Warranty Deed 1398-276,282 f-------.. . .-..- --------~-. ~"C.~~~;~S PABI: . -~.~-. / r ; See Deed for description) i> l': : Abstract MISSING - G1 ven to J. H. R. ~J~ 7/2/30 . . . 1 , f \., i, ~~ ':-'~'~-!t.<", " _.<~i.~,i~~~.~ ~ I .' ( , I . ..- '---~ '~-""'"JIl~.' , , ,- Cp,. , .~~~~" ~":,," ",'" - \ ~t~, (10"."" ~t~.<:,:._ _,._.~".'-,.:.*;,;; \ . I \ .WD12 I \ ... I "m~ , ;-,:'!',r;:_"<" ." \ \. . ..~ o - - - , . WARRANTY DEED DATED 1920 . , . :' THIS IHDENTUBE, Made this 9th day of AtI8Ilst, 1920, between TIm IllAKI BEACH UlPROVi]lE!lT CCIIPAHY, a oorporation organized under the laws ot the State ot ~lorida, party of the firat part. and the CITY OP ~ B&AOBtDAOE COURTY,lLORlDl, a amioipal oorporation, party ot t~ seoond part; WlTIIESSEtB. that the said party ot the tirst part tor and ill oonaid- eration ot the sum ot One Dollar lswtul IIlODey of the United Statu ot America. to it in hand paid by the said party of the seoond part at or before the ensea11ng and. 48lhery ot these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby aolmowle~d and in oon- .!deraUon also ot the parfomance ot the OO'Y9IlAllts and obl1€,$Uons herein en.... haa ated to be pert01"lll3d by the party at the second part.jgranted, bargaill8d and sold and by these presents does grant, bargain and sell lllltO the aaid party ot the 9800114 part and its sUOO8ssors. all the tollowing real estate or tract at land sltuated, lying and being in the County ot Dade and State ot Plorida, desoribed as to11o": ,A oertain reotangular parcel of ground lying in Township 53 South, Range 42 East, with boundaries as tallows: Beginning at a point whioh is .;outh fifteen degre81 and ~went1- the minutes (15025' I West and distant one hundred and fift1-three teet (155' 1 tram another point which 11 tour thousand nine hundred and ninety-six teet (4996'1 east of the HortbWest oorner of Seotion M, 'l)ownshcp 53 South, Range 42 East, whioh last nomed point is marked by av concrete IOOnUlOOnt; thence North Sevent1-tour degrees and thirty- five minutes (74035') West one thousand and elghty-nine teet (1089'1 to a point; thence South Fitteen degrees and twenty-five minute. (15025') West tour hundred teet (400') to a point; thenoe south seventy- four degrees and thirty-five minutes (74035'1 East eleven hundred and torty feet (1140'), more or les., to low water line on the West shore of the Atlantio Ocean; thenoe in a Northerly direotion meandering said '. low water line four hundred. teet, more or less, to a point ./hioh 18 south Sevent1-to'.cr degrees and thirty-the minutes (74035') East trom I~int of beginning; thence to point of beginning together with all riparian rights thereunto belonging; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :- .:. And the 83id party ot the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful olaims of a11 per- Sons whomsoever with too exceptions hereinafter enumerated and subjeot to the terms ~d conditions following, to-wit: This deed of conveyance is made subject to a publio easement in oer- .~. tain streets and hi,;h......Ys in said tract, w"ioh oaid streets and highWa;;s were here- tofore 2.l:d are now dedicated to the use of t?-,e rubl1c and are named and designated in the m....p or plat of said tr.ct al.:d adjoiniIl.~ real estate recorded in Plat Book 2 SHUTT$, SMITH a 80WEN. "T TOR'" E'f5.....T.I..I\W , J.l1....MI. F..A 'IN b 1<</ .. " T at page 47 in the ottioe Of the County Clerk in and tor Dade County, Ylorida, , \. on the da,y at December, 191%. , ThAl real estate herein conveyed shall be used e~lus1Tely 8S . " publio park and reoreation ground and nei tiler the whole nor ~ ~t thereat sb&ll be sold, transferred, aliened, conveyed or encumbered bl said Oity or made subJeot to the printe use at ~ person or persons separate, distinot or ditterent trom the use of the publio at large. Too grantee hereby covens.nts with the grantor, its SU0C8S80rs and assigns as a part ot the oonsideration tor tllesa oovenAnts to oultivate, improTe and maintain said real estate in a nsnner and condition tit and suitable tor a " , publio parle and reoreation. purposes and shall trom time to time maItll suoh 1I!prove- _mts thereon as may 00 neoeuary to 0&n7 out the spirit and to etteot ths purpo.. at this oonveyance. J. tallure or negleot on the part ot the grantee to 0&n7 out and perform the covenants and conditions upon its part to be carried out and. per- tormed hereunder shall oonstitute a breach of this instrument and the said tint party, its suocessors or assigns may at its or their option bave this instrument canoelled, set aside and annulled on acoount of suoh detault, and the title to said real ostate slUlll thereupon revert to and b~ vested in the grantor, its suocessors or assigns. IN WlTliESS WllE?.EOF, the said party of tile first part by JOml S. COLLINS. its President, att9sted by Thos. J. Pancoast, its Seoretary, has Ilere- unto set its ha.nd and corporate seal on the day and year first above written. s~gue , seale.d. .and delivered in the Ie senc~ ,; / '~. .'.(.../ - -~. ,', f Lj <.Iv', v 1/ :::N.L ~c--- AS~hn S. 0011 ns, P;,sident. ~~~-~ ~e.0?!?~4:..f_-~ As to os.'J. Paacoast, Seoretary; ~UM 1;?j'lOm8NT CO~'l'AIrt, T(:::'7-~ ~~ ~ ./ Its President. - <L- "Z.. . \.' . Attest,k ~ c?~"-~.d-.