060-2009 Traffic Calmingm MIAMI BEACH ~~~~~~~~ ~p
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TO: Ed Tobin, Commissioner
FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager
DATE: December 16, 2009
SUBJECT: Traffic Calming
This memorandum is to provide a response to your a-mail of November 30, 2009, to the Public
Works Department regarding questions and/or information you are seeking about Miami-Dade
County's (the County) traffic calming procedures and status of the potential Intergovernmental
Agency Agreement (IAA) between the County and the City. Answers to your questions and/or
comments are provided below:
1. What exactly does the County's traffic study entail?
The County's Traffic Flow Modifications/Street Closure Procedures Manual requires several steps
for the installation of traffic calming devices. The steps include two-thirds (2/3) concurrence from
the impacted residents, or in lieu of concurrence, approval by City Commission at a public hearing,
coordination with agencies that are affected by the traffic flow modification, such as the Fire and
Police Departments, and the completion of a traffic study. The traffic study must include the
following: 24hour traffic counts; a speed study; a traffic safety review that consists of collision
diagrams based on the past three (3) years of traffic accident reports; and an evaluation of the
impacts on nearby streets and on county and/or state Roads.
2. Please forward the County's criteria for providing relief in this type of situation.
Please see Attachment 1, County Traffic Flow Modifications/Street Closure Procedures Manual.
3. What is the City's experience with the County in these situations?
Upon receipt of a request for the installation of traffic calming devices, City staff will forward it to the
County for an evaluation according to the aforementioned steps required by the Traffic Flow
Modifications/Street Closure Procedures Manual. The County typically provides their results of the
evaluation within six (6) to eight (8) weeks of the request. Since the beginning of the Traffic
Calming Program development, the City has received nine (9) resident requests for traffic calming,
therefore suggesting an increased awareness by residents of potential speeding through local
streets. To date, the County has not approved any of these requests. Having done a comparative
analysis between the County's and the City's criteria for approving traffic calming devices, some of
these requests would have triggered the installation of traffic calming devices underthe City's Traffic
Calming Manual. For example, a request for traffic calming on Chase Avenue was denied by the
County; however it would have been warranted if the City's criteria were applied.
The criteria used by the' County are more stringent than that proposed by the City. In its proposed
Traffic Calming Manual, the County's threshold for necessitating traffic calming is generally higher
speeds and volumes. In order for the County to approve traffic calming devices, minimum traffic
volumes must be greater than 150 vehicles per hour or 1500 vehicles per day; and the 85~'
percentile speed must be at least 10 MPH greater than the established speed limit of the road. (The
85~' percentile rule is defined as "the speed which 85 percent of the motorists drive on a given
road".) The County has generally not approved requests for traffic calming devices when traffic
We ore committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
volumes have been typically less than 1,500 per day and the 85th percentile has not exceeded the
30 MPH posted speed limit by 10 MPH at each requested location.
The City's Traffic Calming Manual, on the other hand, meets and exceeds the County's Traffic
Calming Standards and also establishes lower thresholds, which facilitate traffic calming
applications. The City's criteria for determining a street's eligibility for traffic calming are generally
met at lower vehicular speeds and volumes than that of the County. The City's criteria were
developed based on the traffic calming manuals of neighboring municipalities, as well as from
documents produced by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and Transportation
Research Board (TRB). For this reason, it is believed that the City's criteria are more up-to-date and
reflective of new research and data on traffic calming. For a City and County comparison chart for
the installation of traffic calming devices, see Attachment 2, City and County Traffic Calming
Approval Processes.
City staff has been diligently negotiating the IAA with the County for traffic calming; however,
unfortunately, the County has not been receptive to the City's proposal. The intent of the IAA would
be to make the City responsible for the review and approval of all future installations and
maintenance of these devices, and allow the City to perform the work rather than the County. It is
unclear at this time if the County will allow the City to have full approval authority. Currently, our City
Attorney's office has been in discussions with the County Attorneys office regarding the execution of
the IAA, and in addition, County Commissioner Sally Heyman has engaged County staff on the
City's behalf.
4. Can you give us an example of a situation where the County gave us some relief and an
example were we did not get relief?
In regards to a situation where the County provided some relief to the City for traffic calming, the
County allowed the City to proceed with the implementation of the Traffic Calming Pilot Program.
This allowed the City to install traffic calming devices (speed cushions) along Prairie Avenue, North
Bay Road, and 34tt'Street.
In regards to a situation where the County did not provide relief, the County has not provided
approval for the nine (9) traffic calming requests previously mentioned. However, the City has
successfully requested alternative treatments to improve traffic safety at the locations for some of
these requests that the County did not approve. For example, the County approved the installation
of pedestrian flasher signs at the intersection of 11th Street and Jefferson Avenue. On the other
hand, the medians constructed along La Gorce Drive and Pine Tree Drive are an example of a
County approved installation of traffic calming devices that have not produced the desired results.
5. Can you please provide an update on where we are with the Lakeview neighborhoods
traffic calming?
The Basis of Design Report (BODR) for the Lakeview Neighborhood identified the following traffic
calming improvements along 51St Street from Alton Road to Pine Tree Driver
• Entire length of 51St Street will be reduced from 28-feet width to 24-feet as a traffic calming
measure -with two 10-foot lanes and a 4-foot bike lane
• Four way stop sign at Cherokee and 51St Street and at Blackhawk Avenue and 51St Street
(subject to County approval)
• The sweeping southbound curve to 51St Street from La Gorce Drive will be removed and will
require a 90 degree turn onto 51St Street
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to oil who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
As the design was developed, outside influences (such as community requests /Commission
action and meetings were held with the appropriate regulatory agencies), guided the design of
51St Street as follows:
• Maintain the entire width of 51St Street to 28-feet in width with two 10-foot travel lanes
and two 4-foot bike lanes. This followed the Bikeways Master Plan which identified this
improvement. The narrowing of the travel lanes accomplishes a similar effect as
reducing the width by 4 feet.
