Passport I.D. Checking Guide,.~ Fh . Uuttcd bt:itcs llcpartmcnt of Strife
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l3rrreare o(~CnrrsuGrr .d~fiairs
Pa.cpor2 tirr•ri~~>s
Deer Passport ;~cccptancc Facility tv8anagct
Enclosed wish dtis letter is a copy of the 2000 LD. Checkim~ (;aide firr the United Stales
and Canada. This ~ uiete pnrvides full-color photos anct descriptions of timer licenses fur the
~htited States and Canada and is a beneficial tool for our acceptance agents' use in establishing
the validity of identity documents presented at the time of application acceptance.
How to use this guide:' The driver licenses &x all of the states and the District of
Columbia appcsu~ in alphabetical order, lbllowcd by the Canadian Provinces, U.S. and Cauadian
TeirllUrlCS. l i.S. and Canadian ID Cards, Canadian and U.S. immigration docurncnts. U.S.
Tassport Book and Passport Card, as smell as other [t.S. Ciovernment 1D Cards. .A color exemplar
and fearin-es are noted fur each document. The guide will assist. our accep4mce a~~ent in msd<ing
determinations as to the validity of the identity documents. especially° ones which may be
unfamiliar. such asout-of--state driver liccuses. An acceptance agent should never confratt a
cuslonter who is suspected of submitting a counterfeit rn forged idcutitication downtcut.
Instead. tht: acceptance agent should make noto of his or her suspicion on the photocopy of the
Il) and mail the pa>sport application and docuutcnts directly to the passport agcncys Fraud
Prcrenliun ~laua~~cr.
Please make this publication readily available to your staff and a pcnnancnl part of your
office's rewurces along mmith the Passport :lgenl's Relcrcncc Guide (P:1R(i). nolilications and
newsletters from your Regional Passport ,lgency. i'r'e sincerely thank you for your dedication
and continued service to the American trneling public.
Nancv L. Pace
National Custinncr Service \9ana~cr
End >sure: l.D. Checking, (~uicte, 2009 United Slaurs ~md Canada Gditiou