Division 14. Residential/Office DistrictDIVISION 14. RO RESIDENTIAL/OFFICE DISTRICT* *Cross references: Businesses, ch. 18. Subdivision I. RO ResidentiallOffice Sec. 142-571. Purpose. The RO residential/office district is designed to accommodate an office corridor or development compatible with the scale of surrounding residential neighborhoods. The development shall be designed to maintain a residential character. (Ord. No. 89-2665, § 6-17(A)(1), eff. 10-1-89) Sec. 142-572. Main permitted uses. The main permitted uses in the RO residential/office district are single-family dwelling; apartments; and offices. (Ord. No. 89-2665, § 6-17(A)(2), eff. 10-1-89) Sec. 142-573. Conditional uses. There are no conditional uses in the RO residential/office district. (Ord. No. 89-2665, § 6-17(A)(3), eff. 10-1-89) Sec. 142-574. Accessory uses. The accessory uses in the RO residential/office district are those uses customarily associated with the district purpose. See article IV, division 2 of this chapter. {Ord. No. 89-2665, § 6-17(A)(4), eff. 10-1-89) Sec. 142-575. Development regulations. The development regulations in the RO residential/office district are as follows: TABLE INSET: Max. Minimum Minimum Minimwn Average Maximum Maximum Flcor Lot Area Lolwidih Apartment Apartment Build!ny Number Area fSquareFeel) (Feet} UndS~ze Unit Size Height oiStories Ratio (Square Feeq (Square Feet) iFeet) Max. Minimum Minimum Minimum Average Maximum Maximum Floes Lot Area LotN'idth Apartment Apartment Building Number Area (Square Feel} (Feet) L'nil Size Unit Size Height of Stories Ratio (Square Feel} (Square Feet) (Feet) 75 Residential-6,000 ResidenliaP-50 Single-family-1,8 Single-family--N?A 33 (excepf as 3 (except as Office--None Once-None Multilamily-SC4 provided in scxlion provided in section Mutt'rfamiiy-550 Office-N7A 142-1151] 142-1161) OthcE--NiA (Ord. No. 89-2665, § 6-17(B), eff. 10-1-89; Ord. No. 97-3097, § 2, 10-8-97; Ord. No. 98-3107, § 1, 1-21-98; Ord. No. 98-3150, § 1, 11-4-98) Sec. 142-576. Design review. All construction or rehabilitation shall be approved under design review procedures as set forth in chapter 118, article VI. (Ord. No. 89-2665, § 6-17(C), eff. 10-1-89) Sec. 142-577. Setback requirements. The setback requirements for the RO residential/office district are as follows (1 } Front yard: 20 feet. (2) Side yard, interior: The sum of each side yard shall be at least 25 percent of the lot width, not to exceed 50 feet, any one side yard shall have a minimum of 7.5 feet. When an existing building has a minimum five-foot side yard the setback may be allowed to follow the existing building line. The maintenance of the minimum required side yard setback shall apply to the linear extension of a single-story building or the construction of a second floor addition to existing single-family buildings. (3} Side yard, facing a street: 15 feet minimum. (4) Rear yard: 15 percent of the lot depth, 20 feet minimum. (Ord. No. 89-2665, § 6-17(D), eff. 10-1-89) Secs. 142-578--142-580. Reserved. Subdivision II. Reserved. Secs.142-581--142-584. Reserved. Subdivision III. RO-2 ResidentiallOffice Low Intensity Sec. 142-585. Purpose. character. (Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99) Sec. 142-586. Main permitted uses. The main permitted uses in the RO-2 residential/office low intensity district are single-family dwellings; and offices. (Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99) Sec. 142-587. Conditional uses. Conditional uses in the RO-2 residential/office low intensity district are adult congregate living facility; day care facility; religious institutions; private and public institutions. (Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99) Sec. 142-588. Accessory uses. The accessory uses in the RO-2 residential/office low intensity district are those uses customarily associated with the district purpose. See article IV, division 2 of this chapter. (Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99) Sec. 142-589. Development regulations. The development regulations in the RO-2 residential/office low intensity district are as follows: TABLE INSET: Max. Floor Minimum Lot Minimum Lot Minimum Und Maximum Builtling Maximum Number Area Ratio Area width (Feel) Size Height of Stories (Square Feel) (Square FceQ (FeeQ 5 6,000 50 1,800 25 (except as provided 2 (except as provided in section 142-1161) in section 142-1161) (Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99) Sec. 142-590. Design review. All construction or rehabilitation shall be approved under design review procedures as set forth in chapter 118, article VI. (Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99) Sec. 142-591. Setback requirements. The setback requirements for the RO-2 residential/office low intensity district are as follows (1) Front yard: 20 feet (2) Side yard, interior: The sum of each side yard shall be at least 25 percent of the lot width, not to exceed 50 feet, any one side yard shall have a minimum of 7.5 feet. When an existing building has a minimum five-foot side yard the setback may be allowed to follow the existing building line. The maintenance of the minimum required side yard setback shall apply to the linear extension of a single-story building or the construction of