Resolution 11687
D80Ltl'!'IOII 110.
WIIIJlEA8. the City of Jlliaai Beach hu instituted. and 1:hen
18 now pending an B1lI1nent DoIMin proeeedill9 in tile J)ade county Court for tile acquisition by the City of the following
described property. ~it.
Lou 23, 24 and 25 of FlU'!' ()CI:g FaOM1 SUB-
DIVI.lOII, a~iD9 to the ...nded plat
t.henof. ncord4lc! in Plat. Book 9. at. page 18
of the Public Mcozda of Dade County. Florida:
and abo
'!'bat: certain p&lI'eel of land ly1Dg bet:ve4tn
C01Una Avenue aM Indian enek ".Ul'ly of
Lot. 23, 24 and 2S of FXU'! 0CBAIr J'BOII'I' SUB-
DIVl8I011. bounded aa follow., to wit.
likKI""ed on the SOIltberly ai" by the S0uth-
erly llne of OUt.lot 23 of said .QbcUvidon
prodaced weat.erly; bc:Nncled on the IIortharly
dde by the Rortherly 11M of OUUot 25 of
said aubdiviaion prolSueed We.terly: ~\Dd9d
on the "'eaterly .ide by a portion of the
11M a..cribed .. foU.,..
JlegiMing at a point 011 the SOIltherly UM
of Lot: 23 of saUl nbcUviaion pl:OCNce4
verterly. and In We.t.erly of t.he
Eaaterly 11M of COIUna Ave_. _aaul"84
alon9 the 8O\ltherly 11_ of .aUl Lot: 23
proc'hlced .....t.rlyJ t.benee nD Rortherly t.o
a point on t.he IfortMrly line of Lot: 231 of
.aid aubc1ivi.iOl'l produced .....terly. and 278
feet ..sterly of the 8ast.erly line of
Collina AveJll.le, _aaurea alonq the JJoI't.b$rly
line of aald Lot 2 31 p~uee<l .....urlyJ
bounded on the East.erly a.1de 1Iy a li_ pan-
llel to, and 31 f..t ...t..,rly of. the above
described .....t.rly boundary.
"~A8, ertenaive fte'JoU.at1ona have sine. baeD bIld with
the owners of t.he above d.scribed property for t.he purchas.
t.hereof, and
"'~If~ t.he ownen have ."reed to ..11 dellClrtll.cJ laRd
for tbe a_ of ODe 1fi1l1on. Pive JlUIldnd BlcJbty "I'housand
($1.580,000.00) Dollara, ahd
~~-u. the Cit.y CoQne11, after coaaU.rillCJ aatd otter,
hu determined that. it is to the beat int:ereat. of City,
ita cl.t.1.elUl aM ita re.ident.. to aeeept saUl offer, rather
tban to proeeed with aaid COndemnat.ion proeeec!lings, and
_BAS, an .se"", A'JI'eelllellt. for purchaa. of aaid laacl
1n aecoRllrace wlth the foregoill<jJ baa bee" prepared and u.. c.hy
CGunell beill9 fUl1l1arwit.h t1M provisiona ther..-f.
- 1 -
-. ,,_....o.a. B I'1' IlULY ImSOLVBD BY'1'8B CIft ~n. OF
'1'U CI'!'Y OF MIMI BAal. FLOatDA that; .aid ..crow Algreemem for
the purchase of .aid land for t.he IIUJIl of ODe Millioll, Phe Hun-
dred Eighty ~sand (fl,580.000.00) Dollar. aa afore. aid be
and the .... u hereby approved and agreed to and the Mayor and
the City Clark be and they are hereby authodsed ana directed
to execut;e for and in the !lUIe of t.he C1t.y the said ..crow
Agn.lleot herein....tvll! described aDd prepared by tbe City Att.or-
ney, and the appropriate financial aDd diabuniD9 officials of
the C1 ty of Miami Beach be and they are hereby cUr.ctad to pay
and disbar.. the IIWIl8 .pecified and .et forth in said AlJreGllU'lt,
aDd that upon the conau_tion of sa1d Agreement the penc.'linq
CondelllluaUca .u1t be diama.ed.
PMIaD and ItrlOIID t.his 16th day of DeceJlber, 1965.
(Signed) Elliott Roosevelt
City Clan:
(Signed) R. Wffi. L. Johnson
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