Request 638 - Human ResourcesNo. f~~~ ~ RECORDS DISPOSITION DOCUMENT ~ PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES 1. AGENCY NAME and ADDRESS 2. AGENCY CONTACT (Name and Telephone Number) ` City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Dr. (305) 673 - 7524 Ext. 33139 3. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in Item 5 are to be disposed of in the manner checked below (specify only one). ~ a. Destruction ^ b. Microfilming and Destruction ^ c. Other 4. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the r a e been fully justified, and that further retention is not required for any litigation pending or imminent. ~1. f"''~ ..L r~~ ~43T~~J ~ i~'ZJ . ~ e~ ~^.L~"~- Signature Name and Title ~~ ~~~- ~ Date "T,"%~ r~~ ` ° 5 LIST OF RECORD SERIES : ~` ~ t3 °f f. g. a. b. c. d. e. Volume Disposition Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive In Action and No. No. Dates Cubic Date Feet Compieted After Authorization GS1- 24 Employment Applications and Selection 4 yrs 09/2004 - 12/2004 eL Records (Clerk) '~1- 139 Promotion/Transfer Records 4 yrs 04/2005 - OS/2005 SL (Lt. of Police) GS 1- 139 Promotion/Transfer records 4 yrs 04/2005 - OS/2005 SL (Sgt. of Police) Total 1.5 cu.ft `T~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ -~ ~ i~ ~ ' ~'1 ,`~ , .. ~ J,~Q_~{,,,. ~ ,,~~.: ~~' :~ ~~t~ ~_ ~~~~ ~Q . nu ~..~` ~~., 4. ~~: «''s ~'i ~ ~'i F ~a; 2y,@ v"_:''s ~.~i ~i,.~ ~. n..:y . 6. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION: Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are indicated. _~ `~ ) 0 0 Custodian/Records Management Liaison Officer Date 7. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been dispo i m n the date shown in colu g. ~~"l6 r~y-~ Si ~atur ~ Date ~a~~ ~~'~ ~ r~ ~e'~' ~ ~' -cy~J , Name and Title ~ ~IG~J~ G~ ~``~'/ M1 ~ Witness / ,,~ ~, J