Warranty Deed No. 1 .-----r--------- -- '-- WARRANTY DEED g~~ 4~10 f?CE.3Q?:;-;l." . -..' ,0 ~1 1'1. . - ..:..-< '( . ..(\ [j-\ f , .~; / ~~~ 4894 fACE 564 ~ . \ \({ t.-) THIS INDENTURE, made this 22nd day of December, A.D. 1965, BETWEEN CHARLES DONNER and MARGO DONNER, his wife, SAMUEL DONNER and RUTH DONNER, his wife, SAMUEL I. ADLER and BERNYCE ADLER, his wife, and HOWARD MESCON and FLORENCE MESCON, his wife, of the County of Dade and State of Florida, parties of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida Municipal Corporation, having ,- its principal pLace of business in tbe County of Dade and State of Florida, and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the second part, ...., ~-'~ ;;\ --,).O!, -'-- F.I!.!'!!~~!!1! /;}...IO That the said parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten [$10.00] Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to wit: r' Lots 24 and 25 of FIRST OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISION, ac- cording to the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 9 at page 78 of the Public Records of Dade Coun- ty, Florida; , .. TOGETHER WITH all littoral and riparian rights appur- tenant or belonging thereto. ALSO, the following described premises, situate, ly- ing and being in Dade County, Florida [sometime here- in referred to as "new Outlots 24 and 25"]; to wit: A parcel of submerged land in Indian Creek in Section 14, Township 53 South, Range 42 East, Dade County, Florida, lying Westerly of Outlots 24 and 25 of First Ocean Front Subdivision of The Miami Beach Bay Shore Company, bounded as follows: Bounded on the South~ly side by the Southerly line of said Outlot 24 produced Westerly; bounded on the Northerly side by the Northerly line of said Outlot 25 produced Westerly; bounded on the Westerly side by a portion of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of Outlot 23 of the above mentioned subdivision, produced West- terly, and 161 feet Westerly of the Easterly line of Collins Avenue, measured along the Southerly line of said Outlot 23 and theWesterly production thereof; i;~ FI\lf: kUNDREO DOLLARS '" f ~i~ i;.:?j..""" ~.1]. .,;":' I ~:,: :-t..'....\.. ~ t; L :r:~ ,,; ,/~ ~-W'i' "t:;"~ . '" ,,/,,;-tl'; 'I;"~~~ ~ . ~~, <i)~b_'it''''-"~~~. ~: L~'lliij) ~;~,..-" ,~'.hi"c..; "-"__~ LAW OFFICES: KLEIN, MOORE & KLINE, 407 LINCOLN ROAD, MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA ) ~t~ 4894 fACE 565 1 . ~t~ 4910 PACE 303" .." . .- the~ce run Northerly to a point on the Northerly line of Outlot 231 of the above mentioned subdi- vision, produced Westerly, and 278. feet Westerly of the Easterly line of Collins Avenue, measured along the Northerly line of said Outlot 231 and the Westerly production thereof; bounded on the Easterly side by a line parallel to and 31 feet Easterly of the above described Westerly boundary. As said subdivision, outlots, Collins Avenue and Indian Creek are shown on the amended plat of First Ocean. Front Subdivision of The Miami Beach Bay Shore Company. ~ecorded in Plat Book 9 at page 78 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. SUBJECT TO: Conditions, restrictions and limita- tions .of record And the said parties of the first part do hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals' the day and year above written. j; .' . ;;(hl, t ~". , " /~ [jflt~dtUJJ~ ~~rles on~er., , ~ ./ [LS] Signed. sealed and delivered in the presence of: except [LS] h As 1 Mescons [LS] [LS] /--ML~A/ ~~ 0~~ As to Me cons [LS] [LS] [LS] J7~ LS] .' lorence Mescon, his wife ~~(LS) Howard Mescon 4'""' /-/ //- .