• The Miami-Dade County Public Works Department Traffic Control Division evaluated the
City's request and their traffic analysis did not warrant the installation of 4-way stop signs
at the Blackhawk and Cherokee Avenue intersections.
• The sweeping southbound curve to 51St Street from La Gorce Drive will be removed and
will require a 90 degree turn onto 51St Street. This traffic flow modification and traffic
calming measure will be implemented during the construction of the project.
6. At one point the Commission discussed taking over certain decision making when it came to
traffic calming. As I recall the Administration felt that taking over the process would cause traffic
calming projects to become creatures of politics rather than relief initiated based on objective
need. Can you please advise whether the City of Miami Beach could elect to initiate its
own traffic calming along with the pros and cons of such a program?
Miami-Dade County has the authority and responsibility over all traffic engineering in the County and
in all municipalities. However, in accordance with the Miami-Dade County Traffic and Transportation
Department Article XIII, Sec. 2-96.1, if the City is "equipped and able to perform (such) traffic
engineering functions", then the City can enter into an Inter Agency Agreement, (IAA) with the
County. The IAA would give the City responsibility for future installations and maintenance of traffic
calming devices on local streets owned and operated by the City. The County would retain their
authority for all other traffic devices, such as stop signs, traffic signals, and traffic markings.
The City is equipped and able to perform traffic calming engineering functions, having developed a
Traffic Calming Manual based on objective engineering standards and also having staff with a
required Professional Engineer license and extensive experience with traffic calming programs. If
the County and the City execute an IAA, as proposed by the City, for the installation of traffic calming
devices, the City will be able to approve the installation of devices that meet the minimum
requirements in the City's Traffic Calming Manual. As long as strict adherence to the engineering
standards for the evaluation traffic calming requests provided in the Traffic Calming Manual is
maintained, then the City will be able to address its residents' needs and concerns for traffic safety
on an objective basis.
It is important for the Mayor and City Commission to recognize that using objective engineering
standards will sometimes necessitate that requested projects can not be built. The Traffic Calming
process will allow for public input and full discussion of metrics obtained; however, if a project is
found not to be eligible based on engineering criteria, the support of the City Commission will be
required in order for the program to be successful.
The draft IAA has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office and in their review comments the
County wants to retain final approval authority for the installation of traffic calming devices. Since the
City will be doing all the engineering analysis, design, community outreach and installation, the City
is seeking to have complete approval authority for the installation of traffic calming devices. County
Commissioner Sally Heyman is aware of our request and has been involved in advocating the Cites
needs and position. The City will continue to press the County for complete authority for the
installation of traffic calming devices ;since it doesn't help the City if all the work is done by the City,
including the assumption of liability, if the County will still have to review the City professional staff
work for final approval.
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safely to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
Please feel free to contact Mr. Fred Beckmann, P.E., Director of Public Works, should you have any
additional questions.
1. County Traffic Flow Modifications/Street Closure Procedures Manual
2. City and County Traffic Calming Approval Processes
Cc: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission
Jorge Gomez, Assistant City Manager
Fred H. Beckmann, P.E., Director of Public Works
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We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
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Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure( Procedure Page 2
1.1 All applicants, whether residing within unincorporated Miami-Dade County or a municipality, may submit a request
for a traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) to the Miami-Dade County Public Works Department (PWD) in the
form of a letter or complete the application on Page 4.
1.2 PWD will conduct the initial traffic study to confirm the applicant's concerns and to identify and recommend traffic
calming measures.
1.3 PWD will make the determination of whether the location(s) falls within unincorporated Miami-Dade County or a
1.4 PWD will make the determination of whether the review from various affected entities, such as Police, Fire, etc, is
required. If review is not required, proceed to Step # 1.6.
1.5 Preliminary review will be performed by affected entities, including but not limited to, Police, Fire, respective
municipality, etc. If review by any of the entities results in denial or if the proposed traffic flow modification(s)/street
closure(s) does not meet all criteria outlined under this process or applicable State laws, then the application will be
1.6. PWD will make the determination if concurrence from two-thirds of the affected residents and/or property owners is
required. If concurrence is not required, proceed to Step # 1.8.
A municipal jurisdiction, in lieu of two-thirds concurrence, may pass a resolution after a public heazing requesting
PWD to consider the proposed traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s).
1.7 PWD will mail out ballots to obtain concurrence from two-thirds of the affected residents and/or property owners. If
the residents and/or property owners desire to reinitiate the process, such a process can be reinitiated after ninety (90)
calendar days from the previous opening date of the ballots. However, the applicant will be chazged with the
processing and mailing cost to be determined on a case-by-case basis. In those instances where the affected residents
and/or property owners do not approve the proposed improvement, the process stops.
1.8 PWD will request People's Transportation Plan (PTP) funding approval from the District Commissioner for the
implementation of the improvements.
1.9 Determination is to be made to ascertain whether improvements implemented by PWD did not cause any adverse
impact to traffic and are acceptable to the affected area residents and/or property owners. In the event that the action
taken by PWD is unacceptable to affected area residents and/or property owners, they may proceed to Stage 2, Step #
If residents and/or property owners are satisfied with the temporary improvement, then proceed to Step # 1.10.
1.10 PWD will design permanent traftic calming devices.
1.11 PWD will install permanent traffic calming devices.
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2.1 In the event that the action taken by P W D is unacceptable to atfected area residents and/or property owners, they have
an option of engaging a traffic consultant, at their cost, to perform a traffic study.
If the location falls within a municipality, applicant must re-submit the request to respective municipality for
further consideration.
2.2 The consultant conducts pre-implementation traffic study to identify and confirm traffic concerns (i.e., traffic intrusion,
excessive traffic volume, speeding, traffic accidents, etc.) and to determine if the collected traffic data meets the PWD
traffic calming devices.
2.3 Traffic calming alternatives are identified and staged alternative plans generated.
2.4 Pre-implementation study performed to determine potential impacts of proposed traffic calming devices on roadways
within and outside study areas.
