Ad #549 Notice of Public Hearing Historic DesignationTHURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2009 I 9M8 The City of Miami ~eachproposes to adoptthe_fallowing Ordinance: AN ORDINANCE OF` -rHE :IIIAAI~{H~ ,~-ND -CITY 1OMMISSIONOFTHECITYOFMIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA, AMENDING THEIAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (IF THE MIAMI BEACH .,:CI'tl/ GODE; AMENDING ACTION 118-593, "HiST01i1C RRESER1lAT[QN IESIGNATION"; AMENOI~iG SECTION ` 118-593(E), "DELINEATION ON ZONING MAP"; AMENDING SECTION 118-593(E)(2), ".HISTORIC PRESERVATION ;~1STRICTS (HPD)" BY DESIGNATING THE MORRIS APIDUS / MID 20TH CENTURY HISTORIC DISTRICT, ~t MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRlBEO HEREIN; 1~OVIDING THAT THE CITY'S :ZONING 1VtAP SHALL Its AMENDED TO INCLUDE THE MORRIS LAPIDUS / a116D 20TH CENT.tIRY 111STORIG DISTRICT; ADOPTING "THE DESIGNATION REPORT ATTACHED ~IERETO AS APPENDDC "A"; PROVIDING .FOR INCLUSION IN THE LAND QEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS_ OF THE CITY CODE, REPEALER, : SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE SATE. - PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a first reading public hearing on the Ordinance will6efieid by the'City Commission on Wednesday SeQtember 9 2009. ai ~p m or as soon thereafter=as possible. in the City Commission ItDllamtuers. Third Floor, City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive,"Miami`Beach, Florida. The historic district proposed for designation is shown on the Map within this Zoning Map Change. The district boundaritrS;Aa~y~ modifi~tl by the C'Ity Commission at this rrieeting: . ~ -: .,,.: r All perms arevnvitedb~to~ppe~at this meting ~r b~represented by~n agent or #~express their views in writing addressed-th the Miami Beach C~+'Comrriission~e Clerk ta~0 Convention Center Urive,~cst F.loar`City Hall;~liami Beach, Florida 33139. The Orditia~e and other'rela#erl materials regarding the proposed'ltistoric distract~re avFUlable for public inspection during normal basiness hours iristire~ity Clerk's0#8ce. Inquiries-may be~directecl#o the PlanningDepartm'enf=~~~>~ 673-7550. The hearing on this Ordinance may be co~tthis`miieting and~~±nder such ~rcnmstances, additional legal notice utd~raat be provided. Any person may contact the City Clerkst•~a13673-7411 forinfortnation as to the status of the 0rdiw~nce:~ss'~#~S~the meeting. Pursuaru r :286:0] 05 Fla Slat., the•Citq.here~y advises the public that: `tta person decides to appeal any decision made by this Board wlth re r-considBat its meeting or its hearigg,~uch person must ihsuretltat averbatim record of the•proceedings is made, votrich 'the testimony and eviden(e upon°vu(`iiL~hpeat:is to be ba~tl: 'This notice does not constdrrte eonserrt bythe City e-f the i` ~ miss~n.of otherwise inadmissible or. irrtylevar4t evidence, r.darts authorize-challenges or appeals not otherwise 'ro req ~ ' • is mate~~'~'ccessible format, sign°-language interpreters, ~ilfdrmata0n'`Dn access #or persons with disabilities, and/ or. any accornmodatibn to review any document or participate in any city-sponsored ..proceeding, please contact 305-60.4-2489 (voice) or 305-6737218 (TTY)'five days'in°advance to initiate your'request: TTY users may also call' 711 (Florida Relay ). Ad ~{9