Passport noticeFrcm: Mremi PasspoA Agen:y 3CSS39-Sf.KI To G4G34C Cale-. 9/WZGG9 lime: ]:4738 pPA
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,~.,r ~~__--- Urgent: ~~,
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~~`°`Y' Reyuiremenis for ''~
-~_-.ri- `;:~. \ Locl:box Mailers j
• _ The Miami Passport Agenc~~ must be listed as the
return address on mailers for applications sent. to tockboa.
• Executed applications must be sent daily to the [.c]ckbox.
• Beginning Uclobcr I , 2001, all applications sent to Qte Lockbox
must be moiled wing a traceable method.
• Acceptance }•acilities must not use mailers bearing their }-'acilit~~
• Mailers using the outdated Miami Passport Agency address trust ~]e
• 1'lcase use the address and format shover. ou the correct example be-
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11~1iami Passport Agency