2.5 PWD will make determination if the location is within a municipality or unincorporated Miami-Dade County.
2.6 PWD will make determination if the review from various affected entities, such as Police, Fire, etc., is required.
2.7 Preliminary review will be performed by various affected entities, to include Police, Fire, etc.
2.8 PWD reviews comments from various entities and makes determination whether to approve or deny the request.
2.9 PWD will make determination if concurrence froth two-thirds of the affected residents and/or property owners is
If concurrence is not required, proceed to Step # 2.11.
2.10 Applicant obtains concurrence from two-thirds of the affected residents and/or property owners, if required. In the
event that the affected residents and/or property owners do not approve the proposed improvements, return to Step
# 2.3.
2.11 Applicant's contractor installs temporary traffic calming devices.
2.12 Applicant's consultant conducts post-implementation study to determine if traffic calming measures are operating at
an acceptable level to the residents and/or property owners.
2.13 If the post-implementation study results, as well as the traffic calming devices are acceptable to residents and/or
property owners, the process is completed. However, if the post-implementation study results are unacceptable,
return to Step # 2.3.
If the residents and/or property owners desire aesthetic enhancements, proceed to Step # 2.14.
2.14 Applicant's consultant designs permanent traffic calming devices if the temporary devices are acceptable to residents.
2.15 Applicant's contractor installs permanent traftic calming devices.
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Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 4
1.1 Submittal of Application for Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s)
In order for an applicant to submit an application for a traffic flow modification(s)/street
closure(s), including the reopening of a previously closed street(s), the applicant, whether
residing in unincorporated Miami-Dade County or within a municipality, shall follow the
procedures outlined herein:
l . l .a Submit the request in the form of a letter or complete the application form on Page 4
1.1 .a.l Identify the traffic concerns, such as:
• Traffic Intrusion
• Excessive Traffic Volume
• Speeding
• Traffic Accidents
• Other
l.l.a.2 Explain how long these problems have existed and the conditions
that have caused these problems.
l . l .a.3 Identify the type of traffic control measure that is being requested and include
a map illustrating the location(s) of proposed traffic flow
modification(s)/street closure(s).
1. l .a.4 Identify on whose behalf the application is being made.
• Homeowners Association
• Individual
• Other
l.l.a.5 All applicants, whether residing in unincorporated Miami-Dade
County or within a municipality, must submit their letter or a
completed application to PWD at the following address:
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Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure( Procedure Page 5
Chief, Traffic Engineering Division
Miami-Dade County Public Works Department
111 N.W. First Street, Suite 1510
Miami, Florida 33128-1970
Traffic Flow Modification/Street Closure
Applicant Form
Contact Name:
Local Address:
l .a.l Rank your neighborhood's traffic problems and provide a brief description of each (for
instance, time when the problem is most serious, or specific issue, such as a pothole).
~ Traffic Intrusion
~ Excessive traffic volume
~ Speeding
~ Accidents
Other (please explain)
1.a.2 How long have these problems existed? What conditions have caused these problems?
1.a.3 Please check the type of action requested.
~ Traffic Circle
~ Median Treatment
Street Closure
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Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 6
Special Taxing District
Reverting the right-of--way
Other (please specify)
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Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 7
List locations where traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) is requested and provide
an area map identifying these devices
l .a.4 This request is made on behalf of homeowners by:
Homeowners Association
~ Individual
~ Other (please specify)
1.a.5 Please return the completed application form to:
Chief, Traffic Engineering Department
Miami-Dade County Public Works Department
111 N.W. First Street, Suite 1510
Miami, Florida 33128-1970
For Office Use Only
Project Number
Date Preliminary Analysis Completed
Date of First Neighborhood Workshop
Director Action: ~ Favorable ~ Unfavorable
Date of Project Implementation
Project Review Date:
Date Application Received:
Identified Problems: ~ Exist ~ Perceived
Traffic Team: ~ Yes ~ No
Consensus Reached: ~ Yes 1 No
Project Successful: I Yes 1 No
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Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 8
l . l .b. If the request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) is due to reasons other
than traffic, such as crime, etc., the following two procedures shall be utilized:
l.l.b.l Special Taxing District: Contact the Special Taxing District
Division, PWD, at 305-375-2203 to obtain procedure details.
1.1 .b.2 Reverting of the public right-of--way to adjacent property owners:
l.l.b.2.1 If the location falls within unincorporated Miami- Dade County,
contact the Right-of--Way Division, PWD, at 305-375-2714 to obtain
additional information.
l . l .b.2.2 If the location falls within a municipality, contact the respective
municipality and follow their established procedures.
Miami-Dade County has exclusive jurisdiction over traffic control within a
municipality. As such, the municipal jurisdictions are required to submit a traffic
study to PWD for their review and approval. The study must support the proposed
traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) and show that County and State roadways
would not be adversely impacted as a result of reverting of the right-of--way.
1.2 Initial traffic study by PWD
PWD will conduct an initial study to confirm traffic concerns and to identify and recommend
the traffic calming measures. The scope of the initial study, depending on the nature of the
complaint, may include 24 hour counts, turning movement counts, license plate survey, spot
speed studies, etc.
Requests for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) and reopening of previously closed
streets, will be considered by PWD on a case-by-case basis, for streets meeting the following
1.2.a The streets for which modification(s) are proposed must be a local or a collector
residential street(s) and not an arterial roadway or part of the State Highway
1.2.b The proposed closure(s) shall not create street(s) longer than 600 feet, as per
Miami-Dade County Code, Section 28-14.6.
1.2.c The street(s) proposed for closure shall have sufficient right-of--way to adequately
construct T-turn around or cul-de-sacs as per PWD Standards Details.
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Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s~ Procedure Page 9
1.2.d Pre-implementation data confirms that a problem exists.
1.2.e The traffic study reveals that the proposed traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s)
meets the criteria for the installation of traffic calming devices on Page No. 8 and the
proposed measures will not adversely affect the traffic on nearby streets, by the
diverted traffic.
