Gregory A. Carney NAME: HOME ADDRESS: PHONE:. os" 672 ~ y7y 7 86-Z ~'3 -06,~ y ~ o s S"3 y z ~'a~ /~ ~ ~, .~. , ~ _rc~,~ Home Work Fax Emar address Business Name: Position: Address: No. Street City State Zrp Code Professional License (describe) E~ires: Attach a copy of the license 9 Pursuant tD CHy Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agenaes, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the ~ this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the sty for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownershipfinterest for minimum of six months in a business established in the city. • Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes ~'or No ^ . Demonstrate an ownershipJirrterest in a business i rami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes ^ or No ^ • Are you a reegistered voter in Miami Beach: Yes ~'or No ^ • (Pleasear ed one): I am now a resident of: North Beach South Beach le Beac • I am ying for ark-appointment beau~1 have ~a 1 abilities, kn a and ex rience. i below ~=" / iL/~C~ /dq~iYG ig~,~_ ~7` C B aS'u [ T~~Cs~ / ^' F a ~pf ~T ioN~~~f~iti®~e ec y ~ Tj~~}.T~i61 C f'G ~~''~~ • you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of iami Beach? Yes ^ or No IDS' Please list your preferences in order of ranking [t] first choice [2] second choice, and [8] third dwice. Pisses note that only three t8) choices will 6e observed by the City Clerks Office. (Regular Boards of City) ^ Affordable Housin Adviso Committee ^ Housin Autho ' ^ Art in Public Places Committee can Review Committee ^ Beautification Committee ^ Marine Authors ^ Board of Ad'ustmeM' ^ Miami Beach Commission for Women u Advi Committee ^ Miami Beach Cultural Arts Counal ^ lm is Pro'eds Oversi mmittee ^ Miami Beach Sister Cities P ram ^ Committee on the Homeless ^ Normand Shores Local Government Nei h. Im ent D Committee for Quay Education in MB ^ Parks and Recreation Faalities Board 0 Commun' Develo ent Adviso ^ Personnel Board ^ Commun" Relations Board ^ Planni Board• ^ Convention Cenfier Advi Board ^ Police Citizens Relations Committee ^ Debarment Committee ^ Production Indu Counal ^ Desi n Review Board' ^ Public Committee ^ Disabif Access Committee ^ Sate Committee ^ Fine Arts Board ^ Si le Fami Residerfial Review Panel ^ Lesbian Bisexual and Tran der G ^ Sustainabili Committee Advi Committee ^ Tran a Reliabil' 8 Accountabil' Committee `TRAC° ^ Health Committee ^ Trans r'tation and Parks Committee 0 Health Fatalities Autho ' Boats ^ Vsitor and Convention Auth ' ^ Hi nic Affairs Committee ^ Waterfront Protection Committee ^ Historic Preservation Board ^ Youth Center Advi Board 'board wired to File Statie Disclosure Form Note: ff applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center. 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: Yes ^ No ^ Years of Service: 2. Present parfiapation in Youth Center adivrbes by your children Yes^ No ^. If yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and whictr programs. List below: Child's name: Age: program: Child's name: Age: Program: F:\CLER\$ALL\aFORMS\BOARD AND COMMITTEES\BC Application062609 NEW.doc ~5l ~~ M I AM I B EAC H CITY OF MIAMI BEACH .Have you ever been convicted of a felony: Yes Q or No C7 Ifi yes, please explain in detail: • Do you airrently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: Yes ^ or No yes, please explain in detail: • Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: Yes ^ or No If yes, explain in detail • Are you cumentty serving on any Ciiy Boards or Committees: Yes ^ or No If yes; which board? • What organizations in the City of Miami B~e)ach do you curre/ntl~y~hold membership in? Name: 1 /01re~T a_ ~ Zs 1~ w~ N'ow, f!owJ~t(',r4 /-~c~e~' ~ 1 J , d ,r Name: Title: • List al! propere Awned o~ ve a interest 'n, L~ 6 ~ , 1 ~~ 9 are located within the Citxof Miami Beach: • ! am now employed by the City of Miami Beach: Yes ^ or NoC~!!6Vhich department? • Pursuant to City Cock Section 2-25 (b): Do you have a parent [], spouse ^, child ^, brotlter 0, or sister ^ who is employed by the City of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. identify the department(s): N ~ ~ The inliowing iMonrratlon is voluntary and Is rrettl>ar part of your application nor has any bearing on your conslderetion for appointment his being asked to ply witit federal equal opportunity reporting requirerrwrrts. Gender: I9'~ Male D Female )rtgin: Check one only (1) (Not of Hispanic Origin): Ali persons having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa or the Middle East. D African-AmericaNBlack (Not of H~panic Origin}: All persons having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. D Hispank: All persons of Me>acan, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish cukure or origin, regardless of race. D Allan or Pacific Islander: Ail persons having origins in arty of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, on Ure Pacific islands. This an3a indudes, for example, China, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippine Islands and Somoa. D American Indkn or Alaskan Native: All persons having origins in any of the original peopks of North America, and who maintain Culdrral identification through tribal affiliation community n;cx~gnition. Physicaty Challenged: Yes ^ or IVo~ Employment Status: Employed D Retired D Homemaker D Other ~ ~.Q I,h' f,Z,,,t ~ /,~ r.c.