Division 14. Residential/Office DistrictDIVISION 14. RO RESIDENTIAL/OFFICE DISTRICT*
*Cross references: Businesses, ch. 18.
Subdivision I. RO ResidentiallOffice
Sec. 142-571. Purpose.
The RO residential/office district is designed to accommodate an office corridor or
development compatible with the scale of surrounding residential neighborhoods. The
development shall be designed to maintain a residential character.
(Ord. No. 89-2665, § 6-17(A)(1), eff. 10-1-89)
Sec. 142-572. Main permitted uses.
The main permitted uses in the RO residential/office district are single-family dwelling;
apartments; and offices.
(Ord. No. 89-2665, § 6-17(A)(2), eff. 10-1-89)
Sec. 142-573. Conditional uses.
There are no conditional uses in the RO residential/office district.
(Ord. No. 89-2665, § 6-17(A)(3), eff. 10-1-89)
Sec. 142-574. Accessory uses.
The accessory uses in the RO residential/office district are those uses customarily
associated with the district purpose. See article IV, division 2 of this chapter.
{Ord. No. 89-2665, § 6-17(A)(4), eff. 10-1-89)
Sec. 142-575. Development regulations.
The development regulations in the RO residential/office district are as follows:
Max. Minimum Minimum Minimwn Average Maximum Maximum
Flcor Lot Area Lolwidih Apartment Apartment Build!ny Number
Area fSquareFeel) (Feet} UndS~ze Unit Size Height oiStories
Ratio (Square Feeq (Square Feet) iFeet)
Max. Minimum Minimum Minimum Average Maximum Maximum
Floes Lot Area LotN'idth Apartment Apartment Building Number
Area (Square Feel} (Feet) L'nil Size Unit Size Height of Stories
Ratio (Square Feel} (Square Feet) (Feet)
75 Residential-6,000 ResidenliaP-50 Single-family-1,8 Single-family--N?A 33 (excepf as 3 (except as
Office--None Once-None Multilamily-SC4 provided in scxlion provided in section
Mutt'rfamiiy-550 Office-N7A 142-1151] 142-1161)
(Ord. No. 89-2665, § 6-17(B), eff. 10-1-89; Ord. No. 97-3097, § 2, 10-8-97; Ord. No. 98-3107, §
1, 1-21-98; Ord. No. 98-3150, § 1, 11-4-98)
Sec. 142-576. Design review.
All construction or rehabilitation shall be approved under design review procedures as
set forth in chapter 118, article VI.
(Ord. No. 89-2665, § 6-17(C), eff. 10-1-89)
Sec. 142-577. Setback requirements.
The setback requirements for the RO residential/office district are as follows
(1 } Front yard: 20 feet.
(2) Side yard, interior: The sum of each side yard shall be at least 25 percent of the
lot width, not to exceed 50 feet, any one side yard shall have a minimum of 7.5
feet. When an existing building has a minimum five-foot side yard the setback
may be allowed to follow the existing building line. The maintenance of the
minimum required side yard setback shall apply to the linear extension of a
single-story building or the construction of a second floor addition to existing
single-family buildings.
(3} Side yard, facing a street: 15 feet minimum.
(4) Rear yard: 15 percent of the lot depth, 20 feet minimum.
(Ord. No. 89-2665, § 6-17(D), eff. 10-1-89)
Secs. 142-578--142-580. Reserved.
Subdivision II. Reserved.
Secs.142-581--142-584. Reserved.
Subdivision III. RO-2 ResidentiallOffice Low Intensity
Sec. 142-585. Purpose.
(Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99)
Sec. 142-586. Main permitted uses.
The main permitted uses in the RO-2 residential/office low intensity district are
single-family dwellings; and offices.
(Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99)
Sec. 142-587. Conditional uses.
Conditional uses in the RO-2 residential/office low intensity district are adult congregate
living facility; day care facility; religious institutions; private and public institutions.
(Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99)
Sec. 142-588. Accessory uses.
The accessory uses in the RO-2 residential/office low intensity district are those uses
customarily associated with the district purpose. See article IV, division 2 of this chapter.
(Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99)
Sec. 142-589. Development regulations.
The development regulations in the RO-2 residential/office low intensity district are as
Max. Floor Minimum Lot Minimum Lot Minimum Und Maximum Builtling Maximum Number
Area Ratio Area width (Feel) Size Height of Stories
(Square Feel) (Square FceQ (FeeQ
5 6,000 50 1,800 25 (except as provided 2 (except as provided
in section 142-1161) in section 142-1161)
(Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99)
Sec. 142-590. Design review.
All construction or rehabilitation shall be approved under design review procedures as
set forth in chapter 118, article VI.
(Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99)
Sec. 142-591. Setback requirements.
The setback requirements for the RO-2 residential/office low intensity district are as
(1) Front yard: 20 feet
(2) Side yard, interior: The sum of each side yard shall be at least 25 percent of the
lot width, not to exceed 50 feet, any one side yard shall have a minimum of 7.5
feet. When an existing building has a minimum five-foot side yard the setback
may be allowed to follow the existing building line. The maintenance of the
minimum required side yard setback shall apply to the linear extension of a
single-story building or the construction of a second floor addition to existing
single-family buildings.
