Cellular Phone Usage PolicyCITY OF MIAMI BEACH Office of the City Manager Interoffice Memorandum To: From: Subject: Department Directors Date: October 18, 2001 Jorge M. Gonzalez City Manager CELLULAR TELEPHONE USAGE AND REIMBURSEMENT POLICY Attached is a copy of the City's Cellular Telephone Usage and Reimbursement Policy for all employees who are provided a City-issued cellular phone. This policy was recently created with input from representatives of the Administration. Also attached is a list of all City employees who have a City-issued cellular phone. Please make sure to share a copy of this policy with everyone in your Department who is on this list. The attached policy is in keeping with my intention to further empower each of you, However, as I have said repeatedly, with empowerment comes accountability. This policy allows you to make the appropriate decision within your department. I encourage you to use appropriate judgment in making your decision, This policy will become effective with the October billing cycle. Please note that everyone who has a City-issued cellular phone is required to sign a statement that they have read and understand this policy. Once this is signed, please return to Gladys Acosta in the Information Technology Department, If you have any questions regarding this policy, feel free to contact Gladys at (305) 673- 7000 ext. 5775. JMG/RI/ptw c: Executive Staff F:~CMGR~$ALL'JORGEGONVvlEMOS~city-issued-phor,as.cloc CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CELLULAR TELEPHONE USAGE AND REIMBURSEMENT POLICY 200'1 The City provides cellular telephones to City employees who conduct City business while out of the office. The following are guidelines in effect for cellular telephone usage and reimbursement: POLICY It is the responsibility of the Departmental Directors to approve all departmental requests for cellular telephones which meet specific criteria. It is the responsibility of the Information Technology (IT) department to evaluate cellular equipment and telephone carriers, as well as administer installation, maintenance and billing function. It is the responsibility of the departments and employees assigned a City cellular telephone to exercise proper use as outlined in this policy. APPROVAL OFCELLULARPHONE All cellular phones to be used by City departments must be approved by the respective Department Director. All departmental requests must be justified annually on a prescribed form. Cellular telephone assignments are subject to annual reviews to ensure continuing compliance with the approval criteria. APPROVALCRITERIA 1. Executives who require a cellular phone. 2. Police and Fire personnel who require a cellular phone for the protection of life and property. 3. All other requests recommended by the respective Department Director, which strictly adhere to the approval criteria of this Policy. The following are circumstances under which cellular phones will be considered for all requests: a. The intended user's job requires making and receiving phone calls while out of office which are critical to the immediate safety of life and/or property. b. The user's job requires making and receiving phone calls while out of office, and delayed communications would cause a significant interruption in delivery of services or a major negative economic impact to the City. c. Other telecommunications methods such as fixed telephones, pagers, two- way radio, voice mail, electronic mail, or FAX machines cannot provide cost effective, satisfactory communications. d. Other departmental portable or mobile cellular phones can not be shared or pooled by the intended user, on an as-needed basis. PLAN ALLOCATION It will be the Department Directors (or his/her designee's) responsibility to choose a package minute plan based on that employee's job responsibilities. Once the original plan is chosen, it may only be changed by the Department Director, or his/her designee, based on a review of the telephone usage. INSTALLATION Upon Department Director approval, the cellular telephone equipment evaluation, acquisition, installation, airtime carrier