~/ NOTE: ff appointed, you will be required to follow Certain laws which appty to city These laws include, but are not limited to, the following: members. o Prohibitlon from direcxiy or indirectly lobbying Gty personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459). o Prohibi6ion from contracting whir the dty (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1). o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami Beach City Code section 2.26). o Requirement to disclose certain frnandal interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1). (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee}: prohibition, during tenure and fior one year after leaving office, from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yours~f , or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611). Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk. "I he attest to the accuracy and tnrtltfulness Arta VII - of C ode "Standards of ndu 2 gnaarre ate Pkrase attach a copy trF your resurrre to this applkation NOTE: Applications will Received in fhe City Cleric's Office by of the application and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2, for City Officers, Employees artd Ag/eray tlAembsrs." fJ ~/ /mar r+ L' o . s .. /~i . ~ii ~.n e ~/ file for a period of one {1 j calendar year. Date=1-/ZOtt~ Control %y v Technical Expertise Gregory A. Carney Telephone: 786-253-0664 E-mail: greg.carney@gmail.com 1VIr. Carney is a highly experienced executive who for 30 years has delivered key services in mission critical areas at large and small organizations in both the Public and Private Sectors. He has held positions such as Partner, Senior Vice President, Director, or Chief Executive Officer in Information Technology, Telecommunications, Professional Services, Engineering, and E-commerce companies. Building on a base of over 20 years in management and information systems consulting, many of them as a Partner in Accenture (previously Andersen Consulting LLP}, he has acted in a Chief Executive role with an E- commerce consulting company, and more recently spent 5 years with a UNEP based Competitive Local Exchange Carrier in the telecommunications market space. IVir. Carney has worked for investor groups doing planning and due diligence efforts during acquisitions. He has also been the CEO of a construction claims management and litigation support firm. in addition to working as an employee, he has experience as a sole practitioner. 1VIr. Carney's experience in Consulting has exposed him to a broad spectrum of industries and a wide range of management challenges. He is expert at quickly analyzing business problems and developing effective solutions. Building on this, he often has driven the process to implement those solutions and put them into practice. Due to his strategic planning and consulting experience with public and private sector, for profit and not for profit, and government and community based organizations, he is adept at gaining consensus while dealing with very disparate points of view and value sets in challenging situations. While Mr. Carney's individual consulting skills have been highly valued by his clients, he has also directed very large numbers of consultants in multiple, simultaneous projects. In addition to his tactical skills at providing and directing client services, Mr. Carney has filled many operational roles. In his role as Partner with Accenture, he was responsible for developing various regional business lines and industry segments including both the Heahh Care and Government sectors in Florida and the Caribbean Basin. This required that appropriate personnel be hired, trained, mentored, and retained to service the target clients. 1VIr. Carney was responsible Gregory A. Carney • Business Planning and .Development • Information Systems Planning • Systems Development • Information Technology • Strategic Planning • Organizational Change Planning and Implementation • Value Engineering • Productivity and Profit Improvement • ERP • CRM • Telecommunications • Litigation Support and Expert Testimony • Document Imaging Management Industry Experience • Health Care • Justice and Public Safety • Government • Insurance • Banking and Finance • Emergency Services • Community Planning • Utilities • Mining • E-Commerce/Internet • Entertainment • Constrnction/Engineering • Retail • Manufacturing • Telecommunications • Colleges and Universities • Primary and Secondary Education • Accounting, Law & Finance • Aviation • Transportation for the development of a number of Senior Manager and Partner level personnel in these industry segments. Outside of Accenture, Mr. Carney has had a number of senior executive positions that entailed both operational and strategic responsibilities. He has run many operational areas in larger organizations and had CEO responsibility in smaller ones. He is