Robert Manning ResumeRESUME
Robert N. Manning
1460 Ocean Drive #408
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Phone\Fax: 305-5 3 8-3 ? 70
Cell: 786 ?69 4081
E-Mail: da~ma~~kCn?
S.A. from the Universit<~ of Vermont in Speeeh/English
M.A. and Ph.D. from S~~racuse Universit~~ School of Couuiiunication, with an emphasis on Media
Academic Experience
From 1966 to 1985 I taught film and television at the graduate and under~aduate level at; S~~racuse
Universit<~, Washington State Universirn, Central Michigan Universirn, Brookhm College, Pratt
Institute and Ithaca College and made documentaries and other non-commercial films and tapes in
conjunction with those Universities.
As Chair of three of these Departments I supervised at one point as mane as 17 faculty and 6 staff
emplo~~ees, while designing and teaching a wide variet<~ of media courses, primarih~ in cinemato~aphv
and production. M~~ experience led to the advisement of other institutions in their development of
curricula in film and television. I wrote grant applications to NEA, NEH, NYSCA (Newyork Council
on the Arts), New Detroit, HEW and CIES (Fulbright) and received over one million dollars in gr~u~t_~
to fund various projects that I directed.
In 1979-80 I spent a year in India shooting and producing and directing documentaries under a
Fulbright grant from the U.S. State Department and again in Yugoslavia in ?000 and most recently in
Indonesia in ?00~ as a Senior Specialist.
hz 1985 I started an independent production company; Dreamworh.~, and left full-time academic
emplo~~ment to produce a series of four feature films on scripts that I had written. These 35mm films
were shot on modest budgets (approximateh~ $ 800,000) using locations in ~zd around New York Cit<~.
Thee pioneered the use of video in editing and all went into inter7~ational distribution.
I also produced four feature length documentaries; for the BBC (Religion in America), MGM-UA (The
Other Side of Nashville), New Line (Saturday in the Park), and one on a drag ciueen (Split) that was
released as an independent feature.
After the slowdovm in the market for low-budget films in 1989, I acted as Director of Photob aph~~ on
several other features and as a Producer on the 35mm feature, Zelimo in ?00 L But most of m~~ work
was on industrial and couuiiercial film and video. The primar~~ clients were: IBM, Charles Schwab,
DeBeers, Sony, and various advertising agencies.
I am continuing to worh as an independent Producer/Director.
A complete List of the features, and over 100 docitimentaries, commerciah and. editicational filrr~s and tapes I have
played a part in making is attached. as a separate document.
?006- Board member of the Production hzdustr-~~ Council for Miami Beach
85-90 Film progranuuing for The Brookljm Academe of Music and The Brookljm Museum
73-85 Advisement and curricular desib ~ of film and television departments in six
Universities and for the USIA in Washington DC and India.
79-8~ Fulbright Advisor-~~ Committee in Communications (The Council for the International
Exchange of Scholars, Washington, DC), Chairman (1979-8~)
73-04 Served on the juries of nine different film festivals in the US and Europe and on the NY
State Council on the Arts selection panel.
Career Guide to Film Making, Rosen Publishing (1985)
Numerous articles in periodicals primaril~~ dealing with film production and criticism.
Feature Film Screenplays: Manhattan Moonshine, The Big Giver, Orphan of War, (prod.laced.)
Judgment Dav, Psycho Backho (optioned or in development)
(1965) and Director (1965-1989): New York Film Expo, the oldest and largest festival in the U.S. for
short film and video (880 entries in ?004).
1965-85 New York State Council on the Arts, for the Film EXPO ($60,000)
197-85 NEA production grants ($3,000)
1979 Fulbright Senior Fellowship to India (National Film and TV Institute)
1978 NEH for video studio at Pratt Institute ($7,000)
1980 Model Cities, minority media training in Detroit ($34,000)
?00? Fulbright Senior Specialist to Indonesia at University of Indonesia
Cine Golden Eagle for Hulls and Hulli~...& Phans...
Museum of Modern Art (NY) permanent collection for Gardeners...
and Holiday Ditrn in New York Cirn
American Film Festival awards for Phans... and Home Rule.
Museum of Modem Art (NY) New Directors Series, Hulls and Hullcs, Phans,
Gold Medal for Three Journey... American Film Festival
First Prize for Private World of Sophie and Bernie..., NY Exposition
Gold medal Juts- prize for Zelimo at Houston Film Festival ?00?.
John Fraker (commercial Director in NYC) 704 3 ~ 1 9405
Vladimir Bibic (Producer) 914- 961 508
Gordon Hitehins (Professor and Journalist -Variety) ~ 1?- 877 6856
Various Chairs, Deans and Provosts, 1966-1985 (separate document)
Owen Shapiro (Dept Chair at Syracuse University) 3 15- 445 069?
Currently teaching part-time at the Miami Inter-~~ational Universit<~ of Art & Design; fonuerly an
adjunct at Miami-Dade College for a short time.