1.2.f The projected vehicular volumes on any other adjoining street do not exceed the
threshold limits stated in Stage 2, Step # 2.4.a.
1.2.g The changes in traffic flow will not create any liability to the County.
1.3 Is request within a municipality?
1.3.a If the request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) falls within
unincorporated Miami-Dade County, PWD coordinates the review as per Step
# 1.S.a.
1.3.bIf request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) falls within a municipality,
PWD will request affected entity to coordinate the review, as per Step # 1.S.b.
1.4 Is review from various entities required?
PWD will make the determination if the proposed traffic calming measures will impact other
entities and if review is required from affected entities, to include Police, Fire, etc.
If review is required, proceed to next step. If review is not required, proceed to Step # 1.6.
1.5 Preliminary review by various entities
1.S.a If the request for traffic flow modification (s) or street closure(s) falls within
unincorporated Miami-Dade County, then PWD, Traffic Engineering Division,
shall coordinate a review with agencies potentially affected by the traffic flow
modification(s)/street closure(s), which may include but not be limited to the
following entities:
• Miami-Dade County Fire Rescue (MDFR).
• Affected Municipal Fire Department.
• Miami-Dade Police Department (MDPD).
• Affected Municipal Police Department.
• Miami-Dade County Planning and Zoning Department (MDP&Z).
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Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 10
• Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS).
• Miami-Dade Transit (MDT).
• Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).
l .5.a. l PWD, Traffic Engineering Division, shall review all comments brought forth
by the aforementioned entities. If all agencies and departments concur, then
the Director of PWD will approve the application.
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Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 11
Public Works Department -Traffic Engineering Division
Policy for Traffic Calming Measures
Must meet the first criteria and at least one of the remaining criteria in order
for the Public Works Department to consider Traffic Calming measures:
Criterion Residential Residential
Local Streets Collector Streets
Minimum Traffic Volume >1,500.VPD <3,000*** >3,000 VPD <8,000***
>150 VPH <300 >300 VPH <800
85th Percentile Speed+ 10 MPH> Speed Limit 10 MPH> Speed Limit
Correctable >3 per year >6 per year
Accidents per year
Cut Through Traffic >25% >50%
Pedestrian >25 >50
Crossing Volume
Concurrence of residence* 2/3 of total number 2/3 of total number
of residents of residents
VPD =Vehicles per day;
VPH =Vehicles per hour
+ It is the speed at which 85% of motorists travel
* Prior to community notification to submit petition, the above guidelines will first be
evaluated to determine eligibility for application of calming measures.
** For mid-block calming, total residents=All property owners between adjacent
** For intersection calming, total residents=All property owners from subject
intersections to the next intersections of all legs.
*** The traffic volume within a municipal boundary could be reduced to a total of 30%,
and speed to 50% at the request of and for those municipalities, which provide
funding for their traffic calming program.
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Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Pale 12
Traffic Flow Modification/Street Closure
Interdepartment Review
To: Director, Public Works Department
111 N.W. lst Street, Suite 1610
Miami, Florida 33128-1970
We have reviewed this request and based on the reasoning stated above, we recommend the following
~ Request Approved - Request Denied
Print Name:
Reviewing Agency:
Please attach additional sheets as necessary.
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Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 13
However, under the following conditions the application for traffic flow
modification(s)/street closure(s) will be denied.
1.S.a.1.1 Comments made by any entity revealed concerns, which cannot be
1.S.a.l.2 The proposed traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) or
extenuating circumstances do not meet all criteria outlined under
this process or applicable State laws.
These reviews shall be relevant to the agency reviewing the
proposed traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s). The scope of
the traffic review shall be determined on a case-by-case basis by
1.S.b If the request affects local streets within a municipality, then the PWD will
request the municipality to coordinate the review with agencies potentially affected
by the traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s), which may include, but not be
limited to the following entities:
• Municipal Fire Department.
• Miami-Dade County Fire & Rescue (MDFR).
• Municipal Police Department.
• Miami-Dade County Police Department (MDPD).
• Miami-Dade County Planning and Zoning Department (MDP&Z).
• Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS).
• Miami-Dade Transit (MDT).
• Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).
• PWD, Traffic Engineering Division.
These reviews shall be relevant to the agency reviewing the proposed traffic flow
modification(s)/street closures(s). The scope of the traffic review shall be determined
on a case-by-case basis by PWD.
l .5.b. l The municipal representative shall review all comments brought forth by the
aforementioned entities. The Municipality under the following conditions
shall deny the application for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s):
1.S.b.1.1 Comments made by any entity revealed concerns, which cannot be
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1.S.b.1.2 The proposed locations or extenuating circumstances do not meet
all criteria outlined under this process or applicable State laws.
l .5.c If the preliminary review performed by the various affected entities results in denial
of the request, the process stops.
1.S.d If the preliminary review performed by the various affected entities results in
concurrence of the request, then the municipality endorses the request and forwards it
to PWD, Traffic Engineering Division, for their review and approval. Ifthe request is
approved by PWD, proceed to the next step.
1.6. Is concurrence from two-thirds of the affected residents and/or property owners
PWD, depending on the proposed traffic calming devices, will determine if concurrence from
two-thirds of the affected residents and/or property owners is required.
A municipal jurisdiction, in lieu of two-thirds concurrence, may pass a resolution after a
public hearing requesting PWD to consider the proposed traffic flow modification(s)/street
The affected area with an unincorporated Miami- Dade will be established by the county's
If the location fall within a municipality the affected area will be established by both the
city's and the county's staff.
The affected area may include, and is not limited to, those properties where normal travel
routes, to and from the affected area, are to be altered by the traffic flow
modification(s)/street closure(s) and/or properties that are significantly impacted by the
diverted traffic.
1.6.a If concurrence of two-thirds of the affected residents and/or property owners is
required, proceed to next step.
1.6.b If concurrence of two-thirds of affected residents and/or property owners is not
required, proceed to Step # 1.8.