(3) Side yard, facing a street: 15 feet minimum.
(4) Rear yard: 15 percent of the lot depth, 20 feet minimum
(Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99)
Subdivision IV. RO-3 ResidentiallOffice Medium Intensity
Sec. 142-592. Purpose.
The RO-3 residentiaUoffice medium intensity district is designed to accommodate an
office corridor or development compatible with the scale of surrounding multi-family residential
neighborhoods. The development shall be designed to maintain a residential character.
(Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99)
Sec. 142-593. Main permitted uses.
The main permitted uses in the RO-3 residential/office medium intensity district are
single-family dwelling; apartments; and offices.
(Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99)
Sec. 142-594. Conditional uses.
Conditional uses in the RO-3 residential/office medium intensity district are adult
congregate living facility; day care facility; nursing home; religious institutions; private and public
institutions; schools.
(Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99)
Sec. 142-595. Accessory uses.
The accessory uses in the RO-3 residential/office medium intensity district are those
uses customarily associated with the district purpose. See article IV, division 2 of this chapter.
(Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99}
Sec. 142-596. Development regulations.
The development regulations in the RO-3 residentialloffice medium intensity district are
as follows:
Max. Floor Minimum Lot Minimum Lot Minimum Unil Average Und Maximum i3uilding Maximum Number
Area Ratio Area Width (Feet) Size Size Height (Feet} of Stories
(Square Feet1 (Square Feeq fSquare Feet)
1.25 5,600 50 New New Historic dlsldd--00 Historic distric4d
construction-550 censlruction-$00 (except as (except as
Rehabilitated Rehabilitated provided in section provided in section
buildings-ACO buildings-550 142-1161) 142-1161)
Omerwlse--50 Otherwise-5
Sec. 142-597. Design review.
All construction or rehabilitation shall be approved under design review procedures as
set forth in chapter 118, article VI.
(Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99)
Sec. 142-598. Setback requirements.
The setback requirements for the RO-3 residential/office medium intensity district are as
(1) Front yard: 20 feet.
(2) Side yard, interior: The sum of each side yard shall be at least 25 percent of the
lot width, not to exceed 50 feet, any one side yard shall have a minimum of 7.5
feet. When an existing building has a minimum five-foot side yard the setback
may be allowed to follow the existing building line. The maintenance of the
minimum required side yard setback shall apply to the linear extension of a
single-story building or the construction of a second floor addition to existing
single-family buildings.
(3) Side yard, facing a street: 15 feet minimum.
(4) Rear yard: 15 percent of the lot depth, 20 feet minimum.
(Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99)
Sec. 142-599. Setback requirements.
(a) The setback requirements for the RO-3 residential/office medium intensity district are as
Front Side Interior Side- Facing a Street Rear
Front Side, Interior Side, Facing a Street Rear
At-grade parking lot on the 20 feel 5 feet a 5°!° of lot width, 5 feet, or 5%of lot width, Nan-ocranfront lots-51ee1
same lot whichever is greater whichever is greater Oceanfront lots-501eet
f rom bulkhead line
Subterranean 20 feel 5 feel, or 5% of lot width, 5 feet, a 5;e of lot width, Non-oceanfront lots-0 feet
wh'~chever is greata (0 feel whichever is greater Oceanfront lots-W foot
rf lot width is 50 feet a less) from bulkhead line
Pedestal 20 feel Except lots A and Sum of the side yards shall Sum of the side yards shall Nomooeanfronl loll--ti7°b
1-30 of Amended Plat equal 16% of lot width equal 16% of la width of lot depth Ocean front
Indian Beach Corporation Minimum-7.5 feel or 8% of Minimum--7.51eet or S%ef lots-20°io of lot depth, or 50
Subdivision and lots lot width, whichever is lot width, whichever is feet from the bulkhead line,
231-237 of the Amended greater greater whichever is greater
Plat of First Ocean Front
Subdivision--50 feet
Trnver 20 feet t 1 fool la every 1 The required pedestal Sum of the side yards shall Non-0ceanfronttots-f 5%
toot inrxease in height setback plus 10°h of the equal t 6% of the lot width of lot depln Oceanfront
above 50 feel; to a height of the tower portion Minimum--7.5 feet or 6% of lots--25% of lot depth, or 75
maximum of 50 feet, then of the builtling. The total lot width, whichever is feet minimum from the
shall remain constant. roquir~ setback shall not greater bulkhead line, whichever is
Except lots A and 1-30 of exceed 50 feet greater
the Amended Plat Indian
Beach Corporation
Subdivision and lots
231--23i ottheAmended
F' t of Pig sl ~~::~..~ F•a'd
Sucdi~a'slc,r_5r (mil
(b) In the RO-3 residential/office medium intensity district, the ground floor level of a
building when viewed from a street shall be screened or enclosed. The method of
screening or enclosure shall be approved under the design review process.
(Ord. No. 99-3215, § 1, 11-17-99)