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Ad #581 December 9, 2009 Notice of Public Hearings
Im, NiIAMIB~EAIGH ~:~f(B ~- - _ -_--~ -------- CITY OF Nf1Ai1lII BEACH ~ ! .= . ~~_ • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS - - - I e~A r`snd . iven that second readings and public heanngs krill tie`held by'th aYo :NONCE IS HEREBY 9 of Miami Beach, Florida, irrthe Commission Chambers, 3i'd ~~ rte, City:Commission, of the City 'Hall, X700 ConSerition Center Drive,'Miami'Beach; Florida, on Wednesday, ~ .. to consider the following. - ~ prdinance 2006- ~0:15~a.tn:'- ~ to ees'~letirement Plan Created By .' Ordinance Amen+diFlg The WA'iami BeachsEmp Y o ulre DivastmentOailnll~ ~ O lina~ces In . 35114; Amending•Aificle,9 'Entitled "Investrrrerrts,° T Req ' . Conjpanies Doing business alVith The CtlarStries Of Sudan •And Iran; Repe 9 , _ ~ConfilictTherewith.~ - ~ ~ePartmentiat-(305) 673 ~47A. inquiries Abe directedto;the ~e9 .10:35 a m•_ _ ~ ~'. nding G'hapter 62, "Public.. Of Mlamt;Beach "$ Ame s-.Over Public ~.O~ia Amending ~ Ftie+Code Of Ti~Gity r Division ,6, "Prohibited ~~ Cha er . p~ertyA,Ar#IC1e IV, °"uses do-•Public Right~oOf~Va Flags And'Flagpoles; Arid `Amending , Pt Rropertj/,°. Sectior- 82=41-1 To~Add An.Exemp .Banners. Streamers, FThat ~~, "Si9ns~" Artic'i9f11, "Prohibited Signs;" Section 138-72 "Pennants; les And To Clarify p;~„Flagpoles", To_Create A.Procedure For Temporary Flags And. Flagpo The -Section" ApPI!~ To. Flags Of Nationally Or Internationally Recognized Symbols OF:Cultural ,6iyerslty- ~ - -.. -- ~ r,. ,;,: =- - -,: '~ -x.673'7550.. ~ -~ - `InquinesmaY be directed"to the•Planning Department~at (305) - ,. - ' nding' _10.9Q~a.fn.; -.~-: '- '-- •'~ ~ ~ ` Cone Ent~led "Public'PropeKM," BY ~ . '.qn Ordinance Amending L`hapter:82 ~Of-•'Gtie~-tY Of Public Facilities And Establishments Of Monuments And Mem~n~ , -Article VI, Entitled "Naming . " To provide That The Fortiori Of The C'tty To ; By Amending Sectitln 82-501, Entitled "lea I,Collins Avenue Between 76,And 77 Streets) ~RropertY.Within Aftos.Del Mar,:Park, tuts Park,".Shall Be•ExempYFromThe,Pravisions~~.Del.~ Be Knowri As The `Altos Del Mar'Scu)P .. Continues To Be Operated :ay- - . i4rtiole V,• for So "Long _/ks'Said 'City pavned Property iJlar-SOulp~ure Patk;.~ P~it~l cNA~iii~in-Acctlrden e~~W'It~TheTemasuAnd ~ondifwris.,iOf Tha Certain `'Opei'i To The General - ::Management'A9~megt:Betwee QurismCand~RiiiaMI Developmer t Departrnent:at (305), 67~ .7577' _: Inquires may be'di~ed to •. :. . _, ~f 10~0'am"' ~ ~ -- - Code Er>fdled "Miscellaneous=~ ~pn Ordinance grriending ~Chapter'70 Of ~he'M'iamf ~Beacn'City le'lll;-Erttffled °6rafifiti fay Amending:Divisron 1, ~Entifled'",CeneFally"; :Offenses°;'BY Artiending Aitrc "R~Ponsibil'ity Of ProPertY`-~ner~s)~To Remove Graffiti Section 70s1.26;.Entitled = ,ending The-13espomsibilrties Of Property OWners , gy :amending .:Graffiti-Removal-Pind~Notice.