~ t Its SecretaI7. ST ~S~ OF IE;; JT..HSEY I SS, ( .. I, a Notary Fublic of the State of r.e" Jersey. an to take ac,:no'lledi;roonts of deeds, hereby certify thAt J'lmr 3. Im07fJl to me and kno"" to 100 to be the Pr,;sident of TH:: .'l.'.).!l officer ,:OLLIUS t S::ACH coml'::Y OF BURLEGTON autlcorlzed personally ~HUTT9. SMITH a ftOW'[N'. ...TTOPN[TS....T.L"...... JolIIAMI. "LA. \J I:l J/<4 . __4 l DlPROVE)r~T COllPAIlY, a corporation organlsed lUld noW exilUng under the 1....8 of the State of rlorid&. and. w~ a8 suoh otticar e""cuted the foregoing deed, this dllY [<lr8onally appeared befo%'Q me and acknowl8~d before Illll that he eXGcuUld said deed as suoh offioor. in the name of and for and on behalf of said oorporation, fresly and TOluntarlly for the uses and purpose8 therein s211ressed, and wi th rull authori ty so to do. IN -.I~ ~F. I ha<re hereunto I~ hand and af!1xed I1Q ottioi"I """I, this ,;J" - day of August. 1920.___~~ :;~~r;:~~: e211irel. JI/aI4f j7;ff'tIJ STACE OF FL0~IDA ( 551 OOUNTY C1F D~E I I, a Notary Publio of the Stats of 7lorida, an offioer authori.ed- to take acknowlsdglIlents of deeds. hereby certify that TillS. J. PANCOAST. personally known to 100 and know to me to be the Secre tary of TIlE IUJJU BEACH lJ!P!l<l'lEIoENT COMPAllY. a corporation organi.ed and now existing under the law8 of the State of Florida, and. who as such otticer executed the foregoing Deed, this day personally appea%'Qd before rn'l and aokno..le~d before me that he executed said deed as such offioor, in the n2lOO of and for and on behalf ISf said oorporation. f%'Qel, and Toluntarlly for too uses and purposes therein e',pressed. and with full authorit:r so to do. \'ilTNESS 7iHBREXlF, I have hereunto set fJr$ hand and af!1xed fJr$ ~ day of August, 1920. 6:( ~~"./.( - J -C- Notary b110 My cOlIlllinion e211ire81 ~""i / f2--J. IN ofUoial seal, thi 8 Tfre CONVEWICE of the real estate described in the fOrl!,'OIng instrumont, according to the tenor thereof, is bereb:r acoepted by the City of Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, pursuant to a Resolution to that effeot duly adopted by the Oity Counoil of said City on the day of 1920. - WITNESS the corporate seal of said Oity and the signature of its Mayor, Thos. J. Pancoast, attested by J. F. CanoTa, its City Clerk, this day of ,1920. r I Signed, sealed an, deIJvered in the presence of. TIG CITY OF MlAlU BEACH,DAD::: COmITY,FL'lRIDA. By Its ldayor Attest: City Clerk. Corporatf ( S " a 1 !'!HurTS. SMlTU t'II eOWEN, ATTORNEYS....T.LAW, I-I1A"'1. F"LA Wb 'J/~ r 'i. o . . -": I o '"'a' '. ~: .' .. .;... ,. ..,. 4~')l;5'""~@ (j.">'." 14~ lfI " "j" " · '"fl. '-I..;t" n;"o,i;IaJ.; (IJ - -ro",.,.. ,", ~ co -00 \O""c.r(."'~4:Y '\~ ~ lot ~ .~~ <It ~ . ..;.....- I, 'Or .. \. . .' III % ~ ~ 1. If ! 3 a s z , '. ~ ",".:'t.:1i . '.fi:........~..._4 ~__~ · " _'1 ...~~~.., :' . .~~.i- .........'-'Lt"" , , '., ( . ',. ~. .",," ", " -, '".. . '. -1 ill ~" (~\1 ~ t! I ~, 'V' " ".. : ~r ::,' ! , 'C ' "'I' ~.... · oJ I :....i '.' , . -. : ~ < '", ~ .;.. :! " , , "~ .1. ~ 1-,..., ~ 0 ~: .Bt:! ~ ~ ' - ~;.~. ". '"' ~ ". ~, " ~ ,t:!~! '.:;> , ; ", , ., ". · ,~. i '" . f~ ~ ~ r ! B ~: ~ : f ~ ~. !"'!~ ~ ,.,,~ .s: o. ... ~. 9 {; .~' · i.. a '/ p, '. a ! !t t. .q \ .. .: '<'- i!"- ':.~.. .. .",... ~~.:: ... ~. \ ,~ c:: .L-- ...,.... I .. NlIL . . .........,..... ... . ...- - "- . ." '... , \V b '<<I " \, 110m" J'ROM THI MDfUTBS 01 THI JUAMI BlACK CITY COUllCIL MlKTIJO HELD JULY 23, 1930. A proposed to~ or an aareement b.tw.en The Miam1 Beaoh IlIpronment COlDpBl11 and the C1tr or Miall1 Beaob, .provldlns tor an amendll'Dt ot the Co111na Park De.d to allow the OOD- struotlon or a pub110 11brarr, havlnc been lubllltte4 to the Clt, by sald The JIllall1 Beaoh Improve.ent COllpanT on Ju1, 15th, 1930, and approval b.lns alk.d th.reon and la.. bav1ns b.en r.terred to the Clt, Attorne" the ro110w1ns two oomaUD1oat10nl trom Attorn., Edward R. Copeland (aotlna In behalt ot 01t, Attorne, J. BarYe, Robl11ard, who 11 at prelent out ot the 01t,) were lub.ltted al to110wl' JUly 16, 1930 Honorable Clty Councll Clty ot Miaml Beaoh Minl Beaob, Florlda RB. The John S. Oolllnl MellOrla1 Llbrary and Art Center Oent1ellenl The letter ot the Mlalll Beaoh Improv.ment Company, addr....d to your City, dated the 15th In- Btant, hal been r.rerred,to lie and the torm or the dratt at the agreellent mentloned thereln 11 approved. I have examined the deed dated August 9, 1920, mentloned ln the agreement, and lt ls my oplnlon that lt would not b~ a dlverslon or the legltlmate use ot the land dedloated as a publlo park tor the Clty ot Miaml Beaoh to construot, establlsh, operate and malntaln a publlo 11brary on Bald real estate, but on tbe con- trary, Buoh UBe ls generally reoognlzed as anol1lary to the complete enjoyment by the publlc o! the property Bet apart for ltB benetlt. Very truly yours, (Slgned) Edward R. Copeland ERC I /ofr clc tOI Hlaml Beaoh Improvement Co. Attl Mr. T. J. Panooast July 16, 1930 Honorable Clty Counoll Clty ot Hiami Beaoh Miami BeaOh, Florida REI The John S. Colllns Memorial Library and Art Center. Gentlemen I With further reterence to the agreement mentioned 1n the letter from M1ami Beach Improvement Company to your COUNCIL MINUTES DATED 1930 ,. , \ Clt" dat.d the 15th In8tant, It luoh pub110 .It .trt not authorl.td b1 tht orl11DAl Irant, tht ..tadmtnt Oon- taln.d In tht acret.tnt wou14 blnd the ..i4 &rantor 10 that It would Dot oo.plaln ot luoh UI. tor a publlo librar1. V.r1 tru11 10urs, (Slgn.4) Edward R. Cop.land ERC 1 In' C/o to I Mia.l Beaoh apron..nt Co. Att. Mr. T. J. Panooast Atter some dlsoussion a motion .as mad. by Counoilman Mead, .,oondtd by CounollaaA BaDkhta4, an4 unanlllOuI1r ,anls4, that the proposed agreemsnt be approv.d In the tollow1n& to~, and that the John S. Col11ns MellOrlal Llbrary and Art Ctntt.. b, authoriz.d to proceed with the oonstruotlon ot a publio library in Collins Park, The tollowing ls a compl.te copy ot the body ot 'ald proposed agreement as tar as signature tora, but omitt1n& aoknowledgements and text ot original Collins Park d.td, r.t......4 ~ therelnl AQREBMKNT, Made thls da1 ot Julr, 1930, between THE MIAMI BEACH IMI'ROVEMmrl' COMPAlIY, a oorporaUon orpniced and txistl.. und.r the law, ot the Statt of 110..1da, part1 ot the tiret part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a .ml01pal oorporation or.-ni.td and txilt1n& und... ~ law, ot the State ot ,10rida, part1 of tht seoond part, WHEREAS, the parties h.reto entered Into a oertain indenture dated August 9, 1920 and reoorded In Deed Book 231 on Page 99 ot the Publio Reoords ot Dade County, Florida, a copy ot whioh le hereto attaohed and inoorporated herein by referenoeJ NOW THEREFORE, in oonsideration ot the sum ot Ten Dollars <$10.00) and other good and valuablt oonslderation paid by and moving trom each ot the partleB hereto, to the other, the reoelpt ot whioh is hereby aoknowledged, it iB agreed, as folloWBI 1. nlat Bald indenture be and the same hereby iB amended by inserting after the word 'l;.,rge", as the same appears in the last line of the paragraph ot said deed be- ginning with the wordsl "The real estate herein oonveyed ehall be used exolusively as a publio park and recreation ground", tlle following provision, namely. "It Is expresely understood and agreed, however, that nothing herein con- tained shall 11mit or prevent the estab11shment ot a public library on said real letate tor the uee ot the publio, with the oonoent ot the said grantee duly expreesed by resolu- tion or Mlnube Reoord. provided turther, however, the es- tabllshment, oonstruction, operation and malntenanoe thereof ehall not be required ot the said grantee." 2, That exoept as herein provided, the said indenture ohall remain in tull toroe and etteot. 3. That this agreement shall benetit and bind the succeSDors and assigns ot the respeotive parties hereto, - 2 - I" : II VITJESS VHIREOI, the parti.. hereto ba~1 o.u..d thi. .gr....nt to b. .x.ou'.d ln th.lr rl.peoti~. ..... In th.lr r,'peoti~e behalt., br thtlr rI'plotl~e ottiol.1. thereunto duly .utborlatd, and th.lr rl'plotl~e oorpor.'. ...1. to b. hereunto .((lxed, thl day and rlar tir.t abo~e wr1tten. / - 3 - 2#-f irlU'.i,btil. 1110. COUNCIL MINUTEs DATED 1920 Regu1ar meeting of the Oit1 Oounoll of the Oit1 of KiamJ. Beaoh _I he14 ~ tile OounoU Ohamben a~ 7:30 P.I(. with Prel14eDt 11'. .I. Bonon 111 the ohaU an4 tile folloWing Oounoilmen prelent: John B. Levi, R. A. Ooaohman. Jr., 11'. .I. Brown, H. X. B. Davis, and T. .I. Jamel. A quorum present. . IlinUt.1 of the previoUll lIlllet1l1g WIIS read and a1'llroved. . Water Ooomitteelll&n Davil lubmitted to the Oounoll. for itl approvel1 a pr1l1W4. fON of agreement with the OO.SUlIIlrS of water. On IIOUon ot 001lDo11.man oeaobMn, .eooDded b7 oounolllll&n Ln1, the me.tter ftl 1a1ed onr untU' ~e nut regalar ..et- 1JIC of the OounoU. . 011 motion of oounollll8ll.DaTiI, leoonded b7 oounoilman JUlel, the OolBiUe.IiIiUl' 011' "ire 1114 lI'a ttii'*81i t.utliofllii4 to 'PlaOl an, ilrdel' tor ll!;600 tee' ot. Uz,1JIoJL ..It 1roD.1I111e an4 neoe8larr f1ttingl. Motion llUt an4 oarrh4' n"a"h'01I.I11'. .. ..l ooumuniotUon froll the Beloher A81lhalt PaTing 001a1l8111 relaUn to the qul1V of oU to be used on the struts ot the GitT, 1IalI read. On MUon of eounoll.. Jame.. .eoonded b7 oounoUman Ooaohman. the 01tT Attorne7 wel 1nlItruoted to ara. illl boD4 with the Beloher Ullhal t Pav1ng OomMIl7, 111 amount of One !bousand Dollan, to guarantee that streets 81U"faoe with oU will wear tor two ,ears. )(oUon llUt aDd -,arr1ed UD&n1mousl,. "~J."'o01lllllUl10ation from the 01117 Attorne1 of the 01107 of KiamJ., nor14a, 1I1fO~:; ahe 01V that the 01117 of Ki8ll1 has 48'OOl1ted with the 80uthern Bank . !rut 00~8II1 ~ . qllJ:t 01a1m dllld to the 01 wof Kiam1 Beaoh, for the 01 t7 Parll: wh10h wal oonTt7e4 (' W tile 01 t7 ot Kiam1 11 the lU.8II1 Beaoh Imnronment OOllllls.D7, and al1l:6n8 that v01lOheZ' ~or tl.OOO. made' 'Pa1&b1e to the 011:7 of Kiami. be dII'OO11ted w1th. the 80uthern Bank . . 6. ~1l 00_111. tor llSYJIlInt of _. ' ........ _ .