059-2009 Review of Purchases Exceeding $25,000 for Fiscal Years 2007/2008 and 2008/2009MIAMI BEACH ~_~ - Ea :~, OFFICE OF (Ht CIIY MANAGER MEMORANDUM ~'' .~ fdo. 059-2009' ~ ~1t TO: Edward L Tobin, Commissioner _-;, '. T: FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager ~ -- r; ~~ o DATE: December 8, ZUU9 U ~' SUBJEC;I': Review of Purchases Exceeding 325,000 for Fiscal Ycars 2007!2008 and 200812009 This memorandum is provided as afollow-up to your inquiries to me and your mooting with our Chief Financial Officer and Procurement Director regarding the poliries, procedures and internal controls on purchases within the $25,000 threshold established by the Miami Beach Cily Code. As a result of your inquiry, we reviewed more than 32,000 transactions for Fiscal Year 2007108 and 29,000 transactions for Fiscal Year 2008!09. The review process consisted of the following: 1. Created various reports that identified all purchase order, p-card or direct payment transactions in excess of S25,000; 2. Identified the purchasing authority for each transaction (i.e., City Commission approved Resolution, Commission Memorandum for confract awards, or and City Manager approval per City Code to utilize wntracts aevarded by other approved entities or exemptions found in Florida Statute or City Code); 3. Ident~ed transactions that were less than $25,000, buf were subsequently increased above $2.5,000. The following describes the results o(this review. Generally, adherence to established City Code and Administrative Polices and Procedures are well established and followed by City employees. However, our review, of the approximately 2,600 transactions exceeding $25,000 dudng the two year period, identified approximately ten instances where established policies were not followed. We also identified approximately fifteen instances where we determined that previously accepted practices were no longer appropriate and we have proposed new procedures (See item 4 below). These 25 instances, which represent less than 1 % of all transactions exceeding $25,000 during the two year period, generally involved the acquisition of goods or services without first obtaining the proper purchasing authority, or exceeding the purchasing authority established by Administrative Policy. Overall, they appear to be isolated to certain departments or individuals, and do not appear to be prevalent within the organization. In order to improve the controls and prevent further instances, the following steps have been taken: 1. I?rocurpment_Diroctor Review: The Procurement Director was added to all approval queues for direct payments prior to payment processing to insure that onlythose purchases that arc within the "allowed Categories for Direct Payment" are made. Direct payments should only be utilized for the paytnenl of goods or services that are unique in nature (i.e., travel reimbursement, subscriptions, memberships), or for goods and services that do not lend themselves to a competitive process and/or are specifically exempted by Florida Statutes and our Cify Code (i.e., legal services, utilities}. {'.:•f fit, / .7 , U•. _.,i..., prbSC .E:YCE ( L, .._ 1 1 .. 144. ~t `' It: '. h:~Vi .. J-a . ,, J04 2. DP~artme_nt "Training: Additional training on proper procurement processes was provided to individuals or Departments on an as needed basis. 3. Purchasing Cards ("p-cards"1: As part of our annual p-card review, cardholders' payment authority was reduced to rninimize the opportunity to circumvent proper purchasing procedures. A. Independent Contractor Agreements: In coordination with the City Attorney's Office, independent contractor agreements were created to ensure that department heads utilized proper agreements when selecting individuals io provide needed services, or work in a temporary capacity unfit such time that vacant positions were filled. Additionally, such agreements will require the review of fhe Wuman Resources Director and my approval, prior to any individual being engaged to work in any department. Also, the Human Resources Department worked with the City Attorney's Office and department heads to develop a process to ensuro that independent contractors are selected and hired to provide services only when vacant positions exist, or when the services are exempted by Florida Statutes or our City Code (i.e., instnrctors, organizational development training). Agenda Item R7F on the December 9, 2009 City Commission Agenda provides detailod information on the process and applicability on the use of independent contractor agreements. 5. Employee Discipline: Information was provided to the appropriate supervisor/department head for disciplinary action when individuals have acquired goods or services without following proper procurement processes. Individuals violating procurement procedure have received verbal and/ or written counseling from their supervisorldepartment head, remedial training and in one case has had their duties reassigned. Additional disciplinary actions may include suspension or removal of procurement rights including removal of authorized p-card and additional progressive discipline up to and including termination. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. As a result, we have been able to make process improvements That will yield enhanced departmental compliance with procurement policies and procedures and additionally will strengthen internal controls surrounding p-card and direct payment transactions. I thank you for your interest in working with me to improve our processes and hope that you are satisfied with the outcome. Please feel free to call me should you have any questions or need additional information C: Mayor and City Commissioners Patricia D. Walker, Chief Financial Officer Ramiro Inguanzo, Human Resources Uirector Gus Lopez, Procurement Director JMG/PDW/GL Phi%e •9< '..L i.}:, fnr f /tlq~. -i :~i.~0l ,llid~] anp9~.~ G1:O Vi'n.•.'O :1.i W!W 1~:?. •en -~ l~t•V 4i r. I l ~~. L'1", 1 i. msf]0.- tJ,df,,~.9 •L:,