Robert Manning letter of introductionDecember 6, 2009 Dear Mayor Bower and City Commissioners Jorge Eiposito, Michael Gongora. Jem- Libbin, Ed Tobin, Deede Weithorn, and Jonah Wolfson: I am attaching my resume in order that ~Tou might consider my application to one of the open at- large positions on the following boards: Board of Adjustment -- Leonor Hernandez has resigned her seat; or Design Review -- Gabrielle Redfei7i's term ends 12/09. My career has been in film: malting films, writing about them, and teaching others how to make them. The fast stresses entrepreneuriaUbusiness acumen; the second a wide bod}- of scholarship; the last demands technical skills, and all of them require creative artistic-. My production company, Dream«-orks, replaced Green Mountain Cine Works, ~~,hich I began 40 rears ago: Dreamworks is about 2~ rears old. (That upstart newcomer with a similar name, Dreamworks ShG, is not my company ; I came up ~~-ith the name - talten from the ~~-orks of Sigmund Freud -- before the}- did.) I hold a Master's and a Ph.D. in Fihn/Communications from Stiracuse University and was the chairman of the Fihn/Theatre/Dance Department at Pratt Institute in New- York City; since moving to Miami I have held part-tune teaching positions at Miami-Dade College and no~~- at the Miami International University of Art & Design. I reside with my wife, Jo Manning, iii Miami Beach, where we own an apartment in the Historic District; we have lived here going on 1~ rears. We are both active iii this community, belonging to the Miami Design Preservation League. the Miami Beach Botanical Gardens. and the Bass Museum. I am a founding member of our neighborhood association, NODARA (North Ocean Drive Area Residents Association). My wife ~~-as on the Transportation & Parlting Committee for t« o rears and was then appointed to the Historic Preservation Board, where she currently- selves. For the past rear I have served on the Production Industi~T Council; I was appointed by Commissioner Deede Weithorn and my term is up 12/09. I have rarer- missed a meeting of this council and believe Pve contributed to the PIC and have sho«,n myself to be a vital and reliable member, but, although Pve been grateful for the opportuiuty to serve on this body, I feel I am ready to move on. I am solidly invested in tl>is community and wish to play a larger part in it. I hope that you ~yill consider my application for these two specific openings on the Board of Adjustment and the Design Revie~y Board. I believe I have the qualifications. I am available for face-to-face inteivie« s at ~ our convenience. Sincerer, Robert Nickerson Maruiing. Ph.D. 160 Ocean Drive, #~08 Miami Beach, FL 33139 786-269-081 drmwk crjuno, tom