Candidate Joshua LaRose,..
1!tD9SEP22 PM 1~Q3
TO: Robert Parcher, City Clerk
CC: Jorge Gonzalez, City Manager
FROM: Jose Smith, City Attorney
DATE: September 22, 2009
SUBJECT: Candidate Joshua LaRose-non-qualified status.
The attached memo from the City's Chief Financial Officer has confirmed that on September 18,
2009 mayoral candidate Joshua Larose's qualifying check (although presented to the City within
the qualifying period), was returned for "not sufficient funds". The CFO concludes that: " of
September 18, 2009 and as of today, the City did not and does not have the thirteen hundred
and sixty dollars (S1360.00) [qualifying fee for mayoral seat, November 3, 2009 General
Election] from the Campaign Account of Joshua LaRose for Mayor of Miami Beach".
In light of the above, Mr. LaRose has failed to comply with the City Charter's requirement that
the qualifying fee be paid within the subject qualifying period. Mr. LaRose has therefore not
properly qualified for said office--you may notify the candidate and County Elections Department
of this determination.
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.d: 3056?37456. Fnx 5737795
Statement in regard to check received from Campaign Account of Joshua Larose
On September 10; 2009 at 2:21pm the City of Miami Beach cashier received and
processed check number 093 from the Campaign Account of Joshua Larose for Mayor
of Miami Beach in the amount of thirteen hundred and sixty dollars ($1,360.00). The
check was scanned into our system and batched along with the remainder of the day's
collections and sent to SunTrust Bank, where the City maintains its operating accounts.
SunTrust processed the batch and credited the City's account on Monday September
14, 2009.
On September 18, 2009, the City was advised that check number 093, received from
the Campaign Account of Joshua Larose for Mayor of Miami Beach, dated September
10, 2009, in the amount of thirteen hundred and sixty dollars ($1,360.00) was returned
for "not sufficient funds" and the City of Miami Beach's Operating account was debited.
Therefore, as of September 18, 2009 and as of today the City did not and does not,
have the thirteen hundred and sixty dollars (51,360.00), from the Campaign Account of
Joshua Larose for Mayor of Miami Beach.
Patricia D. Walker,
Chief Financial Officer
City of Miami Beach
September 22, 2009