Contract Renewal FDOT 11/10/2009 - 11/9/2010.~of;~ ~- ~ G ~ 7 9 Julia Tuttle Causeway STATE Or r~JMGA aCARTMENT ;~c ~ vAN5Fi7RTATiON CONTRACT RENEWAL 3t5-0~623 CCMRACTS AOMw~STRAt10N ocC ows Contract No.: AP 735 Renewal: (1st, 2nd, eta) 1st Financial Project No(s).: 25308617801 Counly(ies): MIAMI DADE This Agreement made and entered into this day of , by and between the State of -(Tb. am 7 «~i 1- Florida Department of Transportation, hereinafter called "Department', and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH hereinafter called "Contractor". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Department and the Contractor heretofore on thisl~ day of November, 2008 ~TFe dale m M entered i mN! entered into an Agreement whereby the Departrnent retained the Contractor to perform Maintenance of all landscaped and/or turfed areas within the Departments rightof-way, having the limits described by Attachment "A" ;and WHEREAS, said Agreement has a renewal option which provides for a renewal rf mutualy agreed to by both parties and subject to the same terms and conditions of the original Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, this Agreement wilnesseth that for end in consideratpn of the mutual benefits to flow each to the other, the parties agree to a renewal of said original Agreement for a period beginning the 10th day of November ~ 2009 and ending the gth day of November .2010 at a cost of S 150,000.00 All terms and conditions of said original Agreement shah remain in force and effect for this renewal. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized officers on the day, month, and year set forth above. Name of Contractor 4fatti Herrera Bower, Mayor Contractor Name and Title BY: ed Si net C (SEAL) Attest: Hobert Percher, City Clerk Miami Beach Florida City State By: Florida Licensed Insurance Agent or Date Aftomey-In-Fact (Signature) Countersigned: Fbrida Licensed Insurance Agent Date STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: District Secretary or Designee (Signature) Title: Legal: Fiscal: Approval as to Availability of Funds APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE ~ FOR ppUTION w Li. ,' ity may/; . f ate