~ >.g.., 'On IIIOtion of oounoUII8ll Jamel, seoonded b1 oounoUman LeTi, the 01117 Olerll: wall 1nBttaoted to have abstraot drawn for the 011;1 Parll:. quit olaimed b1 the 01117 of Miamd. aDd have same submitted to the OitT Attorne1 tor hil approval. Xotion ~t a.D4 oarr1ed. . A oommun10ation from the "J.!ctor Boat" re1aUn to bU1 rendered the 01V for llub11shing of J.Iotor Boat Raoes 111 the 01tT. was read, and on IIIOUon ot oouno1lmaJl Ooaohlllan. seoondsd b1 oounoUman Lev1. the matter was refened to the 1ola1'0r. Preliminary estimate of the 01117 Engineer fot the 1l8ving of oertain stnew w1 thin the oi ty limits was read, and on IIIOUon of oounoUIIllUl James, 8ll00nded b7 oounoUman Ooaohman, the matter was deferred untU the nezt regallU' meeting of the OounoU. Oounoilman Brown moved that all side,,81I1:B, ourbs and gutters oonstruoted 'with1n the OitT be WIder the OiV's BPeo1fioations and inslleoUon. The IIIOUon WI., seooded by oounoilllJ!\n James. and on being llUt was duly oarrhd. An amended 'Plat of Berman B. Pratt for B10011: 21 ot Ooean Beaoh Addition 10. 8, _s submitted to the Oounoil for its approval. On motion of oounoilman Brown. seoonded b;V oounoilman James, that the Plat of Herman B. Pratt, of B10011: 21 of Ooean Beaoh Addition Bo. 3, be approved. Motion 'PUt and oarried. , The fo110wingOrdl.na.noe "as plaoed uoon its third and f1nal reeding, and read. in ftl.l. o R D I . .l BOB B O. 130. Authorizing the South Atlantio Te1ellhone and Te1egrallh O,IIIJlll.111, 1ts SU0088S0rB a.D4 assigns. to e.tab1i8h, oonstruot, ma1l1ta1l1 and operate its telephone pl188, wires and other telephone property upon, elong, aoross and under the 'PUblio sueete. rod., laneo; alleys, avenues, boulevards and o1J1er llublio highways and 1'160es 111 the 01 V ot lliami Beach. .J1orida. , BE I'l ORDAINED BY Till: OITY OOUDOIL 011' TIlB OITY 01 IolIAlU BRAOH. !LORIDAI 8eotlon 1. That perm1sBion be. and the same 11 hareb1 grahted to the south AUrmtio Te1ephona and Telegraph CompalQ', a oorporation of llorida, its BUooeSSOl'll 1Il4 assigns, for a full term of thirtT (30) years from the date upon whioh this ordinanoe shall beoome effeotive, to establish, oonstruot, ma1l1tain lLIId operate lines of telephone and telegraph, ino1uding all neoessar,y no1es. fixturee, under- groun4 oonduits. manhole~~.eleotrioal oonduotors upon, along, aoross and under the publio streets, roads., a118ys, avenUll8, boulevards and other pub110 high1r8.Tll' ~nd plaoes. or any part thereof, within said 01ty of Kiam1 BeaoQ, ae the bue1nesB ':)f 8..id OOIlllle.ny froll time to tim. may require. Seotion 2. That the "ork herein neoessary to be done in oonneotion therewith ahe.1l. be done nnder the supervision !l.lld "i th the approval of the street Oomm1 the of said oitT. or of properly designated oity offioiale authorized to euperTiee and \,,.prove the e1'lrn~. ,.. EXCERPT FROM THE MIJro'l'ES OF THE IUAMI BEACH CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD JULY 1_, 1931. \' \ " Mrs. T. J. Pancoast and her son, Arohitect Russell T. Panooast, on behalf of the John S. Collins family, asked the Council to aocept a new south wing which they proposed to construct adjoining the present Library BUilding. at a cost of approximately $17,500.00, to be temporarily used as a reading room, same to be built as a memorial to the late John S. Collins. The follOWing resolution was then introduoed: RESOLUTION MO. 4062 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF '!'HE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING 'l'HE TENDER OF A SOUTH WING TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON THE PRESENT LIBRARY BUILDING AS A MEMORIAL TO THE LATE JOHN S. COLLDlS, AllD EXPRESSDlG THEIR THANKS TO MRS. THOMAS J. PAlICOAST AJlD THE JOHll S. COLLINS FAMILY FOR SAID GIFT. WHEREAS, Mrs. Thomas J. Pancoast, in behalf of the John S. Collins family, has tendered the City of Miami Beach, through this Body, a proposal to construct, with- out expense to said City, a new wing adjoining the present Library Building on the south, same to be used as a read- ing room and extending the present library facilities, and to serve as a permanent monument and memorial to the late John S. COllins, and WHEREAS, Architect Russell T. Pancoast has submitted plans of the proposed structure which are entirely satis- factoLY to this Council, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Cit1 Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, that we do hereb1 accept with sincere appreciation, this very generous gift and memorial, not only in behalf of this Council, but also in behalf of the City and all of. its citizens who will in the future enjoy the benefits of these ex- tended facilities, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in accepting this memorial it is fitting that we add herewith our tribute to our late friend and Father of Miami Beach, John S. Collins, who by his courage, faith and vision in the ear11 pioneering days of our little community gave impetus to and made pOSSible the tremendous growth and development of our present City, and we are hapP1 to see this practical and beautiful monument erected in his memory. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of July, (SiKned) John H. Levi Mayor A.D.,~ ~ ~~~I C~ ofJv ATTEST: (Signed) C. W. Tomlinson City Clerk (SEAL) A motion was made by Councilman Ralston, seconded by Councilman Meyer, that the foregoing Resolution No. 4062 be adopted as read, and upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH RESOLUTION 4062 DATED 1937 "";., !r0>_ ~ ~ , . "." - :.' . ~'~-. ,.:- J . , ,- ~ fwi".,...,.}"~~'..w "i"~ft-_. - .