Interlocal Agreement (2)and of this Agfeemenof the date of exe be eXtended UPon anY and all renewal(s) utomati~lY Th's ination. eriod(s) f ent shal4 be9'n °n the XXVtt: of this A9reem feQUest~ng term reement shall a renewal art~es• $e~ l s of either Pam thereoi, this A9 and all such o{ both P The ~nd'al term iclel of anY. sent end within 3oa ~rdance with Art nt for the term(s) on written con endure use uP A reement to be Contracts inarate written a'r without ca Caused this She GlerK of the without sep n only be terminated Florida, has attested by Agreement ~ Miaml-Dade County, designee, County this S wµEREOF ~ Manager or thts seal of the Board of has caused IN VVITNES . b the County Caused th of Miami Beach, Florida ~ssioners and has al Mayor or designee, attested by the executed in its naComm~ and the City Board of County the Municip ~oUncil to be hereto attaCh2d, 2~~ Comm'ss'oners to be hereto attached; the seal of the Agreement to be ex al Co nc l and ha scaused Clerk of the Municip on the day and year first written above. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA, 8Y ITS BOARD OF COUNTY ;OMMISSIONERS Atte~t~. Miami-Dade County: ~~ ~~- : ~ ~~:~~ J :~. ~~ t; ~ ytiL3~ rk; .,J ~*~ . •..... ~/~ ' By. or or esignee County May Attest: City of Mian~each :(municipality) gy; ~~ '~~t~ Municipal Cler Municipal M )~eSignee gpPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY By: Assistant County Attorney FOR S TO UAGE ~` F TION i~ Ci Date