044-2009 Tourism and Hospitality Scholarship Program~) C` r .. 11,r r r - I 2005 dU~ 1 i P~ 4~ 39 Ciy of Miomi Beach, V00 Convomion Cemer Dnv¢, Miomi Booch, He-ido 33139, www.mi¢miboxhll.~ov MEMORANDUM no.044-2069 TO: Commissioner Jerry Llbbin FItoM: City Manager Jorge M. Gonzalez DATE: August 10, 2009 SUBJECT: TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM The purpose of this memorandum is to address questions raised during our agenda review on Tuesday, July 11, 2009. The City of Miami Beach Tourism and Hospitality Scholarship Program began in 2003. The scholarship program is geared toward Miami Beach residents or graduates of Miami Beach Senior High School who are enrolled or are planning to enroll in post-secondary education and have expressed interest in the tourism, food or hospitality industry (as demonstrated by coursework and extracurricular activities.) At the start of each academic school year, applications are provided to the following schools: • Miami Beach Senior High School • Miami Dade College • Florida International University • University of Miami Florida State University • University of Florida • University of Central Florida • University of South Florida • Florida Atlantic University • Johnson and Whales • City of Miami Beach Website The application deadline is May 155. Once all applications are received, copies are sent to representatives from Centerplate, Global Spectrum and the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau. Those representatives meet with the City to review the applications and recommend awards. Max Sklar, Tourism and Cultural Development Director, is the City representative in this process. Applications are scored by considering economic need, community service or civic involvement, internship experience within the food and hospitality industry, secondary school enrollment, academics. and type ofuniversity/college (public or private institution), which then determines award level. For your reference, attached is a copy of the application, eligibility requirements and screening process. JMGIHMFWIAS C: Honorable Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission ~~,, ~ G A F A T F R GL5~8"C1R~.° • " a ~a'l Centernnlate ,~~'' ~~~~ V~"9+br41 Y ~ f~~~ ~'~ r CGtVVENTIGN & VISiTGpS 6UAE4E' City of Miami Beach Tourism & Travel Scholarship Program Application Eligibility TI'e EG'cv.