€nforbement°~B~!;. _ .;~~ 1Mith-f~e9ard To The Abatement Of-:Graffiti°And:P~rn~ending Enforcement PrAVistons , irrgi~irias may be,di~ted to the;Code Corr-plianceDepartment at (305) 673-7555 _ -. ~ , -. Article 4 'it.00>a:m:` ~ ;Cha ter 62~OtRThe;E•itiLGode;~ffled,"tiuman-Relatlons; ~sons4F~S~id Qrdinancs~ending• P pormaBy-Name And •Als° Mereinafter-Refer'lb the-Pfo . " ~L~er II, Seictian-62-32 Therein ;Tar, _ M~ii_Beach Human Rights Ordinance;.i , `Fhe "G[tY-~ . - . `-~e:Existing Provisions An'~l, 9rticle;(Anci Sections Thereta~.' h 62-~~+,6;'To Amending-., $ '.:Amending. Article II; $ectioris T2'31' Throu9 To The Procedures Ftlr~iling pcnd~lnves'tigating, 'Where'Ntlted, Creating.New Provisions P-ertaining' _ _ - ~Comi3laiii~s, Mediation-Of Complaints ~Heanng'Procedures; And Penaltie's;'Ard-Providing FurtMbr . ForCodlFOatior~. _ ... -~ - -- entat (gp5) 673-~47Q. - ~ - :. .- •Ingairies~niay bs din®ctad'tathe.L~~~parfm . - an agei~r~ ear.at2his.rrre9ting erbe represented ~Y 1?DOS ESTED iAAR7'tES •are invited 'to. aqp fission, e/a~lie 'GItY .G(eFlc, , 'f<WTER' - .their uiiews m writing adeiressed 20-the Gff3G-~ Florida-3B`I~:, Gop_ies ~f e'I or"to express fist :1=1oeK :G•srY'ttall; tJliami Beacta, Cleiis-'.s -'Converition Genter [~ri~a. - • ~ ,dig- ~r~~t ~pslness ticl~rs in the ~itY :.•ccdinadcas are' avail`abCe for-;pi~blicinspec~i N~l;:,~ ~• ~eaxih, Ftorida'33139: Ttns ` •1~,:y700 Oor~v~fion .Gerater Online, '1st P.ton[. GAY ~ ,acldifional le~al~notioe artGi~ld not'be ; ma lie`cor>'tir,-iied.ahd under:such~circumstan -.- ,-: ..~- meeting ._.. Y .._ - . ;provided. ~ . .. Robert E: rparcher, City Clerk .t .. - - 'City:oft~liarriil3each - •% ~ _ _ rttiecides•_ `, ~ ~ , ~. the Gity hereby ad~nses the publrc.t~Pn ~d~,~ Pursuant to Section 286 010$ •Fla Stat-,' misscorl aiattiar6sP~ tO-~y roce,edings, is ~. `to aRpeal•any ctecsision'mad~e~bythe 1;itY i3am.,. m,>•»cotd. of.ttae-P rrieeting'or'its.fiearip~-such~•per'son trust ensure 'tFtata~be'gtraEi oli3he is3o'bebaseti.~ Triads, which record:ir_>~lud~s~the~t~timony>and'avidenae.ttpon 41 '~~~ of athervvise' ortkie introduayti'on of admi~ivn .~ off.-nhaUen9ere rot appeals 'rat dtherwise s Tfiisrtiotice.does r-o!-constitote consentiay the ~'f -inadmissible orE~rrteievant evidence ttaar does:_ ~ - .•-. :., :ailowed.by:law ''" ~- .' ~ h `refers, ir.>fomliati~ iariar.~ ftar i bte fom~,~9~ aartgnege . Y7ocurrerst•~~ci~~'in~ atiy ` To<regctestthis;ialiri,:aC~~.. - ccomrnodatlonto~revir3w'any 1'iuexiays• ;.persoms with dlsdb-ilhies,•arid/o-?•~nY`$ 2489 (~roi6e), (305}1675-~218;(TT!() ;.cosponsored Proceeding;~Please~ontact (305) 604- in adyaiice to inifiate:yourrequest_TT`N •use!'s maY'~sa ca11711 ~~londa Relay Service)• -. ' Y~ #581