Christopher ColganCity of Miami Beach Lobbyist Fee Expenditure and Compensation Form City Code Section 2-485 Due: 10/01/loos -_ ~- Expenditure for period of : 01/01!2008 through 12/3112008 cn A statement shall be filed even if there have been no expenditures or compensation dtSTing the reporting period. In order to withdraw as a lobbyist on an item which is no longer being lobbied, initial in the appropriate space. Any item requested to be withdrawn will be removed for the reporting period of: 01!01!2008 through 12/31/2008 ;bbyist: Christopher Colgan Principal: Exclusive Sports Marketing fSubjaet September Sports Series 07 Withdraw I -~ YES NO Detail Compensation Received: CATEGORIES OF EXPENDITURES Food Beverage: Entertainment: Research: ~ Communications: U ~ Media Advertising: ' Publications: -- ~ Travel: / Lodging: Special Events: State of Florida County of Miami-Dade Oath I, the undersigned lobbyist, do hereby depose under oath and affirm that the info lion dl~los d her~din and an attachment hereto are true and correct. __ '' Sigttatu a ..«««..«. .....«..... c nylon frry~' Sworn to and subscr' ' d before me this ,~~ ~ day Of _~~~C°'~'~ 1 ti'i ~t"~ _ , 2001 p~D006914ti2 r- Notary Public - - ` ~ ~% ~ E~Yw t/tIr'2011 5 My Commission x res: ~ 1 C 1 ~ ,' l? I\ Y,«««......~^•"W'«""""""""" This tone is to be siyned, notariaod and returned to the City o1 Miami Beach. City Clerk's Office, 7700 Convention Centc Drive Miami Bear. h, FL 33139 by Octoher 7st. A /ine of $50.00 per day shall be assessed /or reports tiled after the du date. If you require any assistance please contact this office at 305.673.7411 or at CityclerkLdmtamibeachfl.gov