+'epreserlis eiCgik;iii',~ (rt_.f•_: `:~ tlr. CI-~_~~I_r':I'Ip _;rr.:,'•'Ir" :Ill.'E t~; meet orgy crF; ,_:{ -re to 3 r~j,(:Jtt:.3 heo~^,' con resuh 'r ;;is::uclificclivr. O Hi,:Jh school ^ipl•-;ma or eql. •:al:ri ~' Llfti+ 01 ":"tlGfrl~ DGUCh :Cv CC'll Clr gIGU JU'R U" :~:+~UGIYI~ 6eCCh J2111 CI' HIOh CC~1C:J i.:nli@d S"O~P.S rc5ldcrt, ::111ZOr~; Or 't+i51'If10 st~dsr'1 V•: it~' VU IU a'!dBnl ':'SU tUl C:O IUyC C:drrII5510'I O -rro -ent in pest-secondary ecucat"nn insi:~ticr ~' Ir1A'i?5: UX0reS5Ud Ir. t~'@ 100;7 :: r1U ~'CSp t011y Ir1i7 J5Il'./ I~;;S dCIIIO'L`iiI GICt~ :J^j CJI_'SCV>':Jf K. CXIIUCU'ICJI•J' a^.11Vlile.<„ a~'•iC1fd5 (~ fPCOC]f 1!10'1.`: Clnd .ACIC fed ,^.CII2C3E mal~:rl O !.'tirnnl_•° ~.S Grdde Poinl N,eroge ~cn~•~.+e,unlea} t;. " O . ~.holar.<,hip i~.rp ica-ion competed accura-e:~+ O T.ti+o ale's of reccm~endG'i~o~l I'"^:ith ct lead on; descrlbi!r "r:ere~ o' n~scry 'r hcsoitai:,,+ IrdLStr-; ~-Sr'Ifle:7 COJ,j 0t IT10S1 r@00'11 Si;hOU~''~ i'CnsQlpi C1 :~'Ud I HISttJi?j torn O Resume 0' %'+.pGIiCCIiCI?S U'8 Gccecled "fan'I quaifl8i; Carldb.^-.Cl'25 iCf Up -C -`•:6 ~(°a's C{"ef C~I'aCJail09 f'om ;v",ian-I~ ~eocl'I S::niJ' high School ~' ntef•;ie'•!•.•' hV Je P,Cfciri C.omr•ii"ee, I dP,emP.^, dpOfap'Id18 h\+ Je BdICr i Qmmi11 the -J cveino oiler-o will be evG JGled ar•d wc'ghlca i~l the sclec!icn process Lul •r~i" •Y~ reslricl cpobcc•tls n'1e21'ny the cr'ter'o ahrve: O I cono^• I; need O Cc~r'nil.ni"y service ~:>r cvic Irvob:emere 0 rit2rr:>hl:i 2Xpcr 2r'C0 '.^iltl!Ir1 "lz ~O:i:i Und I1C5plt;al'`j Iridl_$t'V '~ Je^.011dOry' S~h00 e'"if0 ^lefi' '~ ~.CCd@ITI CS O fype of Uni•.`er.=.'ti+%Co ege IPr.bl'c or "'i•ecle •lslitul'on;~ Scholarship Awards Sohclarships ~:vill d~ cnvarded 'oared on rnr:rit end available `Jnds- ScF'.olaship disbl,!sertenl is ai Iftc; dis, rab;::n of tr.a scholarship sponsors. 7(tt:^~ City of ^.".or.i Eeocn 7ra~;el :~ `~e.risT Schcdu's"ip P'cg!u'n Application Submission f lig'he apoPc ,r-s mus7 :>r.banl the lu c:^:ir~ ~I the '',ntc c( appli~'ahon: Ij Appliceticr fcrrr accmatcd';; competed crld type-v;riller 7j f- - ° yr lei F•'lt SCh001 }rC^<_c:rlpt Cif C.'ed t f115tOi'. fcrrn ..efil i d ::00 : O- m05' JI ~Cpy Uf ::J'leri IeCSC-, V'll h% C•~II 0' Cd~nef acceptable dacr,mentatlan esfcoi5h rg C-.I>' bf '•."~ICmI FiP.:7C~n feS dBnC`y:Of C9't~{~°.C "a'15i:ript dBRlanSlfat~r'i,~. Cn(i'hn011' iri iVta°'i BQ:]Ch ~~Jlr'vl ~"-I ~.:: `I ~C'IOCI 41 c_cpy' Cf Cfe a- th@ f7. C`44'Ir:•.^-.: bl'tl' Cerll-Cat?; JG.^.I~.^.~ IBCl,fih; .ard: I~°$IC2n-,-":IIF-n :::.!'l, O-+iC hay 5-.lOg'lt `ii5a I Vd0 letters O- B::ernrncr,daticr ;'vdl"I CI oasl Grie dCSCI blriy I'I!CIeSC O- `Ii~CI~ Irl i10SpiIC J''y ~rdcsh+; :' ~es.Jme ~;~ ?FOCI Cl :]CCi'.Cf;,1fC@ Cf el'fclhnerJ I'I Oa5`5~:::OnO~:: ^,;' P,dl,CO-10'1 InStitUf~pn /;. Ad::itional slppO't rnote'ial Icp'•~scnrny cO•-'••'uri'y scr~ico, in'crrsh'p cxpc'icree cr :: vi:~ l~vpl+i°ni Ali' rcm;~lelec: apphaahans and supaa't moten'al must be s~hm ttea 'r.:•,; Wednesday, April 1, 7009: Postal submissions: (.ih;• of w~.iarli 3ecch ilti:.2 i;f Cr:r:rwn'-;; $er•:i.