined in the enclosed procedures. JMG':1jtGL f Attachment: Evaluation Committee Procedures Matrix <:) V> fT'\ """ c' '" 'T <J1 ( -0 ;-'q.~ - - i9 '" " N -I tr< (' \1' ,"'\.1 ~ "., .:1.J J...'"'c 5 \ :\\ ~; -l~ D:-I:) \ (~1 .... -"; ;" \'J -" ,'" -"' \. * EVALUATION COMMITTEE PROCEDURES ACTION 1. Notifies Department Director/ACM of receipt of proposals, proposers, and lobbyist. 2. Recommendation of Evaluation Committee Members. . Is the Committee etlmically and gender balanced? . Consists of individuals that are knowledgeable or have experience andlor qualifications relative to the project? . Consists of citizen advisory committee members, if applicable. . Consists of Miami Beach residents? . Odd number of committee members? . Balance of staff with non-staff members? . Does not include staff members that report to each other. 3. Preparation and typing of Letter to Commission (LTC). 4. Review of recommended Evaluation Committee Members. 5. Appointment of Evaluation Committee members and transmission of LTC to City Commission. 6. Review for Responsive and Responsible proposals. 7. Determination of Responsiveness. 8. Sets meeting date, and determines if parking passes are Needed. 9. Issues Parking passes to evaluation committee members. 10. Contlict of Interest Determination. II. Preparation of Agenda for Committee meeting. . Guidance to Evaluation Committee Members. 12. Advertises and Records Minules of Committee meeting. 13. Distribution of Documentation to Committee members. . Rating Sheets reflecting evaluation criteria. . Reports Re Financial Analysis, and Reference Checks. . Any other pertinent documents that would assist the Committee members in making an informed recommendation. IS. Evaluating and recommending to the City Manager, . Must state the strengths and weaknesses of the top two or three fmns. . Must state reasons for why the top fmns(s) are the most qualified. RESPONSIBLE ADMINISTRATOR Procurement Director. Department Director and Assistant City Manager Overseeing the project. Department Director/ACM responsible for the project. Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli. City Manager. Procurement Director. Procurement Director and City Attorney's Office. Department Director/ACM responsible for the project. Parking Director. City Attorney's Office. Department Director/ACM (sample attached). Procurement Director and City Attorney's Office. Procurement Staff Member. Department Director, ACM, and Procurement Director. Evaluation Committee. 16. Briefmg the City Manager on the process and Committee's Recommendation. 17. Notifying the participants of the results of the Evaluation Committee's and City Manager's recommendation. 18. Preparation of Commission Memorandum: . Background & Operationalffechnical analysis - . RFPIRFQ Process & Evaluation Committee process - . Resolution - 19. Preparation of "Thank You" letters to Evaluation Committee members and proposers for CM's signature. Department Director/ACM responsible for the project, and Procurement Director. ,Procurement Director or staff. Department Director/ACM responsible for the project. Procurement Director. Department Director/ACM and City Attorney's Office. Procurement Director. MEETING AGENDA Meeting Description Results Desired Date Time Location Total Hours Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Introductions - Procurement 2 Project Overview - ACM 3 RFPIRFQ Requirements - ACM 4 Cone of Silence - Legal 5 Govemment in the Sunshine Law - Legal 6 Selection of Presentors - Committee 7 8 9 10 ~ '::c', ' ',c c' "c",c ~-:"',:." , ~>, ."-""