and other services associated with the cellular telephone request will be determined by the IT Department. Emergency acquisitions will require as a minimum the verbal approval by the Department Director followed by a formal request in order to continue the use of the cellular telephone beyond 30 days. OPERATING PROCEDURES The IT Department will be responsible for establishing and administering specific operating procedures addressing: maintenance, repair, servicing policies; equipment warranties; lost, stolen or surplus equipment; customer service requests; telephone records; billing and charge-back costs; user training; departmental telephone liaisons; vendor and air-carrier coordination and any other cellular telephone issues to effectively manage the City's cellular telephone function. The IT department will send a list to the Finance Department of all Users that must reimburse the City for excess usage. The Finance department will be responsible to monitor employee reimbursements and make timely reports to the Department Directors, PD/Fire Administration and the IT Department. USAGE AND BILLING Department Directors are responsible for reviewing their departmental monthly telephone bills, and control the assignment, usage and charges of their assigned telephones. Departments will hold employees accountable for any improper use for cellular or fixed telephones. If the user is on a plan which has "included minutes" then calls made within these minutes need not be reimbursed to the City. All calls that exceed the package minute plan, which are billed by the cellular carrier must be reimbursed to the City unless proper justification is submitted to the Department Director. The Department Director will approve all justifications. Reimbursements for excess usage will be based on the charges billed by the cellular carrier. · Users should highlight the excess usage. · Calculate the reimbursement for excess usage by utilizing the rate per minute that is itemized on the invoice. · Provide a copy to their Department Director for review. · Remit the bill and proper reimbursement payment to the Finance Department Cashier Window on the first floor of City Hall no later than 7 days after they are received. Those employees that have a personal cellular phone and occasionally have usage for City business will be reimbursed to the employee at the rate charged by the cellular carrier. Proof of invoice must be forwarded and approved by Department Director. AUDITS The Internal Audit departments will randomly spot check bills to ensure that personal calls are being paid. LOST OR STOLEN PHONES Lost or stolen cellular phones must be reported immediately to Risk Management and Information Technology. I have read and understand the above stated policy. Employee Name: Signature: Date Received: Cellular Tel. #: Plan Allocation: Monthly Service Cost Included Minutes Nights & Weekend Other Features Cingular Wireless Phone Inventory 10/17/2001 as of 9124101 Title First Name Last Name IT * * * John Visser Sgt G Navarro Dir Public Works Fred Beckmann Dir Arts& Ent James Quinlan Property Mgt John Gresham RC&P Domingo Macias RC&P Dale Bryant Asst Chief Raymond Martinez RC&P Thomas Knight City Mgr Jorge Gonzalez Comm Mgr Gladys Acosta Property Maint John Toledo Property Maint Ralph Moreno Comm Res Mgt Lynn Bernstein Parking Alarm Phone Dir Arts& Ent James Quinlan Dir Parking Saul Frances Chief T Thompson Dir Code AI Childress Fire 300 Shift Commanders Chief E DeIFavero Dir Property Brad Judd City Mgr Robert Middaugh A. Dir Pub Wks Michael Alvarez City Mgr Jorge Martinez MBTMA Judy Evans Fire SP Events Coordinator Building Phil Azan Dir IT Kay Randall Chief T Rice Building Richard McConachie Fire Rescue Lieutenant Property Maint Frank Diaz Property Maint Mike Tsakrios A. Director Code Eric Wardie Supervisor PSCU Emergency Coor E Yuhr Property Maint Vernon Cash City Mgr Timothy Hemstreet Property Maint Charles Zarate IT Emergency Spare Phone # 305-297-0100 305-297-0491 305-297-0893 305-297-4488 305-298-9096 305-308-0220 305-308-0246 305-308-0430 305-308-0441 305-308-0663 305-308-2001 305-308-2348 