Resolution No. 4062REBOLUTEON NO. ~O6a A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF MIAM1 BEACH, FYDBIDA, ACCEPTIN0 qqlE TENDER OF A BOUTH WlNO TO Bw. CON- 8TRUOT~ ON ~ PRESENT LIB~ BUILD~O A~ A N~OR~ TB~ ~TE JOHN 8. ~I~INB, A~D t~RXeS~ N~IR T~K6 ~ ~S. ~H BAlD WHEREAS, Mrs. Thomas J. Pancoast, in behalf of the John 1. Collins family, has tendered the Olty of Wiaml Beach, through this Body, a proposal to construct, without expense to said City, a new wing adjoining the present Library Bull~lng on the south, same to be used as a reading room and extending the present lib- vary facilities, and to serve as a permanent monument and memor- ial to the ],ate John H. Gelline, and WHEREAS, Ar<;hltoct Russell T. Pancoast has submitted plane of the proposed structure whloh are entirely satisfactory to this Council, NOW, TREREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counoil of the City of ~{laml B~aoh, Florida, that we do hereby accept with sincere appreciation, this very generous gift and memorial, not only in behalf of this Council, but also In behalf of the C~ty and all of its o~t~zou~ who w~ll ~.n the future enjoy the benefits of these BE IT FURTHER ~E~LVED that in aoopptin~ this memorial it f~tt]nS tb.t ~. add herewith our tribute to our late frlend ana Father of M~mt Beach, John 8. Collins, who bY his oouPn~e, faith and vision ~n the early p~oneor~n~ days of o~ little community ~ave ~mpetu~ to nnd made possible the tremendous ~vowth and meet of o,v pve~ent CIty, aud .e are happy to nee thle practical and beautiful monumnnt o~'ected in hle memory. PASSED AND ADOPTED thl. ]{{th day of July, A. D., 19}7, ATTEBT{ ~Jl. ty Clerk