a second floor addition to existing single-family buildings. (3) Side yard, facing a street: 15 feet minimum. (4) Rear yard: 15 percent of the lot depth, 20 feet minimum (Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99) Subdivision IV. RO-3 ResidentiallOffice Medium Intensity Sec. 142-592. Purpose. The RO-3 residentiaUoffice medium intensity district is designed to accommodate an office corridor or development compatible with the scale of surrounding multi-family residential neighborhoods. The development shall be designed to maintain a residential character. (Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99) Sec. 142-593. Main permitted uses. The main permitted uses in the RO-3 residential/office medium intensity district are single-family dwelling; apartments; and offices. (Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99) Sec. 142-594. Conditional uses. Conditional uses in the RO-3 residential/office medium intensity district are adult congregate living facility; day care facility; nursing home; religious institutions; private and public institutions; schools. (Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99) Sec. 142-595. Accessory uses. The accessory uses in the RO-3 residential/office medium intensity district are those uses customarily associated with the district purpose. See article IV, division 2 of this chapter. (Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99} Sec. 142-596. Development regulations. The development regulations in the RO-3 residentialloffice medium intensity district are as follows: TARI F INGFT~ Max. Floor Minimum Lot Minimum Lot Minimum Unil Average Und Maximum i3uilding Maximum Number Area Ratio Area Width (Feet) Size Size Height (Feet} of Stories (Square Feet1 (Square Feeq fSquare Feet) 1.25 5,600 50 New New Historic dlsldd--00 Historic distric4d construction-550 censlruction-$00 (except as (except as Rehabilitated Rehabilitated provided in section provided in section buildings-ACO buildings-550 142-1161) 142-1161) Omerwlse--50 Otherwise-5 Sec. 142-597. Design review. All construction or rehabilitation shall be approved under design review procedures as set forth in chapter 118, article VI. (Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99) Sec. 142-598. Setback requirements. The setback requirements for the RO-3 residential/office medium intensity district are as follows: (1) Front yard: 20 feet. (2) Side yard, interior: The sum of each side yard shall be at least 25 percent of the lot width, not to exceed 50 feet, any one side yard shall have a minimum of 7.5 feet. When an existing building has a minimum five-foot side yard the setback may be allowed to follow the existing building line. The maintenance of the minimum required side yard setback shall apply to the linear extension of a single-story building or the construction of a second floor addition to existing single-family buildings. (3) Side yard, facing a street: 15 feet minimum. (4) Rear yard: 15 percent of the lot depth, 20 feet minimum. (Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99) Sec. 142-599. Setback requirements. (a) The setback requirements for the RO-3 residential/office medium intensity district are as follows: TABLE INSET: Front Side Interior Side- Facing a Street Rear Front Side, Interior Side, Facing a Street Rear At-grade parking lot on the 20 feel 5 feet a 5°!° of lot width, 5 feet, or 5%of lot width, Nan-ocranfront lots-51ee1 same lot whichever is greater whichever is greater Oceanfront lots-501eet f rom bulkhead line Subterranean 20 feel 5 feel, or 5% of lot width, 5 feet, a 5;e of lot width, Non-oceanfront lots-0 feet wh'~chever is greata (0 feel whichever is greater Oceanfront lots-W foot rf lot width is 50 feet a less) from bulkhead line Pedestal 20 feel Except lots A and Sum of the side yards shall Sum of the side yards shall Nomooeanfronl loll--ti7°b 1-30 of Amended Plat equal 16% of lot width equal 16% of la width of lot depth Ocean front Indian Beach Corporation Minimum-7.5 feel or 8% of Minimum--7.51eet or S%ef lots-20°io of lot depth, or 50 Subdivision and lots lot width, whichever is lot width, whichever is feet from the bulkhead line, 231-237 of the Amended greater greater whichever is greater Plat of First Ocean Front Subdivision--50 feet Trnver 20 feet t 1 fool la every 1 The required pedestal Sum of the side yards shall Non-0ceanfronttots-f 5% toot inrxease in height setback plus 10°h of the equal t 6% of the lot width of lot depln Oceanfront above 50 feel; to a height of the tower portion Minimum--7.5 feet or 6% of lots--25% of lot depth, or 75 maximum of 50 feet, then of the builtling. The total lot width, whichever is feet minimum from the shall remain constant. roquir~ setback shall not greater bulkhead line, whichever is Except lots A and 1-30 of exceed 50 feet greater the Amended Plat Indian Beach Corporation Subdivision and lots 231--23i ottheAmended F' t of Pig sl ~~::~..~ F•a'd Sucdi~a'slc,r_5r (mil (b) In the RO-3 residential/office medium intensity district, the ground floor level of a building when viewed from a street shall be screened or enclosed. The method of screening or enclosure shall be approved under the design review process. (Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99)