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Ad #590 and 591 January 13, 2010
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2009 1791h~ ~~ .,~ s- _ _ z., a. ~_ ~, x _ '• _ z= ~)r ll$ ~~~~~ ~~i1~f~'~St ~'~BC.CStt~`r8$(~iRg i~ ;~U~V`~'i~T ~llT~il'~ ~'"~~9 .~iFljf ~tmm[SSIDn Of -'th9 •~"i11~/~~7f iul~n Beach; m#he Comtiti~c~n4lbei*'~r'~rd tioor,°C'ti y'Hai11,~7Q0•Conve~tion Ceriter~ve~A6ami ~e~ch;.~JorTtla;=nn liAl~dnesday, Janriar3i ~3; ~0~ ai ~~~ ;fL~~ #o consui+er ai=3asoiut~on ~~ ~:1~ase.~~greeajent $etween The Y ; ~;lulyscer~r, Paris:y#r#e ~y,`7hc. +Far.~se~f'~inrp ~~ in~•.CAittt~ro~ily icnoerrt~s-~he Carl Fisher ;; f~bfiouse"`And Ldtle=8t~ge`ibeater, tacafiad 5At~2'1~0@'°~111ashmg~tcnfAta>!nde, #~~i $eacsh,~°F1ori~la~'i~d Pease Having A ~et~m Years t. ,. ,,.~ ex -~:~. ., - ~. - - - a , ` t .Q- tyf~ve . - _ t .~- inquines raay=be ~lirer~d`to~tie ~de:o~E?eef";Estate,.~ious'irag ~Conn~wai~y~Devsiop7ijexit $) ~ .673 7280 _ i11~7'iERES7'ED f-IES~re:rrivt~d~ eppear.~tt~this •ra~eel~ereprese-ated.~i'~ce~gent ar to express them vievVS in yyrifi'ng addressed Yo~he`Cif.~r'Cotnmissinn~ •c/o ~t}~er Glerk,"~7130 ~Cm~3;,~ te[ T~ri~, ,~st t;-c~or, ~C~ty Ha{I, Miami -Beaii;ij, ,Florida3'i3~. Ttsis~meetrc(9-r~sgy ~ae;cx~r~incied brad'~rfd'"d~"r~uah>circumstances~additip~al ~al.raotice would:,not ¢-+l j'~,~~~ ~ ~ . _,,, ~ City of ifiliffirn 8e~c1C~ ~mrnissron->rr~b` ~.d-vf` the pros mt+st ensure m uvtiiCl ~re '8pj9HH1:75'iO.De.Aa$9a -~"nIS;nDUCe•(7Q25:[,iDZ;COrlsir[t7i@=~on&eL7[ ~y.-~gB;t.ii~r rpr~e-u}uvgf7ccic~n„ortiaaru~a-~wr~.v~~au~rw~ ~ttac~nis5ible-or irrelevant evi~dearce,~Dr3toes of .authorise cballeng~s~rappeals'txot ~Hrershr~ alloanr~c#-~by;faw r~ _ . -~ •. .,.. _ -., .. - .tea .~ - Torsc~aestthis material-m~txessible~ormat; sigmianguage mf~ipreteis;.lt~srroati~~~nr- ae~ess:#+~r~ersor~s~with disabtl~es - 'andrncaccr~arxrodaho~t® ~vi~xi-an3r=cJpcumen~-orejp~e ~ ~arsY'r-nscar~IaeediAg, Please cor>tact :~(30;~ -6D4~~89 =(~niee), (305-~Z7;3 721:;3 '('TTY}eve xlays ~t _atliianc~ ~~r~dte;~ot~r'~egriest ~'1Qil -asers`~nay :aisp ~ "7~-#•:..: .. iFiarida-fi~efay Set~ice~ t '~ r ~, ~,=`,- ke ~-Y ~ ,~~ ~- ,~ z~ ~+ .~ :' Ad ~SgD _ '~ ~ ~ ~'` '~ - CITY OF MIAMI BEACH - . ,~ ~~-- .NOTICE ~QF PU~LIC'.~ -.. _ _. ~- ,, -:- _ - .... - } .:,.~. _. t. ~~. NOTICE IS tFJEREBY giveri:that a first leading and public hearing .will be;held'byahe City Commissitin of •the,.City of iWiami'Beach; -n-the~Cominission •Chambers, 3rd floor, Cify':Mall, '1700;ConverrtioP`~i3enter Driye, Miami beach; flo~ida, on Wednesday,.Januafy-13,~20'10 at 10:05 A:M., To Consider Revocable Perrrnt~Tte`tlnest By'The Betsy Ross Owner LLC, Owner Of The_Betsy Hotei Soutfibeach Located At 1440 Ocean Drive,'To Retain A Built. Pre=Fabricated Canvas Awning That Extends Appnoxirnate4y=F,oiirteen:Feet,-Three Inches (14'-3":)?Oyer:And. frito.'l'kie:Public Right Of 1Nay WithA Minimurii.bertical Height Of Seven.;Feet, Six:.lnches;(T-6",}As Measure From The Finished;S~dewalkGrade. - Inquiries may be directed totkie°Public-~IVorkS Departmentat;(305) 673-7~0: ._ ~ - - , INTERES>CEDPARTIES-are~iAVfted3o~appear-at this_meeting, or~be represented by:ari ageat,.pr#o express theirtriews in wr~,g-adtfresseci.#o the°CityTC_o"raymission; cla~tlie~Ci4y~Olerk, x-700 Gonvettion Center Drtite,;'~~t Floor, City Hall,.-Miami Beacti;`~loiiia 33139.'Copies-cif:these=ordinantues•an;available 'for°publi~=inspection di~ring.noniaal.business hours,:in ttfe City Clerk's Office, 1700 Convsni:ion Center Drive, i st Floor, CityNall,>and~~lliami Beach, Florida 33139. This meeting~may be corrtinued.and tinder such circurnstances>addit~onal legal-notice~uauld~ot be.pmvicfed.. - `~ -~ - ~ - ~~ - `' .. ,. > .. - ~ ' Robert ~. Parcher,:C'ity Clerk ,. _ - -.- = -. Pursuairt,to~ection 286 0105;'1=1x.°Stat the_City hereby advises#he,piibYiict:af,a persoo de~idesto appeaC any tlecision .made bysthe :City Commission.wi#ki respect#a~u~,y:rnafiker-cimaideged at=ieetirig or its~e~t~irrg, such ~persorr-must:ensure that averbatim record of the proceedings is°made, which record includesthetestimony and~viderice upon which the appeal is to be based. This notice does not constitute consent bythe City forthe introduction or admission of otlierwiseinadmissible of irrelevant evidence, nor does-it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed bylaw. - . To request this material.in accessible-format, sign language interpreters, iriforrrration on,access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to -review. any document or particip9be. imany ~ci#y-sponsored proceeding, .please contact (305)04-2489 (voice), (305)"673721.8 (1'i'Y)'fave days in advance'to initiate your'request. TTY users may atsaq call 71 t (Fbrida RelayService). _ : •~,- • . . ., ~ ,. ~ ... .~R „air....,,