~e.<, CIa C -% of ,:^; arc Reach T:ave 3: Tou isn Sr-halarship Focran /CC::;carz;nli::° ::enlel )rive ".";cmi E~ac-,. ~'orida 33139 Hand delivered submissions: C t+% :~> ^•:`,ierc beach Once of '=orlrcunity Sen: ces C, ~ Cih.: of ro"'iani Goo::i'. irovcl ~ -o. ris n Sch:; crsR o Prcca c:n' ~.^..~ I /1 SPeel PJ'.iami Bacch flor'ca ~31:;ri [lectronic submissions: Ttir ,riijZ`;n crr,,;_•:;?hfl.i;-c% .,.,h -uti. ., J~.ullaL- ~ ~nPn~ a ... °lior ~~~, h`I-c ~ 'ria request at rtn urulz ~_m ~mt_achfl ,_ SPlPCt1011 PfOCP.$5 ~lig'be apof,cticns will follow this ..<.elacFlon process: 1' .%,opiica:ians'::%II be screened for el ~ biPn; os ae= ne, in -ne e igioilin' criteria. 7~ I iry'ole c:,plira-ions'•r,:ill he =_creened :: o:; :veiyhled (or 'nc ~olleevin ~ c~ilc'ia: O EC'~'ia^'I:; need O Ccmmc.'rir;: serv'ce or cwic irn:cl'rcrnrrl O Internsnlo experience •~.:i1Fin -n= food and ho.<,pitali,,: inds-y O Secondan; schc:o e•1ro ~:en- O ;\c::dern"cs OT~;pe of linivers"h~l~-oilege (f i.bfc or ' i•.•cte ~tstitul-un} 3; Popp icants eceiv'ng the hi;;ncsl n! ~••'c:ica r',:al~~a io'I :used ~;n •ie weighted cri-eric may be SChPdr.lr^ =O' a oerson^,.I interv•ieve before the Select'on Cornrri'-ec. ~} .aoplicont.<, apper:c'ng r~fora -ne Selection ::arnrnittze ~•vill roccivc• a nurnEr' •:_al s•o'~ Fx their ~•~rormance ~') the Corn'•'i tcc :csc-•:es 'ne right to a te' the :r::~cr^ dl.<.tr b.ltirr in the event o= seer-r'`1 ics :r the sJOmissio•1 of les; t'ncr expected copliccticns. 2:;C9 Ci~~ :~ FJ'.ion0 B?xr•::h I!r:e 2 Icurisn Sch,icrsh'o ?r g'crc Screening Process ~,il apaiCaliv'1S rBCBIVdd O}` If'e poste:: iseCl:91i'le :7t 'ne ~.Ib 0- l~V~~1:7mi Rea.n O'fiCe O-'~Om TlUrily SCI"o'IC::S 4'/111 ~B screened for ell~ibi iy. Elig'bil'h' screerlin~ •.•.'iii 'oe limited 6:, crsc'e cornplianc:; to the =o cr,:ir~;; crite'ia: O I ligh ;drool cipic•ma o' eq~'+`alern O Cif` or i•:giam' bcaeh 'cs can' or yra:aucte of :~%i arni l3ea: n Serio• t'igh ~choel Unl,ed StatBS fc5l:~crf, CIfIZen; Of VIS11C1~ stl,denl ':".`ih Vclld StUCent +:I~. 'a' CGIleg2 a~ni15SiCf O ~r•:,Ilmerrt in pest-seccrdar eaucal •arl irlsti'unar O In'a'es' oxpressad it If•e food ;;n;a hesFitcli,;: irustr)` ~;as demonstra-ea by co~lrsr'.+n`crk, extracurr"~cuar x ivi'is, arroard<_ 8, recogritiov and dechred collece major) O ?•.'i n'rclum 2.$ Fade Poh'd ?s.