1.7. Approval of the plan by Homeowners
1.7.a PWD, under certain circumstances, may elect to obtain concurrence from the affected
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residents and/or property owners.
1.7.b PWD will mail out ballots to obtain concurrence of two-thirds of the affected
residents and/or property owners.
1.7.c If the location is within a municipality, that jurisdiction in lieu of the two-thirds
concurrence may elect to have their elected body vote on the proposed traffic flow
modification(s)/street closure(s) after a public hearing and may submit the resolution
to PWD requesting to consider the proposed traffic flow modification(s)/street
1.7.d If two-thirds of the affected residents and/or property owners do not approve the
proposed improvements by PWD, then the process stops.
1.7.e If the residents and/or property owners desire to reinitiate the process, such process
can be reinitiated after ninety (90) calendar days from the previous opening date of
the ballots. However, the applicant will be charged with the mailing and processing
cost, which will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
1.8 ' Implementation of temporary traffic calming measures
PWD implements the improvements.
1.8.a If the request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) falls within
unincorporated Miami-Dade County, PWD will implement the improvements.
1.8.b If the request falls within a municipality, PWD will coordinate with the
municipality for the installation of the traffic calming devices.
1.9 Action by PWD
1.9.a If the improvements implemented by P WD did not cause an adverse impact to traffic
and are acceptable to the residents and/or property owners, proceed to Step # 1.10.
1.9.b If the improvements implemented by PWD are unacceptable to the residents and/or
property owners, then a more restrictive traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s)
may be considered. Please proceed to Stage 2, Step # 2.1.
1.10 Design of Permanent Traffic Calming Devices
1.10.a If the location falls within unincorporated Miami-Dade County, PWD will
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develop construction plans for permanent traffic calming devices.
1.1O.b If the location falls within a municipality, PWD will coordinate the design of
permanent traffic calming devices with the municipality.
1.11 Installation of Permanent Traffic Calming Devices
l . l l .a If the location falls within unincorporated Miami-Dade County, PWD will install
permanent traffic calming devices.
l . l l .b If the location falls within a municipality, PWD will coordinate the installation with
the municipality.
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2.1. Applicant en~a~es a traffic consultant to perform a traffic study
If the improvements implemented by PWD, pursuant to Stage 1 procedures, are unacceptable
to the municipal jurisdiction, the residents and/or property owners, they have the option of
engaging a traffic consultant, at their cost, to conduct an independent traffic study.
2.1.a If the location falls within unincorporated Miami-Dade County, this study is
coordinated by PWD.
2. l .b If the location falls within a municipality, the applicant must first make a formal
request to the municipality where he resides, prior to proceeding with a formal
study. Note that both the County and the City must coordinate the study.
2.2. Conduct pre-implementation traffic study
The traffic consultant hired by the applicants shall perform apre-implementation traffic
study. This study shall identify and confirm the applicant's concerns (i.e., traffic intrusion,
excessive traffic volume, speeding, traffic accidents, etc.) and determine if the collected
traffic data meets PWD traffic calming criteria.
On a case-by-case basis, PWD, Traffic Engineering Division, may require the following
data depending on the type, and complexity of the concerns:
2.2.a License Plate Survey: If the reason for the request is due to traffic intrusions, this
survey will be required for confirmation ofcut-through traffic. Sampling during the
AM and PM peak hour periods will be considered adequate.
2.2.b Average Daily Traffic: If the reason for the request is due to an excessive amount of
traffic in the area, a sampling of a 24 hour period will be considered adequate.
2.2.c Speed Studies: If the reason for the request is due to speeding, then speed studies are
required to confirm vehicular speed. A speeding problem can be verified when the
85th percentile speed of all vehicles is at least 10 MPH greater than the posted speed
limit. Anon-peak hour daytime minimum sampling of 100 vehicles will be
considered adequate.
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2.2.d Traffic Accident History: If the reason for the request is due to traffic accidents,
then traffic accident reports for the last three (3) years are reviewed to confirm
accident history.
2.2.e Other data and/or studies as needed.
PWD, on a case-by-case basis, may require additional traffic data or studies if
2.2.f. If the pre-implementation study reveals that the traffic data does not meet PWD
guidelines for traffic calming measures on Page # 8, then a final decision of denial is
rendered and the process stops.
If the location falls within unincorporated Miami-Dade County, PWD will notify
the applicant of the denial.
If the location falls within a municipality, the municipality shall notify the
applicant of the denial.
2.2.g If the pre-implementation study confirms that a problem exists and the traffic data
meets PWD guidelines for traffic calming measures on Page # 8, the applicant may
proceed to the next step.
2.3. Identify Traffic Calming Alternatives
It would be necessary for the consultant to adopt an area-wide systematic approach to the
development of traffic calming alternatives. This approach must work within the overall
framework of the existing roadway classification system and encourage community
There are three (3) levels of traffic calming ranging from I to III to distinguish those least
restrictive (passive) traffic control measures from those that are most restrictive (active). It
should be noted that among the categories, there could be many design variations unique to
each device. Ideally, the least restrictive measures to address traffic concerns should be
employed first, followed by more active and physical traffic calming devices. This
incremental approach would allow a cost effective opportunity to identify the real traffic
problem, if any, and better evaluate the impacts of more restrictive measures.
Keeping the above staged approach in mind and a handful of traffic calming alternatives
available for use on local roads, a typical request for a traffic flow modification(s)/street
closure(s) might proceed accordingly:
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2.3.a The traffic consultant will assess the community's needs.
2.3.b The consultant will generate staged alternative traffic calming plans, including design
plans for temporary and permanent traffic calming measures, for approval by PWD.
2.3.b.1 PWD will implement the lowest level (Level I through Level III) traffic
control measures on a temporary basis; measures that, in the consultant's
opinion, will satisfy the applicant's concerns.
2.3.b.2 Allow traffic to stabilize and reevaluate traffic patterns after six (6) months.
2.3.b.3 If Stage 1 impacts are unacceptable, then proceed to Stage 2 and reevaluate
more restrictive traffic calming alternatives.
