053-2009 Information Requested - Miami Beach Targeted Initiatives/GMCVB Contract., , M I AM I B EAC H 2oc~ a~ . ~z >~~'°: 3, -i ~~ City of Miami Beach, 7C0 Convention %anter Drive. Miami Fieoch, F.ori~o 33139, viww.miam~~.6eachfl.gw MEMORANDUM #052009 TO: Jonah Wolfson. Commissioner FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager` _ ~ DATE: October 20. 2009 SUBJECT: Information Requested -Miami Beach Targeted InitiativesiGMCVBGontract As per your request. attached please find a spreadsheet that reflects the use of the $950,000 in funding for annual targeted initiatives, funded from the overall City allocation to the Greater Miami and the Beaches Convention and Visitors Bureau (GMCVB). The specific use of this allocation for targeted initiatives is developed by the City, in cooperation with the Bureau's Marketing staff, in an effort to promote programs or activities that directly affect the City or its partners (e.g. hotels, restaurants, businesses, etc.). This includes, for example, programs that benefit our Boutique Hotels, Gay and Lesbian Travel and Film/Print promotion. This funding also provides additional marketing support for events in our City that result in nationalfinternational media impressions and/or generate room nights -both beneficial for the City. The proposed allocation of funds for the current fiscal year is pending the presentation of the marketing program being developed for our 2010 season. In addition to the $950,000 from the annual allocation to the GMCVB used for the City's targeted initiatives, the GMCVB also provides an annual allocation of $50,000 to the Cultural Arts Council. Please feel free to call me or Hilda Fernandez should you have any questions or require additional information. Attachment JMG/hmf Cc: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Commissioners Hilda M. Fernandez TARGET MARKET INITIATIVES 2ppU6 2006'6 20084 2007:8 20Wr9 gCTUaLS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUAL ACTUAL GOAL t: ENHANCE THE DESTINATION'S TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE AND E%PAND ATTRACTION ASSETS RESEARCH 5 b]0:O G+L /Jnrenu:n I¢?rC0]If s 1>. I•n csL raf9arcn 269:0 :p:%lU-LCYY ILI(rJil'i0fd. (J?tat'~RJF Hnifl%:3 \tp(:l:l GO 2 ~ :+!!aD: G SD4D::' $ 6„9:D £ J.,D.G AL : ENHANCE THE VISITOR E%PERIENCE ~U"Qny':f /•1 dT 3Fart VIx Y.r :.Mlc' C:I'ell: j UFY(91d: )Y BIP 'alfn 9Facn Crarncr 3 x0.0:0 i 40.cOJ S M1,U.:0 S =G .O: $ <0 C0; \IHni SHrA •mxn:r Ce-mr Pr_m u:on Cuslomer3rnica lNWOws "5.1<2 J %'.: 0:0 f '?9JG i 31'8"< Jn:.'M SnM:pel h'Rir: 'A\;i.,t361:TVP '.AIG7 :a A1l'VlI /Y) GOAL Y OPTIMQE SALES a MARKETING TargtteU Initiatives 3cutglu tiM9 "'n;nr S T.:b sgb S 2:Z5.G 3 2E8.G:0 $1R'AW fn.'. U:.U .fie/GIOYLiV^T4J(vT ~95Fa:Gtti::'-K: Y/.IVCr..Ry f 149,D~D J I41,D::4 f I4$,WD $'GSi.Di $1A6'.9D7 Tuuifn i $a9e ~~^'.rtles•Emfrtanncm Rear<n4Nal AaveMSmg Coop Rezi =ifma:o CarpFi9T O'parY.l-g-Lry_mc )ish br.Or Vmrlcry Oualal M916E:nt 88551/USP~n tiafa5n] Cullum Lown0o Cuvna -vm mn 3 103.£®5 $ T:DUP 5 2R,WG $t4,01a $dF'OHfE \ID'11 5'2'>OW E15: U~U COllalttal Support f - AllfmlE9YhL~rF8rc.Q1.uc;RmaPM11 J 5.0:0 55 CD:: Frey ab S fx6:es GVI)E$ FILIA. FASHION b ENTERTAINMENT Tram Shows 5790: $ 0: r1;'•l S SiC.U: Y_O,WG St6vF FIO[ i YNDdfRC t- s.IP-U- pl Wul'lun Cf p19Ck 3:OR filtl 1raY9', 1J fR9'l lrll, ~"1 rl'e51)::w5"/OYCII:.I^IbvfrB,TB1 pi11T]RM1pY.lln rd am.O.^.Ae ~:.uvny drrn o1 firro b EmFW nnam, Clly M Vian r:::a:r: Sirr cJRCZ and ORdrf. $p9:hc fnrcvx m m matlnam::T UIe 'ifr. 'aSfiV" S En19'dl'nMICnmm6Me lacy fiU4a FrV1u`.Of dD.'. i9(Art £ [O G:O Jfl EwntsIFO6I1Wl $Aasan nAE Allvm Sv.rr $ron5 rQ:.Dl:fl f tO90CO f '0:.00: 52O:OJ s: ;anp All9nl EefCI GroL'u9 $ I.OIFt " " Fn G.9fc Ahfml E9sm 5 9S C.DC S B:9T9 S 60:0 S -n.WU $Se.:,~: Fri 35Ea~Mlbrl EnFh~-Smh lraury, J(j I1::D JC511 lA an'r 3fa]f 4RE1)9^Fr..gram S 1k::UC~ S:mr 3Efim dIM9 9nr. -n:,U Fcrcbl Vmcan, a aG,:OC $ 40.M0 SN 5:A $51,0:0 S:uln U99tn ccnMy Fr val 3 'Q.C90 i 'A,D::n Fl.',OW S1C0:O 7tla( c~9r3 D 9 FOW SbCNI 37~ OW GOAL 4: POSITION GMCVB AS'TRUE STEWARDS' ANO "VOICE" OF THE VISITOR INDUSTRY 1i~3(YE:n;;I'uCll.'. NNmnnr;llr„sl r-IarkE:nF nfa6vEt $ .r - $ r::D::U.i $ J 2G' i0 L1P. Gct`CI:L Zrm \orrdrAV COr::curm $ 5}+:u:: $3'J WO PiOb]nF :. n.YIMI . .J.O 'dU'macY S ...urn Sfr]D AIIF(I11 F9etll 6 f ti'111::11 TOTAL f 606.271 S 969,4£9 S t,0A.900 3 1 O]O.T00 f 928,706 - -%,rar0 _ ~ 5 5 'b.1T9 f '2E.3D: :'.I =::u ' c,i •, uGE _ , 5 n: JI(: ., f :91'.9 $ t [r, n cu Ifi F ~`,-u.0_ E~33n;e i '.44 T.o $ '.L:. 111:: S ]t 4U; $ 4:_i,r,,i ! s