+`erage {Lnw:•eia•i!r..d,l O A.pp ication cornple-ed accl.ra-e,y O %:~~ let-ers o= reccmmrrda'on O Cerlifie~ copy c:~f school Irarscr pl cl radii Fislo'y (orrn O ~aSJril:; ~' In-et'v iP.\^J ~)y` ~21~C'10'1 .O!1-imitt~2; if Sele:"ied b)' e~eCtiar '.-.Cmffl ll~C'C ~' - se'eCted tC feC21'/e S.''10 arShi C, 'ai.;i (:i afl~ Car' C"IOO;iE t0 CCmplete .^. ::^.I~ Irilefr.ihl~finer-crshlp V•ilin Cer•te'pa-e within one year of receipt of ;cho~a~snio. '~ ~C'IC'aYShlp a':/C'ds wl ~'C G(CSCrtCd ca U :'v°!IarTl ZB:;:Cft CI j~ ~.:)rN"'. ii510n meetlnq. Selection Committee The C I'; o(',"~ianii ~roch Tlava & Tou(s••' Select'on Ccm-~it-ee',./ill b=, compr'sed of the fclf:~//ing: O .~. rep'asenlati.`e or Cerltarpla:c O ~. rcplcsc'll:ai+`e ;lobe ~pedr~- .- O =. representaP'':e o- t ~e Grealer,~:%~iam •..on+`e•il'6n 8''/'is lo's ~urcau O =~. rcprrsc•ital''•.r_ o' tha City of P/9i;;••',i 3eac1 Application Tips Please •^a<e su'•~ of ^ic (cllo••n~ ng p'icr to sc;;rn'Irry yc~ app ica ion: O Complete the oppliccticr `o-m in is ertirety. r7 Ensure that ;rrrect swell ngs ar,d ap:xe~'iale cra'°'°ar is used Throughout apolicalbn and :7tt::ch-enls. O Pro.`ide es roach 'rrormelior as posy"bc reycdicg youl i•iteresl, 'sJClk nis•ory or expe-ience in the hos:i tcliy I,~d. t1 Ensure tha-all requested atta•::hmerts ate includ°:. in -ne order reouested. ^ ~I. Jlllil ys~,' app~IlCa'IU'I al CUSI O'1v' t4`Cak bco~a 1'IC pC51Cd daa~ll'IS It '.•'i)l. v/oUl:~ II<6 Cl : rllf"eSj rF.4'IBbv nn~i =~~!back =rcm sa'h. 2•`iUr, Cih; o`'`/Sic7ni 3each Trc•~e ~ Tourisn', Schoershb Prog'cm Scholarship Applicajion Nome Cahn_Iof 3i~lh JC:~ICII C°.CJ~I t~.' .r.!fCC72 f Olrit /~\V r :fie fUr'A:'eiC~ht8C11 Add'ess ~partn-l2n- -lcme lelepnone `.c Jla" Teophcnr -ma~l f'•,ddress !''`.Iternate ic-ephene Residency S:at~!s O JS ~.il-zen 7 US ~e5~aent 7 4-Jder~t'•:''sa 1 i7th~e' I-igh Sc~oal College,,f'Urwe'si!y f f.^.uSP.:]fS':JBf 2aCn O- tf'~@ fJ'C`•`"Ifiv :~li°ctirfii CCm~'IP.iP. V. 1..58 !IC'~::I"IO'1C1 ;~;7~es: if rc;~ssan:. (typewritten only.) ,.,.. I . L+.JC:I brJ ';'U J' I'IVGIVCfllal'~ ~f ~'I° fCGd and ~'i05(J'~taliN Ind JS^v• _. L VeJi:IIJE; V`O! ~' Ci'i'C I'IVO~'JCITICfI and/Of CafL^"'Uf try' S8'V'ICP., I"il.';fafy. 3. .~P,S"'I~DB ',u'ol.f P.dLCa"IOn pans IfCIL:.iI'lg Calleye \rCl; YJlll pfl8rid '^.n^ -a Or. ~ L. `Jti'hOl IfC:iQia, I. Clly, b`.'lll tl'15 SCh61^.f5hp 'la'i8 6r'. ):CUr EJ UCaI OCS~ r+,pplicar- S;grcturc Dale fhe scLoForshrp sponsors reserve the ng61 In chonye ar onwVrd Iho schoforship pr[xjrnm M /n<:ililnfe eyuify mid forrness Ia olf appficonh fht schoforship sponsors ore biro! oppraRUriry ernpfoyors. ~.,.. a,ll..~9 CiN of Pa~i;Jmi 3cocll I'cvel & Tuu'ism J_hvl:als lip `'hn:uu•I