2.3.b.4 If Stage 1 impacts are acceptable, PWD will implement permanent traffic
control measures.
The following categories of traffic calming alternatives are most effective when used in
combination with each other:
Education Chokers Semi Diverter
Neighborhood Speed Watch Program Roundabouts Diagonal Diverter
Law Enforcement Traffic Circle Street Closure
Movement Restrictions Speed Humps Speed Humps
One-Way Streets Raised Median through
Multi-Way Stop Control Intersections (Right Turn Only)
Textured Pavement Mid-block Raised Islands/Medians
Gateway Treatments
Border Landscaping Treatment
Using the above-referenced staged approach, there are several traffic calming alternatives
available for use on local streets. The consultant, along with citizen participation, will
generate staged alternative traffic calming plans, including construction plans for temporary
traffic calming measures, for approval by PWD.
The consultant shall also prepare acost-estimate for the traffic calming alternatives identified
above and proceed to the next step for apre-implementation study.
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2.4. Perform Pre-implementation Study to determine the potential impact of traffic calming
measures on roadways within and outside study area
The consultant shall conduct apre-implementation study to determine the potential impact of
the proposed traffic calming devices/street closure(s), within and outside study area.
P WD, depending on the type, complexity and requirements of the area in question, on a case-
by-case basis, may require analysis per section 2.4.d and 2.4.e, which must conform to the
following criterion.
2.4.a Volume Criteria:
2.4.a.1 Future traffic volumes due to traffic diversion on any of the Residential
Local Streets may not exceed 1,500 vehicles per day (150 vph during the
peak hours) if a traffic flow modification(s) /street closure is implemented.
The threshold values define those limits when a local residential street
begins to lose its livability and are used for analysis purposes only. They
do not guarantee that the traffic flow modification(s) or a closure(s) will be
2.4.a.2 Future traffic volumes due to traffic diversion on any of the Residential
Collector Streets may not exceed 3,000 vehicles per day (300 vph during
the peak hours) if a traffic flow modification(s) /street closure is
implemented. These threshold values define those limits when a residential
collector street begins to lose its livability and are used for analysis
purposes only. They do not guarantee that the traffic flow modification(s)
or a closure(s) will be approved.
2.4.b L.O.S. Criteria:
2.4.b.1 Future overall intersection Level Of Service (LOS) must not exceed LOS
"D" or if operating at LOS "E" must not degrade to LOS "F". Also,
2.4.b.2 The same criterion applies for an individual intersection approach or lane
group within the critical intersection approach.
2.4.b.3 If intersection or approach or lane group is already at LOS "F", then
diverted traffic volumes must not be more than 5% of the existing traffic
volumes without diversion.
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2.4.c Determine Affected Area:
The affected area may include, and is not limited to, those properties where normal
travel routes, to and from the affected area, are to be altered by the traffic flow
modification(s)/street closure(s) and/or properties that are significantly impacted by
the diverted traffic.
2.4.c.1 If the request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) falls
within unincorporated Miami-Dade County, PWD will establish
affected area boundaries on a case-by-case basis.
2.4.c.2 If the request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) falls
within a municipality, both the city's, and county's staff will determine
the boundaries of the affected area on a case-by-case basis and obtain the
concurrence from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), if
their facilities are impacted.
2.4.d Conduct Traffic Analysis within the Study Area:
For critical locations, if any, provide projection of the expected diverted traffic
within the study area. This will require the following steps:
2.4.d.1 Peak hour turning movement counts.
2.4.d.2 24 hour counts on those streets that are proposed to be closed or modified.
2.4.d.3 24 hour counts on those streets that may be impacted by proposed traffic
flow modification(s)/street closure(s).
2.4.d.4 Level of service (LOS) analysis at critical locations that will be affected by
redistributed traffic.
2.4.d.5 A schematic diagram for both AM and PM peak hours showing existing
and redistributed traffic and Average Daily Traffic (ADT's).
2.4.e Conduct Traffic Analysis outside the Study Area
Projection of the expected diverted traffic at critical intersections, if any, adjacent to
and surrounding the affected area. Particular attention shall be made to the impacts
on the State highway system and County roadways, including:
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2.4.e.1 Peak hour turning movement counts (TMC).
2.4.e.2 Queuing analysis and storage requirements at signalized
2.4.e.3 LOS analysis at critical signalized and un-signalized existing intersections.
2.4.e.4 A schematic diagram showing the results of the TMC and ADT analyses for
critical locations.
2.4.e.5 Phasing modification requirements at existing signalized
2.4.e.6 A detailed evaluation of the impacts caused by the traffic flow
modification(s)/street closure(s) on emergency vehicle response times and
fire hydrant accessibility, as well as other services such as mail delivery,
school bus routing, transit service, trash pick-up, etc.
Each individual case will dictate, which of the above items are required,
depending on the complexity and requirements of the study area.
2.4.f The Report:
The consultant will document the study in the form of a report. PWD will require as
part of the report the following items:
• A drawing that shows the exact location of existing and proposed traffic flow
modification(s)/street closure(s).
• Boundary of the affected area.
• Critical intersection geometries.
• Analysis of the critical intersections per section 2.4.d and 2.4.e.
• Comparison of before and after LOS.
The consultant will indicate the optimum traffic calming measure from each of
Levels I, II and III, which adequately satisfies the applicant's concern. The Level I
measure will be implemented first. If the results are not satisfactory, then the next
level measure will be implemented until Level III is reached.
Any traffic study performed for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) should
be compiled by the traffic consultant in the form of a formal report, signed and
sealed by a Florida registered Professional Engineer.
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If the location falls within unincorporated Miami-Dade County, applicant shall
submit three (3) copies of the report to PWD, which, in turn, forwards a report to
FDOT if State facilities are impacted.
If the location falls within a municipality, applicant shall submit three (3) copies of
the report to the municipality, which in turn, forwards a report to PWD and the
FDOT if State facilities are impacted.
