Ad #593 January 13, 2010 . ~ C:ITY OF MIA~11Jl-BEA~#~I . ~~ . ,_ ~: ~ NOTICE OFD-11~31a~`~°R#N_G ~~-: ~IO~GE ~S-HCREBY given that a public hearing v~fi t~fiel+d `bye,City Commission csf #~iie~ity,of AAiami Beach, in ~#he?<~omrrtissica-S;Chambers, 3"':floor, City'Hal{,1700~VYedriesday,.January'~3,~~O10~at.y0.2541.ff11.,~Pursuant-To Miami -Beach City~Coc3e~ection 118-563, To ConSE'der Grantirag,AsCe~tt~cate Ofi i4ppropriateness.For_ Taae~Jemolition Of Thy ,boys 8c Gnis.Cfub'Structure, ~Eocated At 1200 Miclligan~4vein~e o ~ ~, - _ = enquiries may=be directe~~the Office of Real.Estate, Housfrg and:Cdr~mupity Development at {'305) ~T3-7,260. ;:~ .s. ;INT`ERESTtED PARTIES;are.invited to ajppear-atY#hi~meeting;-or-be represg~ited by.ar~ ~gent~ or to express their views in writing ~addressatl to tfie City Com~rnssic2g clo--tlie.~lty.:Clerlc, ~'C700 Co~jventiori Ce-~ter:Dnve, =ist Ff0or, City Hall; Miami .Beach, floida 33'~~39. This meetJng;maybeopened~and::continued.and; under`such circumstance's additional legal notice wourd-not be;provided. ~ - - ~ ~ - - - `,x ~ ~ ~ ; ~- - -"'` - Robert E •.Rarcher Y _ -. ' "-'; ~ - ~..<r ~ityof-~11ia Beach . _ . r } Y - *1 C.' .rte - ~- _u - ~~, ~~ .., t ~ ,. ,.. Pursuant to Section. 286~'ID5, Fla. Stet ,the City Hereby atia~ses,'ftie-publicthat•<~f a ,person deciclesr~o appeal any decision made bythe City~Commission with~respectfo anyrr~atfer cSirfst~ler$d atits:cneet~g~or its~I~earing, such person:,. must.ensure"that~vertiatim record of the~proceedngs rs rradde„urfktis~h.~t~cord ui'etudi;s thetestirrit'my and evideno~~ upon which tMe,:appeal'is~.~e-based. This notice•Yioesaaot t.o`nstittite consent,~y~tlie~C~y forthe introduction or admission of otherwise inayd"rniss~ble or irrelevant evidence por does ~t au'Ei~onze thaUerage's.-or;appeals not 6therwise, allowed by law. ~= p - ~ ~ ~ '` - To request this material in access~le'format, sign lang~ge,faterprtete[s,,~nfortnatror)-~p-~ccess:forpersons ~Arith disabilities, .and/or~y;accommodatfon to:eview any document or pa~clpate m:any-ctly=~(tsar~l ~r~icei3Clpng, Please contact (305)=604,2489~(froice), (305),673=72.~8(J'TY) five days ~n at9vanee~o-inEtiate.your re~que~t ~T'-1f users may also ca1171.7'(Flo'ndaTielay~ervice): - - -._ ~ ~ _ ~ . Ad 1}B~ .... ,. . THt3RS13,4Y, DECEMBER 24,.2009 I f~1rlB -