Ad #578 & #579 December 9, 2009 Notice of Public HearingsTMURSDAY;`NOVEMBER.19, 3009 113M6 '. _ _ _ r . • -CITI(;OF,~IAIAMI,;BEACH _ -. - - : _ _ - - :. . ~ - ~: ~IOTfCE OF P-UBLfC H'EAI~LNG -- : . ;,NOI;tElE`ISJ3EREBY giventhat asecond reading and. public.hearing willbe held bathe City Commission of the'Gity of`Miamj _ i-BeacY~;. m~he Commission Chartibers,~3rd-floor, "City Hall, 1.700 Convention-Center.Drive, Miami Beach, ~Florida,.on Wednesday; ~pecember 9, 2009 at 10:30 A.M To'' Consider"Approving "On Second Reading And Final Reading,;A Lease Agreernenf Betweem ~ The City And FMB„Inc., For Use Of The, 1.,251 Square.foot~.Ciiy Owned"Building; Located.At 21D Second.Street, Miami."Beach, (.Florida; 5alcl .Lease. J=laving An Initial 'Term Of Three Years, With One:,-Additiorral 'fh~ree Year Renewal Term, At-The City's "Sate . Discretion; 1Nawing•By"~/7ths Voie, 'i'he Competitive Bidding;And Appra(sal'Requirements, ~As.Required By'Secfion 82 39 0f The - Miami Beach City Code. , : _ :_ f - - _ - -, ~lnquines may be directed to the Off'ice of Real Estate dousing and Comrnwnity Development. at (305) 673 7260, INTERIESTED PART.fES-are m4Etetl to appear:atthts tpeef~ng,• or be repres9nted;by an agent or to~express their views in writigg ,' i .addressed ~ta the City". Gomm'issioa," o/o the City Cleiic, '17DD Convention Center ~Dnue '1st" Floor, bity Wall, ,M~ami~°Beachy Florida ' 33'4;9. "t"his rneetirig may be continued and-under such: circums'~ancHS additional legal notice.would,not t~Q provided: I- - _ _- ~:. - 's ~ . _ " . Robert E ~Parcher 'Glty Glerk " `. ': ~~ , ~,._ ~ ,. . _ _ " . ~`. _ _ City of Miami Beach : '- ° , .,, - ' Ppr`suant to Section 286 0105;'Fla S"tat„'the_ City hereby advises the public that: ifa person decides to appeal any decision made by f`the'.City•Commission with respact~to'arry matter corisidered`at its meeting or..its Hearing; such peison.must ensure that a verbatim , .record of_-the .proceedings is made, which i:ecord'incli~des tFte .testimony and evidence. upon.virhich the. appeal-+s. to.be based. This :notice does:not constiti~e eonser-t°by the rity for tnerintroduc#ion"or admission;ofiotherwise inadmissible orirrelevant ewdence,:nor `does itauthorize challenges or appeals. not'otherwise.altow$d by°law. ~ - " •, .. - - - ".~~reiauest this'material:n accessible format,: sign leriguage'interpreters, information on access for;persons`.with~disabifities;.andlvr 1 any a~:CC3mFtcrdatfc?4 to r;aview any document.or partioipafe: ip any city-sponsored proceeding, please-contact (305) 604-2489 (voice), (305T.678~721'i3 ('f't?y')'f'ive~days in advance •to .initiate you'r:request. TN.users may also call 711 (Florida Relay-Service). C ~. `= ~- ~ _ ~CI'~'Y O'F M1A~If1'BEA~H A . r~ _ _ "~ ~~ ~ ~ .NOTICE~~~F P17B~C HEARI~IIG _ -~ -- - - .. - - . - ~. - _ NO~iCE iS`HEREBIf given'that-a, second reading"and public~hearing"vvill:be~held by the•C~•Commission of the=Cit~~of Miaml~' ~.13each,. in the. ~amr'nissiofi Chambers, 3rd i[oor, C(ty Hall; '1700 Convention Center Drive, Mrarrii Beach,'Flonda, ion Wednesday, _:Decerni5er~9; 20t~9 at `10:20 A.M~,To Gsansider ApQroving•An Second And'Final.Reading; A Lease.Rgreeniept:Between The G13y i4nd ~emoor, inc.; ForUse Of ApProximate~y 151~.Siapare'Feet.Of.City-Owned:Properry;:Loca'ted At 1'i3fJ Washington Avenae; ' i~6'FIo4r,'.Miarni Beach; Florida;'Saicf.Lease Waving An ,lnitiai~'erm'Of Three Yea`s, With Two.AdditionaLThree Year Rertewel Terms: . At The 'City's Sole l7iscretion; Waiving:Bjr 5/7ttas 3lofe Th®•Compstiti~e.guiding And Apprai§al Regnirements .As.Retluired By" ,;Section 8~=$9-D2'TIie~Miami.Beach<'City Code: ' _ _ _ Ingriiries Flay" be directed to the tJfl3ce .ofi Real`Estate,'Flousing.and Comml~rnty Development at (305673 2260 INTERESTED,'F~ARTIES -are invited to appear.at this'`meeYing,-or be:represented by an agent, or to.express their views in writing addressed tothe City-Commission, c%the City tfUsrk;.`1700 Convention Center Drive, let Floor, City~Flah,.iviiami Beadhr~lorida 33139. This meeting~may be continued and under such cYcums#anbes`addEtional.legal notice would not be provided. i . -. ~ _ _ ~ -_ Robert E, Percher, City C_lerk_ . - ~ - City of Nliartii Beach ' . - - - . Pursuant to:SeLtion286',01.05, Fla. Stet:; the City hereby.advises the publicthatrjfia.person.decttles to.appeal:any.c~ecision'made by the City°Comc~iission yuith respect to any matter considered at. its meeting or'its hearingYs~{ch;per§on`must ensure that. a'-verbatim recorri-of.'the;prnceertlings is made, which record includes°.the testimony-and evidence upon which file appeal•is~o be based. This -natiae_ does i~f-oonstltute consent by the.Cityr. forthe in#roduction or:admission-of:otherwi_se.inadm_ issibte'or irrelevant.evidence, nor . does:it authorize ohallen es ore als riot otherwise allowedb =law: _; 9 Pfd . , Y • ~". Tp requestthiis rgiaterial in accessible format, s)gn; language~ntecpreters;: information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or arly-accommoctationto~review any documerlt`or parlcipate.in any cityspons'gred.proceeding,~lease-contact (305j.604-2489 (voice), .(3Q~ 6Td-'F218 _(TTY3~irie days in advance to. initiate your request. TN u"secs may.also call 711 (Florida Relay Service). .~