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Ad #587 Notice of Public Hearing 12/9/09
14MB I THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2009 ~~_ _1~1~A1t~#.~-~H ._ `- Ni~~f ~F~~BL1~ ~fAR11~G NOVICE NS.HEREBY given-that =public hearings~will:be held by thq Mayor and Cit~r~ Commission-~of the ~Ciry Hof Miami Beach; Florida, in :-the Commission Chambers, .3rd floor, City Hall, ~17DU Eonverrtion Center Drive, Miami ~i3each, Florida, on tallednesday, December:9,.20~,_to consider the . following: ,: ->- - , _ __ 11;30~tn.A'[hird::Reatling Public Hearing_ an 'ordinance - Amending 'Miami Beach City Code Chapter `2=,- .Article VII; Division 2-=Tktereo~- By~;lraating Section'2~4ti3 Entitled"Protubition Of:Certain-Post=Service/ Empioyment ,Relationships°, Prohltiiting. ~Ce~airf - Post- Service/Einployrrrerrt'~ctivi#y :Df -pity ~ Elected Officials And City,Employees For,i4-Period fJf_ Two :Years After Leaving City ServiceiEmployment. ~ ` Inquiries ,may `:be directed -to ~.the_. Legal. ,:Department 'at (305)673=7470. :~- '5,1:45 a:m.-Pu~bTc~ie~nng:~:~:... , .. :=:= -..;. ~ . _ To considerthe ~placemerif :of ~=commemorative plaque in the pity of =Miami Beach Washington Avenue <Do~ .Park located ~at -:225 _ Vllaspingtoir `7tvenue, honoring the fate Rebecca Prdbus._ : "°, `- -~ Inquires ~riay =#~e d+~terj-to~-the ,:Parks andRecreation Dep~ai~rient~at:(305)-C~7.3 7730:..: _. ,~ _ INTERESTED-PARTSC-S~are invited to~appear at this meeting or tie: r-epreserited by an agent. or to express their views in wntuig~addressed ~o the City~Commission c/o the City Clerk, 170i3~onirerrtion','Cerder Drive,,.1~."Floor, City ball, Miami Beach;-Florida 33139. This meeting may be opened and continued and .under.such _circuistances additional .legal notice~logld •not:ba-#iniuidei~ Pursriant#o`5ecfion-266:D't'05;~FL'.Statutes, the City hereby a~S+tises:the?pub1ic _that_tf a'pei~oridecides to appeal any decision ~nade:by e~C-itp ~Cenartaission with respect to any matier;cdnsidered a# its meetng ~~ fits,`hearinq, such°Person must~_nsi~.e`#hat-~a~erl~nir~cord~if~the~proeeedings is '~ mach, which_recari(arTCludes::~estmnny antl:evioence upon ~vttich~#he appeal 7s :~©:te :teased: This noticedoes not„constitute -consent; by .the `City for the intrriiiduction or admission-.of otherwise.~nadmissitile'ar irr~leuant-evidegce, nor does°it auifiorize ~hatiepges or appeals'not;ottiennrise allowedbyaaw. ~ - - - . .. , To reigoes~t~ttiis material~in-aceessibleformat, sign language interpreters .~ infiormation . on: •,access for persons - with disabilities, and /or any ar;commodatiin to review any documerrt or~participate in any City-sponsored proceeding, please contact (305) 604-2489~(voice), (305)673-Z218(TTY) five days in advance to initia#e~reur request. TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service). ~~