familiar with all operational and administrative areas found in most organizations. At Accenture and in subsequent organizations, Mr. Carney has had extensive sales responsibilities and accomplished significant business development success. This was facilitated by his ability to communicate well at all levels of internal and external organizations from operational levels through senior management to the C-level and the Board of Directors. Mr. Carney has also worked in various entrepreneurial situations. He has worked with small investment groups identifying investment opportunities and doing due diligence. He also has worked with various small companies helping to find investment funding. He was with Z-Tel Communications from the very early stages through its successful IPO (and NASDQ listing) and for several years afterward during its build out. Outside the workplace, Mr. Carney has served on the boards of several not for profit organizations. He has also provided pro bono consulting assistance to a number of community and charitable entities. Experience Accentare LLC/Andersen Consulting LLP -Programmer, Analyst, Senior Analyst, Manager, Partner Accenture LLC (known originally as Andersen Consuhing LLP) is one of the world's largest information systems, management, and strategic planning consulting services firms, with well over 80,000 employees and $10 billion annual revenues. Mr. Carney joined the Pittsburgh office in 1976 directly from graduate school. He worked there for over 21 years, the last 10 as a Partner. In addition to the Pittsburgh office, he spent the latter half of his career with Accenture in the Miami office. His clients were located around the world and in many industries including healthcare, government, insurance, manufacturing, banking and finance, higher education, architecture and engineering, transportation, telecommunications, retailing, public utilities, and food services. His most extensive experience has been with the govennment and health care sectors. in his line Partner role, he sold and supervised more than $10 million in professional services fees annually. Key work experience includes technology development (traditional and leading edge), strategic planning, organizational restructuring, litigation support, audit and forensic audit support, community planning, financial recovery, due diligence support, information architecture design, and many other client projects. Internal administrative rotes included Director of the South Florida and Caribbean Heath Care Practice, Director of the Florida and Caribbean Goverrunent Practice, contributor to the Hospital of the Future excellence center, member of the Security Practice Committee, Justice Practice member, and minority recruiting lead for Florida. As a Parer, Mr. Carney was responsible for building various practices in multiple offices. This meant he had to recruit and develop professional personnel, promote business, negotiate and finalize contracts, manage client projects, bill and collect, and manage client relations. In the health care arena, Mr. Carney has extensive IT experience. He designed and implemented numerous real time order eM~y/patient care/patient accounting systems for hospitals across the eastern U.S. In addition, he has been heavily involved in strategic innovation. For a Midwestern hospital group , he developed a transition strategy to operate in the prospective reimbursement environment, working closely with academic thought leaders to install a new approach within the management group. He worked at many institutions to implement an information based case management approach. Many of his projects focused on leveraging information technology to improve both the quality of care and cost Gregory A. Carney Page 2 effectiveness. He has also worked with individual institutions and community wide on service planning issues. th his healthcare clients, as well as his clients in other industries, there was a strong emphasis on implementing technology as part of a broader solution in helping clients achieve their key strategic objectives. For a number of years, Mr. Carney ran the Health Care Consulting Practice for the South Florida and Caribbean Region. In his work both in the Pittsburgh office and in Miami, Mr. Carney spent a good deal of time working closely with hospital administration, hospital boards, attending physicians, nurses, technicians, other care providers, and administrative staff. He is comfortable dealing with all constituencies. A sample of Mr. Gurney's clients include University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Presbyterian Hospital, UPMC Childress Hospital, Mercy Hospital of Pittsburgh, Allegheny General Hospital, Allegheny Valley Hospital, Jefferson Hospital (Philadelphia), the Cleveland Clinic, Fairview Community Hospitals (Minneapolis), Baptist Hospital (Miami), Baptist Hospital (Jacksonville), Wake Medical Center, Touro Infirmary (New Orleans), Western Reserve Medical Systems (Youngstown, Ohio), Jefferson Health Systems (Pittsburgh), Medical College of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia), Cedars