~'" lr-'" '"" ',4 l I\EBOI,UTtOl{ NO. 11062 ^ H1WOl.UTlON OF TilE CITY COUNCIL OF Tnt UITY OF tHAllI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTDlG 17IE TJi:NDER 01' A BOUTn WING TO BE COlf- 6TRUOTED 011 THE PREBENT LIBRARY BUILDIIIG AU A ){DORUL TO 'TRJ LATE ,JORII B. OOLLI1I8, ....l> J:Xl'RJIJ8IIW mICIR '1'lWl~8 '1'0 MRS. mOJlA/J .1. F"_OOA.r A1fD Till: JOllll 8. 001.1.1"8 TJ.VILY ron BAlD GIrt. wnER~q, Mr~. Thoaas J. Panooast, 1n beh_It or the John I. CollIns {flJII l.lr , has tendered the C1tr of )llallI Belloh, through thIs Bod1, . proposal to oonstruot, wIthout expense to saId City, a new wing ~dJolnlng the pre.ent Llbrarl BuIlding on the louth, same to be used all a readIng rOOM and extendIng the present lib- rary faol11tl~", and to serye 8S a permanent ~ona.ent and .eMor- 111.1 to tile lAte .Tohn B. CQlline, and WllmE^3, ^Y'ohl teet RueBell T. PanOOB.Bt haB eublll tted plllntl of the pr'OpOlll!<1 struot;ure whloh are entIrely eatlstB.otory to thlll COUTIo11, ;; -, NOW, TIl7.J1l':F'OHE, BE IT RESOLVED by the C11;y Counoll of the CIty of MIamI Beaoh, FlorIda, that we do hereby aooept with eineore approoiatlon, thIs vory generous glft and memorIal, not only In behalf of thlll Or}un!)ll, but ,,1110 In behalf at the City and all of lte ottl~en. who will In the future enjoy the benetits ot these extended ("oilitIes, llnd \ BE IT P'UHTIIEH HESOLVED thll t in aoaoptlng th18 memorial it in flttlnl1; tlint "0 I\(!U herewith ollr trIbute to our late friend and F'athor- of Mlum!. Ileadl, John 8. Coll1ne, who by hIe courage, faith and vlelcn In thn. el\l'ly ploneorlng daye of our lIttle oommnn1t1 gl\ve Impn.tull 1;0 nntl matle possIble the tremendous growth ami develop- mon t of OUT' prn.I1011 t CI ty, and 'HI llre happy to eee thIs proctlc"l and bel\utlful monumont el'ected In hIe memory. ~... .! f; PAS01';JJ MllJ AlJOPTE:rJ thl" ]llth day of ,July, A. D., 1937. \.A_f!'f:i~_ V - r~,,::t:.~.!;'.Lr___ Mayor ~ ATTF:OTr ~ ----" (~?(-(2~-Y';".~~._~~___~_.___ ._ .' C1. ty Clnrk ., , .. '.. . "EXCERPT PROM 'l'HE KIJlUTlIS OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY COUNCIL MEETI~G HELD APRIL 2, 1930' The Council, having previously discussed with the Board of Directors of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, their proposal to locate a public library in Collins Park, the following resolution was introduced and same was read in full: RESOLUTION NO. 2239 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP MIAKI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE LIBRARY AND ART IN- STITUTE OF MIAMI BEACH TO IREC! A LIBRARY IN COLLINS PARK. WHEREAS, the Library and Art Institute of Miami Beach, Incorporated, has filed with the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Plorida, a plot plan, showing the proposed loca- tion of a memorial library in Collins Park in said City, and WllEREAS, said plan meets with the approval ot the said City Council, HOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that permiss10n il here- by given to the said The Library and Art Institute ot Miami Beach, Incorporated, to erect upon said Collinl lark a library and art institute, according to the plot plan filed with said Council, a copy of which is hereto attached. PASSED and ADOPTED this 2nd day of April, A. D. 1930. lSigned) John H. Levi President of City Council ATTEST: (Signedd C. W. Tomlinson ity Clerk (SEAL) . A motion was made by Councilman Clements, seconded by Councilman Hice, that Resolution No. 2239 be adopted as read. The motion carried unanimously. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH RESOLUTION 2239 DATED 1930 , , \' " r+ . i , I ( ~ I ~ ;--'"1' '~'-""- -- -.-' ./ .' i" . ' ~ 'f) ~, . -p "T' ,. -- - ~- _ _._ __.--__ _, u .. . . f. BESOLOTIOH 110.~ J. resoluticn authorizing the st.le at C1t;y Park at llJam1' Beaoh ..' ."'.... -. -, . to -<the Jliam1llesch ImprO;"lllBlIt Co~. 1rnRRE!B~ heretofore on t he 16th day o't JllltBry. 1913, the Cit;r ot lltami did receive b;y Speotal Deed from the Jl1ami Beach ImproVlIIlEllt COIlplU1)' too, hereinafter described tropert;y. lying ani being in the County cL Dade am State ot Florida, to be used exolusi \'Ill;y as a publio park and recreatiOll . ' . ground_ . ' J. C8l."t2J.n reota~ar pl.rcel ot grOlDld ~in8 in !own.hip F1tt,- ttJlIGe (53) South at R2nge FortY"'two (42) East. nth bttmlariea as t ollOWllI ' o lleginning at a point "'_iol1 is South 15 251 West ani distant one Illl1dllld fifty till'ee (153) teet tl'OlJ 2l1oti:er !;Oir.t. ';7Ucil is lbur tl10usend nine r.undred ninHY"'Six (4996) teet East ot till Northwest corner or Section munbered ttJirt,-tour (M),ot !i'ormship mmi>ered tiftY"'three (53) South, of RmlGe nur.:b-<"'lld ?artY"'two (12) ECst, t,ilich lest named !;Oint 1s mr};ed b;r a oonCl'ete montti.ent; thence north 740 351 West one ttJous1'.lIi eichty--nine (1089) feet to a point; tlence South 150 251 West four lnudred (400) teet to a !.Joint, thence South 740 351 East eleven lundred end. torty (1l4O) teet, Lore lr less. to 10\'1 vw,ter line CIl tile Clest shore of t:e Atlantio Ooeen; thEnce In n northerly direction r.JeDlderint; wid 10;-; tl~,ter lil'l! :0Il!' inlllired (400) feet tlOl'C 0.' less, to Eo point ;1ilich is South 740 35' EC-ct fro~J ~~oir.t o:~ be~L~lill{;; thence to poi:-.t 0: be- _ CUlIl,q;, toaetrer witr1 1'11 ri.::>aricn rights tilerllUnto belonging. . /Jill ',liEl:G\S. it I>S.s nO\'1 becoL'll iL,_r[ccticable to reintain the S2Xlll as a public park by the Ci t-y of ::iaci by rer,SCDI of sc.id perk beilt; beyond till licits or ti:e Ci ty of J:iE.ml ;m:l '.