Request 639 - City Clerk ~ 3 i No RECORDS DISPOSITION DOCUMENT . , ' PAGE OFI PAGES 1. AGENCY NAME and ADDRESS 2. AGENCY CONTACT (Name and Telephone Number) City of;>Miami Beach Lillian Beauchamp ° 1700. Convention Centes;Drive Miami Beach, FL 33~.39 ~ ~30.~ 673-7D00 Ext. 6581 3. NoT~CE oF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in Item 5 are to be disposed of in the manner checked below (specify only one). ' 0 a. Destruction ^ b. Microfilming and Destruction • ~ c. Other 4. SuBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the CPCOrds have been f~a!!~~ justified, and that further retention is not required for any litigation pending or imminent. _ _ ~ _., _ , - _ ~i.~~ iature_ ~~~1~ ~"' Name and Title Date ~IM-~ y'T~ ~.lc,•,.,:(,~.- ~ Ia-4~C 5. LIST OF RECORD'SERIES f. g. , a. b. c. d. e. Volume Disposition Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Dates In Cubic Action and Date No. , No. Feet Completed After ~ Autho~ization GS3 71 ~ Precinct Registers 1 Yr 11/4/2003 (lbox) 2.0 'r " 115 Ballot Stubs-General Elections 1 Yr 11/6/2001 ( 2 boxes) 2.0 115 Ballot Stubs - run-off. Election 1 Yr 11/21/2006 (2) boxes 2.0 ~ 115 ~ Ballot Stubs - ruta-off_Election' :, °1 Yr 11/20/2007 (6) `boxes 1.5 ~ 115 Ballot Stubs.-General/Special E I Yr 11/6/2007 (3) boxes 1.5 115 Ballot Stubs 1 Yr 11/5/2005 (1) Box 1.5 GSl-L 23 Public Information Requests 1 Yr 7/2007-7/2008 &7/2008 1.5 10/2008 & 1/24/2008 - 1.5 5/2008 (6) Boxes 1.5 "" 128 Pulilic Information Files 90 day, 7/2007 thru 7/2008 i.5 198 Publications & Media ltem Recor etain until receiptr . 1.5 of Fin.al published cop . . ~ ~ ~ <-~ 6.. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION: Disposal for the above listed 7. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are indicated. disposed of in ~e manner and on the date shown in column . ' ~ ~ f ~ / ~,?j Q~ S' nature ~ ate ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~pdian/Records Management Liaison Officer Date ~,~ Name d Title ,„ n y ~~ ~ ~„~t SS