Medical Cetrter (Miami), South Broward Hospitals (Ft. Lauderdale), North Broward Hospital System (Ft. Lauderdale), Hoty Cross Hospital (Ft. Lauderdale), and Forbes Health Systems (Pittsburgh) among others. He also has done work for physicians groups and health insurance companies. One of the more challenging projects he managed in the government sector involved completely converting a major court system (including the judges) from paper to electronically imaged document handling. This was a 2 year, $24 million project and at the time this was only the second such use of electronic content management. Not only did this project deal with difficult, leading edge technical issues, but the organizational issues were multiplied due to a unionized work force and an elected key client. Using an innovative approach, very significant labor savings were realized while negative political fallout was avoided. Another very large government project Mr. Carney directed was the implementation of a new income tax system for the Commonwealth of Puerto .Rico. This project involved over 150 consulting personnel and cost over $50 million. He also developed a money laundering investigators workbench for the DOJ. He has redesigned the enterprise information architectures for large government bodies. He has helped police department identify long term information system needs and plan and budget the requisite design and implementation projects. He has worked with national and state governments on strategic, organizational, and information systems plans. In general, he has extensive experience in planning, designing, implementing, and managing the implementation of information systems, new organizations, and revised processes in a wide variety of settings. Imaginet Design, Inc. -Chief Executive Officer Imaginet Design, Inc. was a closely held E-commerce consulting firm based in Hollywood, Florida. Its main line of business was implementing Internet based Business to Consumer E-commerce solutions for a wide range of businesses. It was started in the mid 1990's. Mr. Carney was brought in to help address some strategic direction issues and build the business in 1997 and 1998. During that time he directed the development of the E-commerce consulting business and the initiation of a more product oriented approach. He silo directed the addition of a related third business line of telecommunication services reselling, during this time. The business line diversification allowed the company to survive the dot.com market meltdown of 1999 and transition itself more fully into telecommunication services. Z-Tel Communications, Inc. -Senior Vice President, Special Projects Z-Tel Communications, Inc. (later Trinsic, Inc. eventually bought by Access Communications) was a publicly traded Tampa based Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) telephone company with a very strong emphasis on technology driven, value added services. Z-Tel was started in 1998 and had an IPO in 1999. As with most start ups, emphasis was on development and experienced management needed to wear many hats. Mr. Carney provided senior management help in many areas as needed to supplement the line management. During his time there, he led or headed special projects to address Sales, Trouble Ticket Management, Customer Management, Collections, Management Information Systems and Reporting, New Product Development, Vertical Markets, Call Detail Record Management, Fraud, Credit Gregory A. Carney Page 3 Management, Project Management, and Litigation Support, as well as others. Throughout his time with Z-Tei, Mr. Carney was constantly involved with marketing efforts targeting the Health Care and Public Sector areas. A particular thrust of Z-Tel's marketing strategy was to develop telecommunications solutions for its commercial customers that took advantage of the integrated communications capabilities of its product set to lower costs and improve information flow throughout these organizations and with their customers. In addition to exploiting the opportunities offered by the Unbundled Network Element Platform (UNEP) provision to provide robust traditional telephone services to its clients, Z-Tel also developed Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) offerings. Strategy LLC -Chief Executive Officer As a follow on to due diligence efforts conducted on behalf of an investment group in its acquisition of this construction claims management and engineering litigation support firm, Mr. Carney acted as Chief Executive Officer during a 10 month transition period. SLLC provides expert analysis and testimony regarding claims arising from problems with on-going or completed construction. SLLC personnel are licensed professionals in architecture and engineering related disciplines. SLLC does work for both defense (insurance companies) and plaintiff (owners and contractors) and their legal counsel. During his time with SLLC Mr. Carney concentrated on transition related efforts including relocation of headquarters operations, retention of clients and key personnel, creating a more robust organization structure to provide