054-2009 Capital Project Savings., - - ~t ; - ~ `~ i' ~ ~ . m MIAMI BEACH z~~9°cr ~~ A~;"~ 5~ OFFICE OF THE GIN MANAGER a os4-loos MEMORANDUM i0: Commissioner Jerry Libbin FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: October 22, 2009 SUBJECT: Capital Project Savings This memorandum summarizes an analysis of capital project savings identified to date. Analysis The City's adopted capital budget contains capital project commitments appropriated for Fiscal Year (FY) 2009/10 (Capital Budget). Preparation of the Capital Budget occurred simultaneously with the development of the FY 2009110 - 2013114 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and FY 2009/10 Operating Budget. The Capital Budget presents project budgets for both the current and new capital projects necessary to improve, enhance and maintain public facilities and infrastructure to meet the service demands of residents and visitors to the City of Miami Beach. Capital reserves, debt service payments, and capital purchases found in the operating budget are not included in this budget. The Capital Budget for FY 2009110 appropriates funding for projects that will require commitment of funds during the upcoming fiscal year. Projects included in the Capital Budget and CIP address many needs in different areas of the Ciry including: neighborhood enhancements such as landscaping, sidewalk restoration; traffic calming; roadway and bridge resurfacing and reconstruction; water, sewer, and drainage system improvements; park construction, renovation and upgrades; renovation of seawalls; parking lot and garage renovation, and construction of new parking garages; constructionlrenovation of public facilities; and vehicle replacement. The Capital Budget and CIP incorporate a phased approach for the issuance of water, sewer and stormwater financing. Under this approach, the City has accessed a line of credit to allow the City to have the necessary funding capacity to enter into new projects, while allowing the City more time to both build the necessary rate capacity to issue additional tax-exempt bonds through rate increases and also spend down the current committed but unspent bond proceeds. This phased approach also provides the City with more time to refine the cost estimates for the water, sewer, and stormwater projects anticipated for FY 2009110. Beginning in FY 2008/09, due to the downturn in the construction industry, the City began to see significant reductions in construction bids. It is yet to be determined if these savings will actually be achieved through the construction of these projects, but the City is tracking the resulting potential savings identified to date. Capital Project Savings Page 2 of 2 these savings will actually be achieved through the construction of these projects, but the City is tracking the resulting potential savings identified to date. Of these identified savings, only a portion of the potential savings identified in the South Pointe Neighborhood Right-of-Way (ROW) projects was recommended for re- appropriation in the Capital Budget to allow full funding of the Coast Guard Booster Pump Station-South Pointe project, thereby avoiding the need to issue short term financing for that project. The following table provides a summary of savings identified to date. POTENTIAL PROJECT SAVINGS BASED ON BIDS PROJECT SAVINGS FUNDING SOURCE GENERAL FUND RELATED PROJECTS Normandy Shores Clubhouse Normandy Shores Clubhouse Scott Rakow Youth Center Potential Project Savings Based on Blds 802,908 Capital Reserve 670;592 Pay-as-youyo 2,500.000 Pay-as-youyo 3,913,500 CITY CENTER PROJECTS CCHV Neighborhood Improvements -Historic District BP9A Potential Project Savings Based on Bids SOUTH POINTE PROJECTS South Pointe RDA Improvements Phase II South Pointe RDA Improvements Phase III-V Potential Project Savings Based on Bids City Center RDA 3,500,000 Capital Fund 3,500,000 4.200,000 South Pointe Cap"Rat 5,000.000 South Pointe Capital 9,200,000 WATER AND SEWER PROJECTS Miscellaneous Wastewater & Water Upgrades 484,443 Water & Sewer Bonds Upsizing Under Capacity Waste Water Indian Creek 25-41 St 478,243 Water 8 Sewer Bonds Upsizing Under Capacity Water Main Indian Creek 25-41 Sl 795,082 Water 8 Sewer Bonds Potential Project Savings Based on Bids 1,757,768 TOTAL TO-DATE 18,371,268 JMG /KGBl