2.5 Is request within a municipality?
2.S.a If the request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) falls within
unincorporated Miami-Dade County, PWD coordinates the review as per Step #
2.S.b If request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) falls within a municipality,
PWD will request affected entity to coordinate the review as per Step # 2.7.b
2.6 Is review from various entities required?
PWD will make the determination if the proposed traffic calming measures will impact other
user entities and if review is required from affected user entities, such as Police, Fire, etc.
If review is required, proceed to next step. If review is not required, proceed to Step # 2.8.
2.7 Preliminary review by various entities
2.7.a If the request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) falls within
unincorporated Miami-Dade County, then PWD, Traffic Engineering Division,
shall coordinate a review with agencies potentially affected by the traffic flow
modification(s)/street closure(s), which may include but not be limited to affected
Municipal Police and Fire Departments, MDFR, MDPD, MDP&Z, MDCPS, MDT,
2.7.a.1 PWD, Traffic Engineering Division, shall review all comments brought forth
by the aforementioned entities. If all agencies and departments concur, then
the Director of PWD will approve the application.
However, under the following conditions, the application for traffic flow
modification(s)/street closure(s) will be denied.
2.7.a. l .1 Comments made by any entity revealed concerns, which cannot be
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2.7.a.1.2 The proposed locations or extenuating circumstances do not meet
all criteria outlined under this process or applicable State laws.
2.7.b If the request affects local streets within a municipality, then the municipality
coordinates review with other agencies potentially affected by the traffic flow
modification(s)/street closure(s), which may include but not be limited to affected
Municipal Fire and Police Departments, MDFR, MDPD, MDP&Z, MDCPS, MDT,
FDOT, PWD, Traffic Engineering Division.
2.7.b.1 The municipal representative shall review all comments brought forth by the
aforementioned entities. The municipality under the following conditions
shall deny the application for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s):
2.7.b.1.1 Comments made by any entity revealed concerns, which cannot be
2.7.b.1.2 The proposed locations or extenuating circumstances do not meet
all criteria outlined under this process or applicable State laws.
2.7.c If the preliminary review performed by the various affected entities results in denial
of the request, the process stops.
2.7.d If the preliminary review performed by the various affected entities results in
concurrence of the request, then the municipality endorses the request and forwards it
to PWD, Traffic Engineering Division.
These reviews shall be relevant to the agency reviewing the proposed traffic flow
modification(s)/street closure(s). The scope of the traffic review shall be determined
on a case-by-case basis by PWD.
2.8 Determination by PWD
2.8.a If the location falls within an unincorporated area, PWD makes determination on
the traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s).
2.8.a.1 If the traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) is denied by PWD, the
process stops.
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2.8.a.2 If the traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) is approved by PWD, then
proceed to the next step.
2.8.b If the location falls within a municipality, that entity makes recommendations on
traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s).
2.8.b.1 If the municipality denies the traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s), the
process stops.
2.8.b.2If the traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) is endorsed by the
municipality, the request is forwarded to PWD for review and approval.
2.9 Is concurrence from two-thirds of the affected nronerty owners required?
PWD, depending on the traffic calming devices, will determine if concurrence from two-
thirds of the affected residents and/or property owners is required.
2.9.a If concurrence of two-thirds of the affected residents and/or property owners is
required, proceed to next step.
2.9.b If concurrence oftwo-thirds of the affected residents and/or property owners is not
required, proceed to Step # 2.11.
2.10 Annroval of Plan
The affected residents and/or property owners, as a result of the above referenced steps, must
support the traffic calming flow modifications derived. Residents (one per household) must
be either property or business owners, or tenant, within the affected area by the proposed
traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s).
A public workshop organized by the applicant's traffic consultant will be held to which
affected residents and/or property owners and business owners will be invited to participate.
The purpose of the workshop will be to determine the proposed alternative(s) having the
greatest community support. The public workshop should include participation by the
municipality, PWD and FDOT officials.
2. l O.a If the location is within the unincorporated Miami-Dade PWD will mail out ballots to
obtain concurrence oftwo-thirds of the affected residents and/or property owners.
2.10.b If the location is within unincorporated within a municipality, the municipality shall
mail out ballots to obtain concurrence oftwo-thirds of the affected residents and/or
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property owners.
2.1 O.c A municipality, in lieu of the two-thirds concurrence may elect to have their elected
body vote on the proposed traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) after a public
hearing and may submit the resolution to PWD requesting to consider the proposed
traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s).
2.10.c If two-thirds of the affected residents and/or property owners do not approve the
proposed improvements, then the process stops.
2.10.d If the residents and/or property owners desire to reinitiate the process, such process
can be reinitiated after ninety (90) calendar days from the previous opening date of
the ballots. However, the applicant will be charged with the mailing and processing
cost, which will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
2.10.e If the request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) falls within
unincorporated Miami-Dade County, then the applicant agrees to pay for all costs
directly associated with the traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) beyond the
installation signs and markings.
2.10.e If the request affects local streets within a municipality, then determination will
be made by the local entity and either the applicant or the municipality will share the
costs directly associated with the traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) beyond
the installation signs and markings.
2.10.f Depending on the complexity of the traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s),
PWD may direct the Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC),
Transportation Planning Technical Advisory Committee (TPTAC), or MPO, to
provide input prior to the final recommendations by PWD.
2.1 O.g If CTAC, TPTAC or MPO technical reviews recommend against the proposed traffic
calming alternative(s), that decision will be final.
2.10.h If the location falls within unincorporated Miami-Dade County, then PWD will
notify the applicant of the approval or denial of the traffic flow modification(s)/street
closure(s) request.
2.10.i If the location falls within a municipality, then PWD will notify the municipality,
which, in turn, will notify the applicant, of the approval or denial of the traffic flow
modification(s)/street closure(s) request.
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2.10.j If two-thirds of the affected residents and/or property owners do not approve the
proposed improvements by PWD, then the process stops.
