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Ad #582 December 9, 2009 Notice of Public Hearing
~I~E~MIAMI~HERIl1LiD ~. ~. MiamiHerald:com i ~fi _ k ~ sl4 ~ _ t ~., ~: ~l~f M~I~~ ~E~A~f~ -;j ~T~~.E fl~ ~PllBi~;~1F~lR1~~ ~~ ~ SF's k YIi ~e~por~ary'P-ar~iA~g Lois: ~A~i3en$~ent Nr ;rye ~n ~Y~l~n~i~=~ ~ ~ ~ , l; .~ N ° , II~E ~ F1E~BY grve~a tk~af; ~ ~secorrd re,~ding arid public ~a~rng ~rih ~e 'held b~;,~<tfre Ma~rnr ' atCid~C~ttr `~Go~r~~ssron ~ the ~~y 'of Miarrn .~eacrta;~~ Flo7ida„in.~e i~Qmmissron Chatltbers,~3rd -#loAr,;~i~r Ralf, `17QD Cxa~uea~i©n,-i~errter ~.Drrire, ~J~Iramr :-Beach,' ~-tio~rrda, on ~lAl~r~rad5day,- D~eCE1111ti81'`,`~, ~OQ95 aY ~~ ,~ ~lr~li~`,~T~~'~o~sider~ An'Or~~ttarrde ~tneildrr.Lq~~ Tfie Lan"tl'~=Dev~ro{prn~raf'Regulatiorrs (7# the Cntle ~f 1'h~~C~ty .Of.~l1la,~ni~eactl;,Ar~ending ~hapter'130, ,, >~ff.Sir~"eeti~r~r~g,,,~Art~c(e7(I, "Uesign.~~tanddrds;'"~y .+. Arrrendmg ,Sectior;`1 ~D 7'lj,~a To.~low Eor Add~ioi~ai.~~, E~tenstons `Of Tirne~fgr ~'Tfyrnporary P~arkmg Lots, ~ ;~ of ~ c - =~ r Iriqumes~aykbe dereciatltoYthe~P:lanrtrng~Departrxaedt j~ '- r 3 ARIES ~D ~P~T~IES pare ~rnvited to `~ppe~r at this ~meettflg ror~`be ~represerttied~bjr ~.je~t~or to ~ express`ttierr vt~iiirs in wrlttng ~d~resse~ to ~pe'Crry~ ~' f~mrn~ssio~ ~~©~~be. C~.y ,C]erik;:a~f~DO ~~onventwn ; C"@r~t~Qr~r~P,na"fit'Pfde~~Er,~a~I,ylllitarni.~,~ae`bf~~F~lorrffa ; ~i1,~~~i~ ~n9 ~~~~~od~netl,ar~d ~nfi>ued j aril Fgnd%~suc~l~roum~es ~ari~dronaLlegaFnofrce ' T4 _ ~~. wat~djna'tbeiprovr~etl~ 1 -` ~' ~ '~ {{ { Pursuant ~tq~ecttan ,285~1~.Q5, ~E ~tatu~es,r~the,:~rgi~ : ; ~~ her~eb~r~ad~rs~s,'~henpubJrc~aatna~f ~,per~~ri tdeordes~~o .~ appeal-any ,deor5ion -made ,by: ~he~~-~by _CnFnmission : - wifh~resp~d~;to~r~ymat#er;ennsrder•.edrts ee#n~ ar .~ 9 rtshear~ng;~uc~fa -person must ensuredia~t a~rerfatrm --' recortl'~ifi.~the~`~4r`bceedl ~s cnade,~wmch record= includes #tie ~eatrnaor}~r aril evtdeltce yporl=u~h~eh~he appealKis~to~be based T,his-natroe.iioes~irot const~ute`~== consent by~tie Char for #tre ~in#roducfion :or admission ~. b~ ~itherwrs~mad~i~ssrble=Torgrrretcvant~.euidenc~; ~r~oVr ~oes~it°artfloraaetclallengesbr8ppeals}rio~~otherwrse allowed~by?law ~ s ~`: To ~Fequest~thrs °rnater~af~n accessrble~~o''r~iat, _sigr~~; la~grxa~ge :~it}terpretecs yir~fOrnratiarr.~nn ,u~ccess:~ for >.z parsons,w~h~disebalrtres;aiTd J~rr~accommoda'tian to ~,rev7e~r ~ :and ~locumeiit * or apartrcap`a~e ~rri ~nyY' C'r~r4~ponsored a~, ~rgcee~rng, ~,,pCease ~" -~corif~t (~~~sn~~~e>~ ;(~roiGe), (3~s)Fi;7~-~'7zf~(:Trn. five °tiays In advance to~m~tiate dour: t~~ue~t"~FY~~sers mar also~aA7f 1 ~lorrda Fle'ta~r~e_Nace) ..~~ 3 %~ v ~ -