Resolution No. 1452 ( ~ ! ~ /...,"'-.,----...-' ./ 0' j .. . ' ~ '--') -.... "'y. ,. -- ~- ..-- - - --- ..... .----...- .+. ._- . .. , , \. . . f. RESOImIOllIIO.~ J. resolutlcn autbor1z1ng the sele ot 01t)" Park at llJalD1.lleach ."'.. -. -, . to -too Jl1aml. "'ellCh Improlemant Oo~. 1mRREAs~ heretofore on the 16th da)" ot January, 1913, the Cit7 ..' ot 1Ilami did receive b7 Special Deed frolll the JilaIll1 Beaoh ImprovEllunt OOIlJ?8D7 tb:!. hereinafter described troperty, lying ani being in the Ccnnty rL Dade ani State at Florida, to be used. exolusl. 'Vlll.7 as a PUblio I61"k end recreatian . t ground" . J. CE1l'te1n rectaIl>Ular !Brcel of grOlDld ~l.ng 1n townsl1l.p FlttJ- theee (53) South of ~ Fort~twQ (UIEast, nth b4m1eriea ~ to110Wl11 . o Beginning at a polnt 'It. iob is South 15 26' West .ani distant one hUtdllld fifty till"ee (153) feet frou enoti:er !.D1r.t, ",Ucil is lbur thous!'2\d nine r.tUldred nlnetrsi::a: (4996) teet Best of thl Northwest corner of Section DUlDbered thirt7--tour (M),ot >'o,mship lhm~ered fifty-.three (53) South, ot RmlGe nur.:bc,..d ?arty-.two (12) ECst, ujlich lest namEd !.Dint is mrklld b;r a ooncrete montti.ent; thence IIorth 740 35' West one thOllS,.lli. eic;hty--nine (1089) teet to a poUlt; tlence South 150 25' West four IrurdrEd (400 J feet to a ~ointl thence South 740 351 East eleven hlndrEd en<l forty (1140) feet, Lore cr less, to 10Y! v/(Cter line Ql ti,e 'ilest shore at t:e Atlantic Ocesn; thEnce in (C northerly direction rJet.nderinc Sl>.id. lor; v/~.tel" 11,...e :crur hunlrEd (400) teet tlore 0" less, to E. point ",hich is South 740 35' ~t fro:J ~"1oil'.t 0: besi."Ulill{;; thellce to poi:'.t 0: be- , GUlll'Il:, tocetiJer \'lit[, ,11 ri.::>aritlll rights tnereunto belonging, r+ . . J\1ffi ',1ll'R"'..\S, it res no\'1 beCOl:e ir.,_rc.cticable to reintain too S2JllS M a public park by too OHy of ::1aoi by rOC.SOll of SE-id. :perle balll> beyond too limits of t,., Oi ty of 1:1ami 8ffi \1i~h1n the 11al. ts of ti'e City of ::iaal. Brech, incot"!Xl!.(Cte<.l sLnce t:~ G,'rnt of s(Cid city .::>"rk; ,UD ;;ll;:I:l.s, the said M1am.1 Beech Ir:ql1"overrent ComJll.llY and the suid City 0--: ::i2.r..i. hr,.ve bet-;:ecn t:~::l :::'rra."1se(:. tlu:.t too s:ti..i pe.r~::: siJn.ll be con- veyoo.. to t;~ s.t'. iel C i t:r Gf :':i~i B-:::.cr.. far ll:.rl: 2nl otter !"lr-)cses; ,,1:0 ,-r&:8:.....s, ti!.C Cit:l ot ~i.cr:i :iE.~ been o~fe:-er2. O!.lD ~;:u\lS[,J~C. Doll::::"s (;;a,ooo.ool to quitclalJ.l its ric::~, ~i~le Ul_: i::~.::es~ L 'LC-;;O o:iJ. pro]!erty L... ollic:' t:~c_t.t:iC S2..;)J r.ti..:)~t be cCl1v~;;e'.l ~J t1.~ :.:.c-:ld Ci~~; ~ ::~l::i 3_<:.ch for . !>u:: ~:u:'!Jo~cs; LAW OFFICES. SMI"H. RQBINEAU &: YONGE. MIAMI. FLA ~, " . c~., .' / ,. ~/ "./...., . - ~- CITY OF MIAMI BEACH RESOLUTION 1452 DATED 1920 . ~:-:-- w-- ~.' ~~. ~", " . ), lT1V . - , , , lJ1lJ arzr...Ml, the City of J.:iam1 deems it ~sabh to nll1eve itself of too JDl1.1nteJU!l\lle end oe.re of &aid parlq . noo 'ili:C:REFGR:i:J, BE 1 T REOOLVE:D llY ~lE OIlY carnelL CF THE CITY OJ'llIJlU, J'L0!lIDJ.1 . 14 , "\.~t t b:I property conVEl;yed to 1t. by deed trolt the JUaul Beach . ImJroveClEllt Co~ on JItlua.ry 16, 1913, and rec<rded .In Deed .Book 102, page 219, . . Dade County Publ ~c Recordl' be rE>-Canv~ed to the JUami :BrecUt.:1Dprovel:lell t Com- JXUly in order thE.t too sttle r:li~t be oonveyed to the Oity ofllialDi Beach tor po.rk pIll1>Oses. . j 2. !hat the City AttonJe1' is hereby instruoted to prepare the neon- '" a&r7 instruments to efteotuete tills tra.nster ani to deliver the same upon the . '0oei!'t of One 'Ll,ousand Dollars 1$1,0001. , ./ .. PASSED end JJJOPTEJ) this -1...1- dS<{ ot April, J... D. 19m. . l. A'l~STl / UI.(jn~ . city Clllrk. .;1'ffi OVZD ,::i s ? dcy of ~L' D. 1920. ,- . . ~~- Uayor. . . , ,. I . '1-..... -~ '--.. LAW OFf:"ICES' SMITH. ROBINEAU &: YONGE. MIAMI. FLA. ~