~~'" o Mescons -..... ~D-<A.LC -;;: P..<1./ <<-z.. / (LS) lorence Mascon, his wire This Deed is re-recorded to show re-execution and acknow- ledgment by Howard Mesoon and Florence Mesoon, his wire, berore a notary publio having an impression-type seal. = 2 = LAW OF'FICES: KLEIN, MOORE & KLINE, 407 LINCOLN ROAD, MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA .' ~~~ 4894 PACE 566 8[~ 4910 P,\~E 304' . , , STATE OF FLORIDA ] ] SS. : COUNTY OF DADE I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, SAMUEL DONNER and RUTH DONNER, his wife, CHARLES DONNER and MARGO DONNER, his wife, SAMUEL I. ADLER and BERNYCE ADLER, his wife, to me well known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that they execut- ed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal at Miami Beach, said County and i/O, - "))) . ~~ \\.\llllH/'I/ ." 1101 ,,( ",..,,- ~ ..:r 'f..~ ,..... '""\ ..........oJ.! f ~', ~ ~~ .... ...,...... ." '; ~. c, .o. '.'; .'..~ ~~ ~,,~.. \1"1"1 .<.r' ~ : ~ U'I,J .......,1 : ~ - .. ."... = ,: 'l h State, this -r};r;/. day of December, 1965. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE of F~6m'\ E ,...;...C::,/ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JA~ ~!L.,,:\,\ /' aoMDaDBY AN&RK:AN F:IRIi.~ "3 \ ."",,, STATE OF NEW YORK ] SS. : COUNTY OF NEW YORK ] I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, HOWARD MESCON and FLORENCE MESCON, his wife, to me well known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that they exe- cuted the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and offie:ia.l seal at .cI4- ;j~ , said County and State, this ;z.yAl day of December, 1965. S~ATE OF FLORIDA)SS . COUNTY OF DADE ) . . I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day per- ~.~ ~ sonally appeared before me, an officer duly ~~~~r~ authorized to administer oaths and take ack- Notary Public, te of New York nowledgments, HOWARD MESCON and FLORENCE MES- 1'1""" Pn~s~~"" Yo.. CON, hIs wife, to me well known to be thePllX''f ' No. 24-7159395 sons described in and who executed the :fcrl!.~""':"~'''',,;,,,~~II(Ic..e Wed in King,Collnly going deed, and acknowledged before me'l:~~:d;.:..:Hl ".~r'fJ\'l1!'~t"D Expi"'. Much'u. 1"~" they executed the same freely and vol1.\n};1l.~.l<I~ ...rqi.>!ii{~,'~.~poses therem .:: ''":' "",~c _,' l,~'\ ~:-",'<';',',,, WITNESS my hand and official seal ii.'lT!~i, ',,;JiJ;~'g,i~ljl,~ tate, day of January, 1966.~.t:~A.:":!ltl),~; , . '- ..,.,Ji',' :::Y"I /":,::1.:;~:)L < ':{\q Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE of FlORIDA .t lARGE <:;. ~J;'('f ,.. . ....;.c, S t a e IAl CQlAlAlSSIIllt EXPIRES FEB. 8. 1B6t.;J/I'r;)i,S,;,,.."'dVi .I_~t '; t>';~L"""t>"l:,,;,~/-.. - LAW OFFICES: KLEIN, MOORE & KLINE, 407 LINCC5,L~~~9AD,:MI~'MI BEACH 39, FLORIDA _,_,,- '.. I.'J '_' .'-' h_ ,~" ',,:':-",,".,' >t, 1'i,.d_ '::-;.~"" expre s se:;;, this 20'~ My of Florida III<?'- >- LLI l- e ""-,~ ...,-: =:J c":':; 0 u ....>- LU I- o ~ ..c:r ,_,_ ,~ c~. C) ~~ >- LLI I- C] ~: - C~j c.=> '-' >,<,S'h >- LLI l- e) "'--__ < =:-, L:'J C.:::J U .,..-., >- LLI l- e ~_ ..,-;: ~ CJ c.-:-1 U "...ec.- >- LU I- C; a ""'+-. >- LLI f-- c:.~ :2:: <-::: -----" CJ r..::-;, ~'> LLI I- o Z ..:-:;: ~' CJ 0 U \ .''''"1'"" >- LLI I- a :z: -< => Co u ;,;,..... >- LLI >- C ..:::... '<:'! ::=" f:..' 0 u -..' >- LLI I- o ~ --::::: :=. co) 0 u ....,- >- LLI I- 02 , STATE OF FLORIDA DOCUt-' ENT~'~,"'",F'LA i:11'=1~ ~ --.,- ~T' '_"""-'~" ~. _ ~ ..IAN10'66 .c;'€~~~~\"\' , ::..,: cc ! 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