Ad #551 Notice of Public Hearing Sept 9 09 10:31 AMTHURSDAY, AUGUST 20 2009 {„ 7MB _._....,... ~_M--__. ,..__ _- ~- ~~~ilAlv~l BEACH ~~ C3F [Vli~-M~ BEACH N®TtCE CJ~F Pt1BLIC HEA~fNC NOTICE iSiHEREBY given Ghat a second read ~~ floor, C bl'Hae 1'700 Convent o bCenter~Dr ve, Miami Beach, F o' da, Miami Beach, in the Commission Chambers, 3 ~ rovin A Lease Agreement Between The City And Klara on Wednesday, September 9, 2009 at 10:31 AM., App 9 Located At 1701 Meridian Gershman M.D. RA, For Use Oi Approximately 1,926 Square Feet Of City-Ov+ined Property, Avenue, Suite 400, Miami Beach, Florida; Said Lease Having An Initial Term Of Three Years, With An Additional Three Year Renewal Term, At The City's Sole Discretion. inquiries.-may be directed to the Office of Real Estate, Housing and Community Development at (305) 673-7260. INTERESTED pARTI oSthe Cit'tCommp seon,ac/o Ithe City Clerk, 1700rConvent on Ce ner Dwe~ i stFloor, City Hall, in writing addressed Y Miami Beach, Florida 331'39. This meeting may be continued and under such circumstances additional legal notice would not' be provided.. Robert:E. Parcher, City'Clerk City of Miami Beach Pursuant to Section 286:0105, Fla, Snawith res ect torany matter cons tle eld at its meetng or its heating, uph person decision matle by the City Commssio p must ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence .upon which the app se' inadmiss bae orr.irrelevantevedence,nnor doesrit author zenchatlenges'tor appeals not othterwise admission of otherw allowed by law. ' To request this material in accessibt oh to aeview any do c rnent or participate ntany~ ity sponso~ed proceeding, disabilities, and/or any accommotla .please contact (305)'604-2489 {voice), {305)673-7218(TTY) five. days ;in advance. to initiate your request. TTY users , may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service}. Ad #5;51