2.10.j If the residents and/or property owners desire to reinitiate the process, such process
can be reinitiated after ninety (90) calendar days from the previous opening date of
the ballots. However, the applicant will be charged with the mailing and processing
cost, which will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
2.10.k Iftwo-thirds of the affected residents and/or property owners concur with the
traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) plan and approved by PWD,
proceed to Step # 2.11
2.11 Installation of Temporary Traffic Calming Devices
2.1 l.a the applicant's consultant develops plan for the temporary and permanent
traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s).
2.11.b If the jurisdiction falls within unincorporated Miami-Dade County, then the
applicant submits construction plans to PWD, Traffic Engineering Division, for
approval of the temporary traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s), including all
signs and markings.
2.ll.c If the jurisdiction falls within a municipality, then the applicant submits
construction plans to the municipality for approval of the temporary traffic flow
modification(s)/street closure(s) including all signs and markings.
2.11.d Municipality forwards plans to PWD, Traffic Engineering Division, for traffic
engineering review and approval.
2. l l .e Applicant engages a contractor to install temporary traffic control devices, which will
be allowed only fora 90-day trial period.
2. l l .f The applicant, at the expiration of the 90-day trial period, shall remove the temporary
traffic calming devices, unless the Director of the Public Works Department grants an
2.12 Conduct Post-Implementation Study to assess if the impact of implemented devices is
Once the temporary traffic calming devices are implemented, they need to be evaluated prior
to the installation of the permanent traffic calming devices.
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2.12.a Applicant requests traffic consultant to collect traffic data after the traffic pattern has
been established over a period of 30 days and shall be completed within the
remaining 60 days.
2.12.b Traffic consultant analyzes the data and submits reports either to PWD or the
municipality, whichever has jurisdiction.
2.13 Post-Impact Analysis Results
If study reveals that the impact of the temporary traffic control devices are unacceptable, then
the consultant shall go back to Step # 2.3 to identify more restrictive traffic calming
If it is determined that the temporary traffic control devices adversely impacted traffic, then
the request for permanent installation shall be denied and the applicant shall direct
contractor to remove the temporary traffic control devices at the expiration of the
90-day trial period.
2.13.a If the location falls within unincorporated Miami- Dade County, then PWD will
notify the applicant of the approval or denial of the permanent traffic flow
modification(s)/street closure(s).
2.13.b If the location falls within a municipality, then PWD will notify the municipality.
The municipality, in turn, will notify the applicant of the approval or denial of the
permanent traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s).
If the study reveals no adverse impacts and temporary devices are acceptable, then
proceed to Step # 2.14.
2.14 Design of Permanent Traffic Control Devices
2.14.a If the location falls within unincorporated Miami-Dade County, then
construction plans are submitted to P WD for approval of the permanent traffic flow
modifications or street closures, including all signs and markings
2.14.b If the location falls within a municipality, then construction plans are submitted
to a municipality for approval of the permanent traffic flow modifications or street
closures, including all signs and markings. Municipality shall then forward plans to
PWD, Traffic Engineering Division, for traffic engineering review and approval.
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2.15 Installation of Permanent Traffic Calmin;? Devices
Applicant directs private contractor(s) to install permanent closure, at their expense, upon
obtaining necessary approvals and permits from the appropriate agencies.
In situations where a traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) in one municipality affects
an adjacent municipality, then both municipalities shall mutually agree to such
Miami-Dade County has the sole discretion, subject to all applicable laws, to approve,
modify, remove, continue or deny any traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) request
regardless of any support or lack thereof via the petition process. The approval or denial
issued by the Director of PWD for a traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) is final.
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The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the installation of speed humps
along local residential streets within Miami-Dade County.
Speed humps will be considered, on a case-by-case basis, and only on local
residential streets which meet the following criterion:
• The street must be a local residential street.
• The street shall not have more than one traffic lane in each direction.
• The street must be at least 750 feet long, with no intersecting roadways in
• Traffic volumes on the street must equal or exceed 750 vehicles per day.
• The street is posted at or has a speed limit of 30 MPH or less.
• The traffic engineering study has determined that the 85`)' percentile speed on the
street is at least IOMPH over the speed limit.
• The speed humps will not be considered within 250 feet of a traffic signal, within
50 feet of an intersection, in front of a driveway, within an intersection or
adjacent to fire hydrants.
• The speed humps will not be considered in, or on the approaches, to a horizontal
or a vertical curve where visibility of the hump is restricted.
• The street should not be located along an emergency response route, Regional
Transit or school bus route and must be approved by the respective agencies for
the installation of speed humps.
• Installation of these devices .shall not cause the traffic to divert to other
neighborhood streets.
• 2/3 of the residents/property owners of the block(s) concur with the installation of
the speed hump.
• The District Commissioner approve the use of PTP funding for the installation.
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F:\work\$ALL\(1) EMPLOYEE FOLDERS\CHRISTINE BETTINI\Troftic calming\MDC Traffic Modification Procedure R2 07 OS.doc
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Procedure Cit of Miami Beach CMB Miami-Dade Count MDC
Resident or Commissioner submits Resident, Commissioner or CMB submits request
1 re uest internal) to MDC
2 CMB PW De t. conducts traffic stud MDC conducts traffic stud
If warranted, PW Dept. prepares traffic If warranted, MDC prepares traffic calming plan
3 calmin Ian
Traffic Calming Plan submitted to CMB and MDC
Traffic Calming Plan submitted to CMB olice, MDT, and MDC Public Schools for
4 Fire & Police for approval a
If approved by Fire & Police, Traffic If approved by above agencies, final approval by
Calming Plan submitted to MDC PW for MDC Traffic Engineering Division
5 a royal
If approved by MDC, Public Meeting and 2/3 concurrence from residents
6 2/3 concurrence from residents
If approved by residents
implement If approved by residents, MDC implements
Traffic Calming Plan temporary traffic calming measures. If no adverse
7 impacts to traffic, proceed to next step.
Conduct after-study to determine if its MDC design/installs permanent traffic calming
8 successful devices