305-308-2457 305-308-2568 305-308-2570 305-308-3352 305-308-3398 305-308-3762 305-308-3793 305-308-3826 305-308-3927 305-308-3957 305-308-3999 305-308-4551 305-308-4597 305-308-5348 305-308-5702 305-308-5876 305-308-6620 305-308-6651 305-308-6657 305-308-7485 305-308-7901 305-308-7974 305-308-8921 305-308-9183 305-308-9497 305-308-9503 305-310-8222 305-318-0954 305-31 8-1555 Location Code 640 1110 810 380 1720 940 920 1110 940 310 1750 1720 1720 860 462 380 461 1210 1520 1210 1210 1722 310 810 9322 183 1210 1510 640 1210 1510 1210 1720 1720 1520 9405 1210 1720 310 1720 1750 F:\COMP%$ADM%FY00%BELLSOINVENTORY99-00 Page I Cingular Wireless Phone Inventory 10/17/2001 as of 9124/01 Title First Name Last Name Chief Floyd Jordan Property Maint Bruce Lamberto Dir RC&P Kevin Smith RC&P Fairway V Police Bernie Winer Police AI Kareem Asst Dir RC&P Sugar Firtel RC&P North Shore V1 Exe Asst Ronnie Singer RC&P Andy Plotkin RC&P Youth Center V RC&P A Lutze City Mgr Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli RC&P Stillwater V RC&P YC ADA Bus RC&P Ken Wierleski RC&P Ellen Vargas RC&P North Shore V2 RC&P Normandy Isle City Mgr Christina Cuervo City Mgr Michael Aller Comm Joe London Public Info Nannette Rodriguez Exe Asst Mary Greenwood Neighborhood Svcs Vivian Guzman Fin. Director ** Patricia Walker PIO Alfredo Boza Major Gerard Tollefsen Asst Chief Donald De Lucca Captain Anthony Marten Chief Richard Barreto Captain Leonard Alamo Major Steve Robbins Captain Charles Press Captain Charles Garabedian Sgt R Gullage Captain Anthony Pizzo Sgt Julio Yero Sgt Robert Hundevadt Captain J ames M azer Captain Casey Conwell Phone # 305-318-2016 305-318-3858 305-318-3884 305-318-4075 305-318-4213 305-318-4313 305-318-5482 305-318-8612 305-318-9804 305-331-2263 305-331-2289 305-331-2355 305-331-2657 305-331-3042 305-331-4030 305-331-4350 305-331-6537 305-331-6898 305-331-8245 305-331-8758 305-331-9123 305-332-0999 305-332-3153 305-332-4973 305-333-3060 305-333-4300 305-335-4423 305-335-6406 305-335-6410 305-335-6418 305-335-6434 305-335-6442 305-335-6446 305-335-6448 305-335-6471 305-335-6480 305-335-6485 305-335-6490 305-335-6502 305-335-6575 305-335-6620 Location Code 1210 1720 920 950 1110 1110 950 950 310 950 950 950 310 950 950 950 950 950 950 310 441 1750 350 1790 860 360 1110 1120 1110 1140 1110 1150 1130 1140 1130 1140 1120 1140 1140 1130 1120 F:\COMP%$ADM\FY00%BELLSOINVENTORY99-00 Page 2 Cingular Wireless Phone Inventory as of 9/24/01 10/17/2001 Title Marine Patrol Major Captain Sgt Police Captain Sgt Police Police PSCU Mgr Sgt Cultural Arts Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Captain Sgt RC&P RC&P RC&P Risk Mgt Risk Mgt Lt Lt City Mgr RC&P RC&P Police Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works First Name Last Name Priscilla Grandage Pat Schneider Tom Weschler William Turner Lydia Shows Carlos Noriega Steve Jones David Allen Robert Frame Tasha Whittinham Greg Butler David Whitman Board Message Board Message Board Message Board Message Board Message Board Message Board Message Board Message Brian Miller Larry Bornstein B Rodriguez YC Rec Bus John Oldenburg Clifton Leonard Ron Caplan Brian Sliman John Tighe Ramiro Inguanzo Summer P&R Summer P&R Bobby Hernandez Donald Shockey Carla Dixon Michel Magloire Jorge Chartrand John Kranick Walter Reddick Carl Hastings John De Pazos Location Phone # Code 305-335-6627 1120 305-335-6638 1150 305-335-6650 1110 305-335-6677 1140 305-335-6681 1140 305-335-6688 1130 305-335-6693 6072 305-335-6696 1120 305-335-6774 1130 305-335-6822 9405 305-335-7734 1120 305-343-0072 6080 305-343-1295 463 305-343-1296 463 305-343-2199 463 305-343-2200 463 305-343-2201 463 305-343-2296 463 305-343-2297 463 305-343-2298 463 305-343-2555 1150 305-343-4455 9405 305-343-4476 950 305-343-4477 950 305-343-4478 940 305-409-1070 1790 305-409-1071 1790 305-450-5196 6069 305-450-5197 6069 305-450-7146 310 305-815-9319 950 305-815-9320 950 305-972-1133 1110 305-979-6346 820 305-979-6347 820 305-979-6348 820 305-979-6349 820 305-979°6350 820 305-979-6351 820 305-979-6352 820 305-979-6353 820 F:\COMp~$ADM~PY00~BELLSOINVENTORY99-00 Page 3