-Ji~hin the 1101 ts of tl'e Cit:i of ::iao1 Booch. 1nccr!Xlr~ted 31J"~e t:e G:'r.nt of said city ~rk; ,UD ;; m:r:i,S, the said Miaci Beach IOl'rovcrrent Compl.l1y 2l1d the s~io. 01 ty 0;: ~inr.i llr. ve b et;;;ecn t:~::J t:.rr2...l1.ge0. t~t too sai.i per~:: ~ll be con'" veyal to t::!l s['. id Ci t:r of :':ic.:i B-:::.:.ci:. far lr..rl: c.:rc. otter p.u.')Gsesj ....2~ rr.l':r:i:C::.s, the eit:l of' ~ic.d in:.; baW'. 0:f0:'0"':' O!l~ ~::C"..lS[,J~C. Doll:::-s (i)l,OOO.OO) to quitcleil~l its ric~:~, :itle aL~ il',:'~-le~t i., cT."::';O ::.iJ. proyerty il~ onlc:" t:.~.t't:1C sa::n r.ti.:;i:t be c':ll">I'::;Jc.I to t:.:: :..;c;Jd. Cit~; ~ ..;"::1:11 3_[.ch for . pt..r:: ~:U:;.JO ~os; LAW OFFICES. SMITH. ROBINEAU a: YONGE. MIAMI. FLA ~, '\ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH RESOLUTION 1452 DATED 1920 . /-~'. ., ./ .. . i'/ // A_ ... , : . ~. ""':'" ..--.r ~.' ~~. ~---'\.. . J' 1"""'" - \ , , bI1D ;nZY'.:.AS, the CHy or J.:1ami deems it ~sablil to ~l1E1Ve itself of too lDaintelU!l\09 end o~e of said park; . UOO ~REF(Ril, BE IT BEroLVED BY ~lE mp CumJU <F TIlE CITY Oi' )lUlU, PLORIDJ.I . ,. . ,,~t t b3 property conveyed to 1t. by deed tro1t- the JIlani Beaah , ImIroYeI:J<Jlt Co~ on Jaluary 16. 1913. and reccrded in Deed Book 102, page 219, - . Dade County Publ;o Reoordl. be r&-Canveyed to the JUam1 JleI1.cih.:1mprove~t Com- p6ny1n order thE-t tre sme ni:;ht be oonveyed to the Oity of JUami Beallh for po.rk pllll'oselh . ! 2. !hat the City Attorney is hereby instruoted to prepare the 11&Oell- ." ae.ry instruments to eftectuate tills transfer anl to deliver the sallie upon the .,~ecei"!?t of One ~,ousandDollars 1$1.0001. , ../ .. PASSED end ;.nOPTED this ~ d"" ot April. Ju D. 1920. . l, ~ .AW:::STl / M(b~ , City C1~z'k. .U'ffi OVZD :: li s 'Q dcy or ~. D. 1920. I . ~~ Usyo r. . , ,. I . -'......... -~ ---. LAW OF~lCES' SMITH. ROBINEAU 8: YONGE. MIAMI. Fl.."'. \' t)'l -.,-)..........'--. >-- " ~",-:<f-'., .~....-.( -lJ" ., . /I..: "j ...~..., ,,'. .'.', i.' r. -',' ""~"",:,T t "". '."_,.. ' , ~: _ B-"j;;~j..'f"'- " .. STATIi 0" FLORIDA. COUMTY OF OADt I I IHi:IU:BY CERTIFY Ibal the abo.. :;': ~~~~.~~i~g_~~~X:~~d_:~~t.~_1 e~~ filed in illY l1[f1ee _"".day OL~i)~ A,D, 19.4p,ud record5d iJI~Jk M'M. ~a I page _. _ stiLL. WITNESS DIY lUId 1UI Hidal xal l"is~daT 01.. .. ,A,D, U~ fi. B. L A THERH.AN I\~M~II~O. ' ~....r. q,.hC:.,lilI . I I ^. ~ ..> r.: .~I,~, l) Jh ;;;.--..,~_...,-.... ~ . t' :'-', ..ac" -- ....,;. .,. ~~. '" '..c ',j.' , i ..,L-. ,;. -4,1-",0-- ,.-"~,.'~"~'.r. ~. " .';... :. .." . . -,;...; .~, ~,' .. .. -'...... j.-;': ,~: . 1'" --" " .~' -.;~- . . ;,;(URI,', .,1. ,-....."""'.~.".,,Jot...~,,:. ~'''l''''..'...,. .._,~~,,:,::~~ ......(~ '_",:"~.,.,,~,,,", r ,....~_". 0;'" . ,. :,Y~ ~'.. ~ -- ...~:~. ~~-~':'._.i;/ ~....~'-\;r. .:; ~ ,-._.;,'~:> . " :01\1398 ~1l276 '. . , \. AGRE~MENT, Made this -'/~day of July, eeeI 3()1 ~,::~.S 1930, be- . tween THE MIAMI 9EACH I~~OVE1ENT COMPANY, a corporation ,. org&lized and existing ~der the laws of the State ot Flor- ida, party of the first part, and CITY or MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, party of the second part; WHEREAS, the parties hereto entered into a cer- tain indenture dated August 9, 1920 and recorded in De.d Book 231 on Page 99 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, n copy of which is hereto attached and incorpor- ated herein by reference; ~ .' NOI THEREFORE, in consideration of the Bum ot Ten Dollars ($ 10.00) and other good and valuable conBid- eration paid by and rnovi~g from each of the parties hereto, to the other, the recei;Jt of which is hereby acknowledged, it is 8€reed, as follo~s: 1. Thllt sald lndenture be and the same hereby is amended by inserting after the word "large", as the same aDpears in the last Ilne of the paragraph of said deed beginning with the words: "The real estate herein conveyed shall be used eXClusively as a aue1ic oark and recreation - . 't.- ";.1 // ground", the followlng provision, namely: (,"It is expressly understood and agreed, however, that nothing herein con- tained 8hell li11i t or "revent the establishment of a public llbraxy on said real estate for the use of the public, wlth the consent of the said grantee duly expressed by resolu- or Mlnute Record tion/, orovided further, ho~ever, the establlshment, con- . structlon, operation and malntenanee thereof shall not be ~ , required of the said zrantee,"- 2. That exceot as he:::-ein ')ro'lided, the eaid In:'cnl.\lre shall re'nain in full force cnd efieet. AGREEMENT DATED 1930 _-A<rf. 'I~ BCOKl398 "fl277 ~ --I J(j'~ '. ti~ ~ . \ \ ~:":"Ja<J~ ....:;j~ 3. That this agreement shall benefit and '~d~/'~; ~. . ,\ . .--.- the successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed in their res?ective names on their respective behalfs, by their respective of- ficials thereunto duly authorized, and their respective corporate eeals to be hereunto affixed, the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: THE ~IA~I BEACH IMPROVE'lENT COMPANY, Attest: By: X,.