for growth, and putting needed administration and related support systems in place. Carney-Neuhaas, Inc. - Director of Consulting Carney-Neuhaus, Inc., is a civil engineering and surveying firm founded and owned by Mr. Carney's wife, Eleanor Carney, P.E. From 1997 on Mr. Carney has acted in a part time role as its Director of Consulting, focusing on management and strategic initiatives. Most of these engagements were value engineering or strategic planning projects targeted on developing cost efficiencies for public sector entities or projects. There is a strong emphasis on utilities among the projects done. Mr. Carney has also worked on projects for a variety of clients as a sole practitioner while assisting his wife's engineering company. These projects include: business plan development and strategic planning for a joint Sino/American travel industry call center, a forensic accounting project to recover millions of dollars of embezzled assets; review of the acquisition of a software company; review of operations and finding refinancing for a consumer electronics company; assistance in developing new funding sources for aconstruction/development company; development of business plans for and assistance in efforts to purchase an aircraft manufacturing company; and business reorganization efforts. Treeno Software Systems -Director for Alliances Treeno is a Portsmouth New Hampshire based company providing a comprehensive electronic document image and content management solution. Their solution, GCM, is web architecud so it fits easily into most organizations' existing infrastructure. It is available as both an in-house Windows or UNIX based version or through a SaaS, web based shared solution. Mr. Carney worked on developing sales channels by creating alliances with integrators and consultants. He also helped with specific sales opportunities in the South Florida market area. Greensmith, Inc. -Member Board of Directors, Special Projects Assistance Greensmith, Inc. focuses on the power management and utility industry space. Most of its product initiatives are oriented toward use by residential and small business electric power end users to help them manage and shift power usage dynamically to take advantage of off peak pricing. Greensmith develops and owns its Intellectual Property (i.e., patents, designs, etc.) and develops devices based on this to either Gregory A. Carney Page 4 be sold by Greensmith directly or through licensing agreements with manufacturers. Mr. Carney was instrumental in helping Greensmith fmd its original initial funding partner (Blue Lagoon Capital) and secure funding. He continues to play an active role on occasion when asked to help Greensmith's management group in areas of his specific expertise. External Interests In addition to his work related activities, Mr. Carney has taken time to guest lecture on Information Technology related subjects in universities at both the undergraduate and graduate levels as well as in other venues. He has also written published articles on the subject. When time has permitted, Mr. Carney has worked extensively in his community including being the strategic process designer and consulting lead for the initial development of the Miami Coalition for a Drug Free Community. He has spoken on this successful community action process to other anti-drug coalitions around the country. For a number of years, Mr. Carney was on the Board of the Florida Philharmonic. While living in Pittsburgh, he served on the Board of Directors for Big Brothers and Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh. He also was an external financial advisor for the Order of the Sisters of St. Francis of Castle Shannon. Mr. Carney is also an active participant in the South Florida chapter of the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD). Mr. Carney lives in Miami Beach, Florida with his wife Eleanor. They are both active in local community organizations. Currently Mr. Carney serves as a Director for the Venetian Island Homeowners Association. They both take advantage of the Florida weather and enjoy many outdoor activities including golf, boating, swimming, riding, and hiking. Mr. Carney is a graduate of the City of Miami Beach Leadership Academy and the Miami Beach Citizens Police Academy. He continues to be active with the local government. Education • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University • Doctoral Program, Mellon School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie- Mellon University (Systems Science) • Numerous Internal Methodology and Industry Training Courses at Andersen Consulting LLP/ Accenture Mr. Carney's career has always been client service oriented and technology focused. At the same time, he has constantly been in mission critical, demanding environments that required creative thinking to deal with new and changing challenges. For most of his career, Mr. Carney has had to be entrepreneurial and mission focused in order to succeed. He has traveled extensively both here and overseas and continues to enjoy new and challenging situations. Gregory A. Carney Page 5