Ad #580 December 9, 2009 Notice of Public Hearing-. - . - - - - ~~;1'f'-Y OF 1N1~-M~ B-E~-~l _ ~ ~ o BL~IC tE~4R(NG ~ ' m .;.:NOTICE Of .~ _ . . Commission of the City.~of Miami ~ W - " ublic hearirig vwll be"held by the:DitY - j m iven that,a second reading:antl p ~ ch,-iri the;Cornrnission Cfiambers;a3rdfiloorrCityaNall, •1700 Conven`fioP Center.Dnve•,Mi~ i Beach, Florida,•on e_ n ~ 'NOTICE iS:fIERF.6Y 9 -c''o A roving On Second Reading Final Readingo~As~Be gTh Ctry And M arr~i ~,,, •Bea To Cons~de Pp - o December'9, 2009 at 1025 A.M otiated Terms= In -Exhibit A'. To This: Resol ~' . Awned Property, L_ocate~l roximately '2,5?rg SSluare •F~et Of City- with T ~ Standard Lease Form And Su~ect To T•Fho ~~ 7,7se Of ApP _ Beach Omemaflleclue(Cmematheq°~ ,__ etit~ve.8ddi ~g , At ~1130'lEitash-ngtori.Avenue 'l~ Floor Mcam+ Beach Florida Said Lease Havang An Initial Term Of Three (3) ears ration Furthef waiving By 5L7ths Vote, The Crop 's Sole=Drsc :Code Fmding'Such Vflaiver"1'o ee In The .. ~ Additional Three Year-~e~val Terms,sAt~The'Crt~i ,.~ '.. ~ - ants. (As~Rsqu~!'e~-~ 5®ction 82-39 Of The Miamr Beach City ) And-ApP~~s~t<Requ~rerrt - : ~- > ' _ 1 . z.. ~` ,~:... Best InteresfOf"'fhe C7ty _ and C~~,;~ty.Developmer<t-at (3D5)-.673 7260 " `~ f ,' , , . r Inquiries may.berl~reotedtofheyOffcGent`Real,Estate klousing sented by:an`agent, or io express t ea' y~eyrs=mwratUag ,~ " ' ` loot City Hall, ami Beach Florida ': OJTEFI;ESTED paR~rES are invited to. appear-af tMs meeting or .be repKe , ' Gomm~ssion, ,o/o the C'rry:Glerk 1:700 Cariventwn Centef Drive 1 st: F ~ ~ • addressed to'#he ,C~ty. ~ Clerk 331:39 T,t~srr-eetlitg•'rna,Y~e:d°~inued~and undersuch circumstances additional legal notice Robert E Rarchertl~itY• . •."~ _ _~_ . - ~;City=ofWliamr'8eac4i . n.:, ` r .. - 4 ~ ~• ublic that, rf a,person'decides o•a~peal any decision made by . ' '86:0105, Fla Stat:;.tbe City hereby adwsesthe p such arson ~rnust ensure that a verbatim ., r'Pmrsuantto SectronY matter considered at.its meeting-0r ats hearing _ P eal;is to be based jfhis ttfe~Ctt,}~'C~mintiss~on~ivith respect to any - - .,~brd*~t"the pcbceedmgs is-made,• which recgrd includes ttaetestimony acid evidence upon.which the apP - - t;~ns{i{ute:conser-tby ff~e-Cityf°r'tbe introduction'a~ dmissiort of 4fiierwise inadmissible or ircelavant eviderlcek riot .; =no4ice•does. no als: aot othenivise allowed by ~; ~ :; .. ' ~. ~ ~ does it~authopze,challenges or apps . , + ~ .~ 2489 (VOice) ~' aterial'in-accessible format- sign language mterpreteCS,~information~on acres lease contact (305)604 ilities and/or. To-request-this m ~}ci a in any c~-sponsoted:proeeedirig, p . r '.;any.accommodation;to~reviaw any dodument.pr:p ~ _ __ ' >721$~ _'~.~W.e~da~ ~ ~ance':to°in9tiate'your request,;;fTY user§ may:also call 711 (Florida Relay~Sen~rce)• °(305)'fi~3 RTC I /kd #580 _. - '. - .