}Oa...~ ~I President. ' ': .f',,, . -"? .... .. (.. ~ I... -' .. , ::l ... ":' 0", ~~('-:--;1i1?~ to said first Dart officers. of the ts said :::\ ..... - ',,," '" .::t .-, CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, Dade County, Florida, ~ -,.': , -\" ~ V j II \\. . ~~~~- L.~ ~kJ As to said p rty of the second part and its said officers. ~ --J J / By:~, C0.h '"-~d'./I _ I Its Mayor. /'.\" , " ."- Attest:-a~f/ -.4-. ~~>...::\.< '.. i Y Cle,rk..: -lJ'., , , ",__ , : ~.~ '- .." '- ~ -: . ~ : . ~~: \ "'\ 10 . ./ " : ...- -', -.' ..., ~ ':)...:..- . '" .. ;.- '. -- <1,: ..~ /.,~ \., .. :.' ~.. "~<<"'-' " ..' '. ::;J " ','." . '. 'f'>.I'\;,.; ..}.... ~ f. ;_ ," -" " ...."..." .~:~...t."_!-""':'..'" STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE ~ SS Before me, the undersigned aut:-.or- ity, th.is day personally a9peared THOS. J. PANCOAST AND EViLYN ELLIS, to me well known and known to me to be the Pa",e 2, A Go r. "/~ < BCo!<I398 f'.!EC27S . " ,- - . " . \. . - - - ;~,:; '.~; ~i~UWnt and Assistant Secretary, respectively, of THE'.;Sti , MIAMI BEACH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of llorida and they each acknowledged before me that they exeouted the foregoing agreement as such officers, for and on behalf of said corporation, freely and voluntarily, for the uses and purposes therein expressed and with full author- . , ';~J ity so to do. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this day of July, 1930. .2/~ . \' ,"J ,,' ...."'....... ......oJ.) ..........." "..) :_,' '.y' ...... ,.." . ....4: r \ ' Larjr8 ~ . I 7. I .,~ ., >.' STAE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE ~ SS I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally ap~eared before me, LOUIS F. SNEDIGAR and C. W. TOk~INSON, Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Miami Beach, a corporation under the laws of the State of Florida, to me well known and known to me to be the persons described in and who exec~ted the foregoing instrument, and they acknowledged before me that they exe- cuted the saroe freely and vOluntarily and for the purposes therein expressed, and that said instrument is the act and deed of the said corporation. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal. this l;th day ":"f' '- -'.of: ',\'J~~8t, 1930. _0' . "-.~. .....} -", I -", -r'" /" .~.;..:.:.: :.; " Notary ,~~ ~ ate of Florida at Large. My cO!!lr1ission expires: ap,d,).S: /.,~~,' " t/ A'-1 3ft , \ .' I ""(l . - ,1 JU. . . .-' -. -. 5'~cfl398 f!GEZ79 - THIS INDENTURE, Made this 9th day of August, 1920, . )..': J I .Il' between THE MIAMI BUCH IMPROVElLENT COl!PANY, a corporation organized under the laws of the-State of Florida, party of the first part, and the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, party of the second part; WITNESSETH, t~at the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar lawful money of the Uni ted State s of America, to it in hand paid by the said party of the second part at or before the en- sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and in consideration also of the per- formance of the covenants and obligations herein enumerated to be performed by the party of the second part, has grant- ed, bar€ained and sold and by these presents does grant, bargain and sell unto the said party of the second part and its successors, all the follo~in5 real estate or tract of land situated, lying and being in the County of Dade and state of Florida, described as follows: A certain rectangular parcel of groann lying in Township 53 South, Range 42 East, with boundar- ies as follows: Beginning at a point which is South fifteen degrees and twenty-five minutes (15025') West and distant one hundred and fifty-three feet '(153') from another point which is four thou- sand nine hundred and ninety-six feet (4996') east of the Northwest corner of Section 34, Township 53 south, Range ~2 East, which last named point is marked by a concrete monument; thence North Seventy-four de6rees and thirty- five minutes (74035') West one thousand and eighty-nine feet (10g9') to a point; thence South Fifteen de[reee and twenty-five minutes (15025') West four hundred feet (400') to a point; thence soutt seventy-four degrees and thirty-five minutesfL~~0351) East eleven hundred and forty/( r~O'), more or less, to low water line on the nest shore of the Atlan- tic Ocean; thence in a Northerly direction mean1ering said low water line four hundred feet, more or less, to a :Joint wi-,ich is s0utii S~v€nty-four degrees and t~irty-five ffiinutes (74035') East from point of beginning; ti-:ence to point of beginning toget~er with all ripar- ian rights thereunto ~elon~ing; A&r. Iffy ~1398 I'ASE280 . .,. . . . .. . And the said party of the first part does hereby ",",1 J(); {tii:Df'~arrallt the title to said land and w111 defend\hI ,3()';;)":;5~r , \ '. sa~e ~~ainst tte lawful claims of all persons who~soever with the exceptions hereinafter enumerated and subject to the terms and conditions following, to-wit: This deed of conveyance 1s made subject to a public easement in certain streets and highways in said tract, which said streets and highways were heretofore and are now dedicated to the use of the public and are named and designated in