1Howard Herring Lobbyist Fee Expenditure and Compensation FormQ 7 ~- ~~~ ~~ Ci f Miami Bcach Lobbyist Fee Expenditure and Compensation Fonn City Code Section 2-485 ~- ~_ , O Due: Ociober01,2009 - ~'• ----I Expendituro for porlod of : January 01, 2008 through December 31, 2008 A statement shall be filed even if there have been no expenditures or compensation during #fte reporting period. In order to withdraw as a lobbyist on an item which is no longer being lobb~i, initial in the appropriate space. Any item requested to be withdrawn will be remoJJ~ for the reporting period of: January 01, 2011 through December 31, 2011 Howard Herring 'Pri'es a • New World Symphony 'S ) Soundspace, ,development agreement and all Withdraw related issues. YES X NO X ' State of Florida County of M1amI-Dade I, the undersigned lobbyist, do hereby depose under oath and affirm that the Info on disclosed harm and eny attaehmont haroto are truo and correct. r ,. r Signature Sworn to and subacrihed 6e~ro ms~ta l X~ day of ~ ~ f ~ - ~ .Ydt., ~ / yl TOtA SNUUK Notary Public 1 ~ir llL= ~~'l.cL` ~~ ,I ~ Notary P miir Siaie cl fiends er ~ : My Commiulon CKpnes apr ZI. 201' My Commission expires:~L,I lT I L a~~( ~,ycy,' ~.,,,~m u~nn a oo c~sle8 This form is to be signed, notarized and returned to the City of Miami Boac ,l;ity_C tet Orive, MiamJ Beach, !Y 33139 by October 1st. A ftne et;50.00 per day shalt be assessed for reports ftled after the du date. If you require any assistance please contact this office at 305.873.7419 or at Cltyclerk(aimfamibeachfl.gov .- ~ ~ ~~o Uty of hTtmi Beath Office of the Gty Gerk 17ii0 Convention Center Dnve, Miami Death, FL 3? 139 EmaiL• chyclerk®d.miami-beach.n.us LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM (City o' Miami Beach, Gty Cade Chapter 2, Division 3, SeCion 7-481) e Check Box if an Amendment t~2(~/NG, 7`~G'Gvr9~~ NAME OT LOBBYIST: (Last) (first) (M.1, DATf QUALIFIED 0.S LOBBYIST S'-l ~ Llnlt•al,N ~~ Mi~fMr ~~r~f~lr ~'t~ 33/3 DUStNE55 AUDRE55: (Nmntxr and Street) (Gty) (Stale) Rip Code) _ 3oS x,73- ~3~~ ~05~6~3-~v~~°j' hcu~~~rzf'~rC~r(,ys-~~ TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NVMBER: EMAIL. L. LOBBYIST RETAINED BY: n(e'1al l~y ~zL..2~ NAME OF PRINCIPAL/CLIENT: BUSINESS ADDRESS: (Number and Str ~oS- lv~~ - 3~3~ TELEPHONE NUMBER: ~~Nri~~-i~N et) (City) (State) (ZiV Code) 3o s'~~73 -1~~~9 FAX NUMBER: (Optional) EMAIL: (Optional) FIII out this section it pHnelpel is a Corporation, partnership or Trust [Section 2-462 (c)] NAME OF CHIEF OFFICER, DARTNEis,. OR BENEFICIARY: ' LIST ALL PERSONS HOLDING, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, A 596 OR MORE OWNERSHIP' INTEREST IN SUCH CORPORATION, DARTNERSHIP OR TRUST: ~ / ~- -JII i II. SPECIFIC LOBBY ISSUE: `, ,,/ ,:~'UiLI ~ 4 _ ~ 4B 5 c yl 4 ti ~~ P ~ / C.~( /`/LS. ~t .er 1~ ~- '~? 5~94~tt~-- lssue [o be lobbied ( scribe m detail): ~~~ ` / _ L ~ ~S ~ / ~£ i~ ~ may/ 4 L~ III. CITY AGENCIES/INDMDUALS TO BE LOBBIED: A) Full Name of Individual/Title I - -- - Sc=~ ~}-71~9~hf~ L-t.s ~ B) Relationship - ~ - -- G~ \~°~ ~~ 2V. DISCLOSURE Of TERM• D AMOUNTS OF LOBBYIST COMPENSATION (DISflOSE WHETHER HOURLY, ~- fLAT RATE OR OTHER): -/ C A) LORRYIST DISCLOSURE: /Y a N~ B) PRINCIDALS Di5CLO5URE (OF LOBBYIST COMPENSA,TION): ~~N L V. SIGNATURE UNDER OATH: ON OCTOBER I~ OF EACH YEAR, EACH LOBBYIST SMALL SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK A SIGNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH, LISTING LOBBYING EXPENDITURES IN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FOR THE PRECEDING CALENDAR YEAR. I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct and that I have read or am familiar with the provisions containe in Section 2-482 of th Miami Beach City Code as amended, and all reporting requirements. ~ Signature of Lobbyist: _ r1,t_ % ~. . '~/~~.- t, Si nature of Princi al Client: L''~` 1 VI. LOBBYIST IDENTIFICATION: ~/ Produced ID Form of Identification N, Personally Known VII. SIGNATURE AND STAMP OF NOTARY OR DEPUTY CLERK: State of Florida, County of Miami-Dade Sworn to afid subscribed,,"be"for'e'm~ This /~ day Of ~/si'rv/.iN+r~7! 20(~. 3 C~ I O1PPV ~~e ~"';nr~ioN~o~c- o~i?~ 7- ~. _ ~ =+~ i ~'~ ~vAlM:351i.N NWUE('. Signature of Pu ota r ~ Nexox~s `Onc o~, ~.. ..nn: ,;~,.rJe Print, stamp or type name of Notary Public FOR CLERK'S USE ONLY 1 Registration: ["J ACCEPTED [ ] REJECTED DATE: '~ ~^uw.r' )~ ~~a' ' j I(re)ected, state reason: __ Registration fec paid: [ ]Yes [ J No '~ ~ - [ ]/Cash /[ ]Check MCR ar f DATA ENTRY DATE: ~~ 2ryg9-CENTERED BY: / 1