the map or plat of said tract and adjo~nir~ real estate recorded in Plat Book 2 at page 47 in the office of the County Clerk in and for Dade County, Florida, on the day of December, 1912. / The real estate herein conveyed shall be used eXClusively as a public park and recreation ground and neither the whole nor any part thereof shall be sold, transferred, aliened, conveyed or encumbered by said city or made subject to the private use of any person or per- sons separate, distinct or different from the use of the public at large. TIle gra11tee hereby covenants wi th the grantor, its euccessors a11d assigns as a part of the consideration for these covenants to cultivate, i~prove and maintain said real estate in a manner and condition fit and suitable for a public park and recreation purposes and sh?ll from time to time make such improvements thereon as may be neces- sary to carry out the spirit and to effect the purpose of this conveyance. A failure or neglect on the part of the grantee to carry out and perform the covenants and condi- tions U==,OIl its ?art to be cerried out and perforl!led here- under shell cOllsti tute a breach of tr.is instru:'lent and the said first party, its successors or essi,?ne :'lay et its or ^C1-f. ~(~ , ,'0- . BCoiil398 P;-c:281 J, . ~ , \ \ '. " 1 Ju~ thej~j9tion have this instrument cancelled, set aside and annulled on account of such default, and the title to said real estate shall thereupon revert to and be vested in the grantor. its successors or assigns. IN WITIE8S tHEREOF, the said party of the first part by JOHN 8. OOLLIN8, its President, attested by THOS. J. PANCOAST. its Secretary, has hereunto set its hand and cor90rate seal on the day and year first above written. Signed. sealed and delivered in presence: THE UIA!.!! BEACa lIAPROVEM!:NT CCllPANY, BY (Si~ed) John 8. Collins Its President. (Si~ed) Cbas. J. 8tokes (Signed) H. S. Ed~ar As to Jobn 8. Collins, President. (SEAL) (Silloed) E. W. (81"ned) Hazel As to Tholl. J. 8beddan Pancoast, Secrete.ry. Attest: (8i2ned) Thos. J, Pancoast Its Secretary. Eebinger STATE OF NEW JER8EY ) 88: COUNTY OF BURLINGTON ) I, a Notary Public of the State of New Jersey, an officer authorized to take acknowled~e~entB of deeds, hereby certify that JOHN S. COLLINS, personally known to me and known to me to be the President of THE UI~I BEACH IV2ROVEMENT COMPANY. a corporation organized and now existing under the laws of the State of Florida, and, who as such officer executed the foregoin5 deed, this day per- sonally apoeared before me and acknowledged before me tbat he executed said deed as such officer, in the name of and for and on behalf of said corporation. freely and voluntar- ily for trie uses and pur90ses therein expressed, and with full authority so to do. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, this 24 day of August, 1920. (Si~ned) Chas. W. Stokes llo tary Public My commission expires: !!arch gth 1925 (52AL) STATE OF FLORIDA) 5S: COUllTY OF DADE ) I, a Nota,ry Public of the State of Florid.a, an officer authorized to take pcknowledgements of deeds, ^"f. 'f~ sCoKI8!Jf3 1ME282 -~ -. .. , , , \. hereby oertify that THOS. J. PABCOAST, personally known to me end known to me to be the Secretary of THE UIA!lI BEACH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, a corporation organized and now existing under the laws of the stete of Florida, and, who as such officer executed the foregoing Deed, this day personally appeared before me and acknowledged before me that he executed said deed as suoh officer, in the name of and for and on behalf of said corporation, freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein expressed, and with full authority so to do. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, this 31 day of August, 1920. (SEAL) (Si~ed) Hazel Shedden Notary Public My commission expires: Nov. 10, 1923. THE COHVEYABCE of the real estate described in the foregoing instrument, according to the tenor thereof, is hereby accepted by the City of Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, pursuant to a Resolution to that effect duly adop- ted by the City Council of said City on the day of 1920. WITNESS the corporate seal of said City aud t~e signature of its Mayor, Thos. J. ?ancoast, attested by J. F. Canova, its City Clerk, this day of 1920. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: THE CITY OF MIA~I BEACH, DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. By Its Mayor Attest: City Clerk. Coroorate (8 e' a 1 ) StaU nf nm;(Jd Cour..ry of Dadet . Tlli, ill,H'IlInror \l m {:ftd {or p{" :o,d ,J,t l?:t. .dl1'J 0/ ...~ - 'f~ ~-~. ,,1/ ~;~ _4~1 ,,,J ,,-,;. ',.-0-."" ,. nJok ./.JJ.:f-.$, ,/ _A~~ r.[r2..f_'_Fik ~;.--t:..A.J.Jf.f.>.{,,_....- E B. 1.2ATHlR-,A:I, ~r~ Circuit Court By~~~J.LA- n.c. . It (;-f. "1 Y; . . ~ -:.' :'.. "'~'~'T.~"-" ~,'t-~.:~~'" .~~" ,~",~"":d,,,,;,," J' _ . ~ .... r :~-.,:, '., I' . - \,.~ . . l;t ~-....:.."'~....if:. ~ "I..~ '.;f.:.'~ ._.-~ !.~~,. :.,<":. ,.: " . .. .. '.' . ,....- ..~~~7,\-~ .., . ~l ~~"~R;~{':: .~'i!"'c.( ~. .. ;~; .,~;.\I:t., ..-. ... ", .,. ," "" .r' ~;, ~.'~ ~ ,.. . -, - . a~.::;..~'~';;:~~-:''.,'!:'" ~:;.~~':~'/j-;.;:,';~~~~~ . .'-', . ~ . . . f. ,.>':0. 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