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Eleanor J. Carney
m MIAMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM mss: ~~/~ ~ pi~l,~o~~Rly~ ~!/~~~~~~ ~~ 33~3~ :has ~ i g~ 7~ 3 8 y~~ 3®s s~~~~~f~~ R~~~ L ~ 1g U ! ~.$ c,6c t 2 a ! ~o Prone t~oerme (describe) ~-'- C ~ ~, ~a i~ ~„w~ u r, ,ty ~'x u~ a .~ ~~~ : Attach a copy of [he license ~ ~ ~ t.,~Z3 q l s'" m C>~y Code esctlon 2~(~ a and bt Members of a~nc[es, boards, and cmnmittees st~ui be ~ the dhr: tiffs re~rernerrt shaft be tlriMed in the f~awrrg a) an ind'aridual shall he~ne been a resident of the cry for a minimum of suc months; orb) an ~ shad orate ararrerstdplintarest for rNntmrarr of sbc months in a ~ in the city. • Rrrt of bAreeM Bestir for a minimum of six (B) rrrortit~: Yes ~ No n • Die eetr ovm~sl>ip<interest in a busita~ssi Beach for a minimum of six (ti) months: Yes 0 or No n • Are you a regis~+ed v~r in Miami Beach: Yes ~ No n • (Please ¢~ foon¢e): Iaam~nowa r+ebsid~eanrt ot. Nspoetl~~ 8ean:~hes South Bea~cfi /~ . i~~rN 2 C cn ~~,-) - c, ~f1N~~ ~®~/Tg~It•C~1b ark bar. !"i ~Fv ss~ o... •~igfie yon F~~'~y a reg~ste~+ed low v~h Gty of Mianu Beads?IYes n ~ 1~~~ Pl~se list yore pr~erenoes in or~r of rardctng (1] first choice (Zj second etroioe. ark (Sj mind r~wioe. ^~.ffiIf~.4~tlnee_f81 moss wi11 he otrsec~red bar the City Ctedc's ~. (R~uiar Boards of City) n Nobs: B applying Uor Youth Advisory Board, pl~se ire your ate with the Scott tiakow Youth Center: 1. Past servioa on the Youth Center Addvisoy- Board: Yes n No n Years of Service: 2 Present participation in Ya11h GerrEer activities by your ct YesC- P~ n. g yes, p list the names of your ctrl, their ages, and vrttich programs. List below: Cud's name: Age: Program: Child's name: ~: Program: F:\CLER\$ALL\oFC)RMS\6GARD ANQ COMMITTEES\BC r:ppiication062609 NEW.doc ~' G •HaNe you suet been oonvi~ted of a felony: Yes ^ or No f~f yes. Pi~se e~lain in de~aii: • i)o you alrrmrdy have a in(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: Yes ©or No yes, please explain in dt3~: ~ Do you cxtm~tly owe the City of Miami Beach any money: Yes 0 or No tf yes, explain in detail • Are you cun+ertth- serving on any City Boards or Committees: Yes ^ or No C9' ff yes; which boani? • 1Ntmt orgartizatia~ in the City of Miami Beach do you a,,,ictmently hofd`y n~e NaI1~:UertCfiit~ ~i~t+~s /~o,~g~~urre~~SOei.¢I~enTiUe: ~ o ,7` Name: Title: • list all properties owned have an interest in, which are within the City of Miami B~Ch: • I am troea by the City of Mimi 8eacll: Yes D or Nob~JN4ttidt departrnertt? • Pulauant to C!!y Cobbs Section 2-~Z5 ~1: Do ya, have a parent ~. spouse 4 dNld 0, ~, or sister D who ~ prtpbyed by the City of ttlGattnt Beadt? Check a8 that Y. lden;iy tf'w depaa6tlertt(s): /v D~V The tosoarLrg hMwm~ar is ~rotrarrfary- and b P~ ~ ~ ~ !~ ~!- taaerirtg ~ yorar consideratlar far . his t~ aabd in eaoaph wgh ts~ai aqusl appordad~l ra~orWg . Q~ender: ^ Male t~erNnale Niglrl: C.IteCK one Only (7) (Wtd of Origin): Ail persons hsvhg origins in arty ~ the original peoples of Etmope, NoM Africa w itre tl~fiddls Ent. ^ (Not of t~rdc OrfgUr): /W Person trav~g orl~ns trr arty of the Stack rac~l groups ~ Attics. D Nh~pardt~ A®persprs of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cubsm, Central or South Arrrerirsn, or other S'pardsh outture a origin, regsudless of race. ^ Jtaian or Paetlfle bgnrdsr: tUl petsors havkrg o~na in airy of the orlgirref peoples of the Far mast Southeast Atria the ~ Sunoontinera. an fhe Pacffic . Tlda an3a inductee, for exwr~pte, China,lrxSa, .fepsn, Koreas, the Ptti>ippltte Ism and Somoa. ^ Aremican 6rrfian or Alaalcarr Nafhra: N persons having an~lns in any of the on pecpies of Nortl- Arms, and who rrr Cum ~ > tr@e6d aIN corraraatiiy recogrr~ipr. Yes o or Employment sty: Employed 0 Retired D Horrtemadcer O otn~ 19~ ~c irl" ~,M D / • a, ~~ ib~iO'1'E: if appolrtted, you tatli be to follow laws whia+, appy m dry nts,nbers. rne'se laws tee, wa are not liirtited to, tote tot>owag: o Prdt~pt from direcby ~ irtdirediy lobbying city petsor>~1(M~rrti Beach City Cods sedip~ 2-49s). a Prdt~ipt front with the city (Miaarti-Dade CauMy Code sib 2-11.1). o Protu~rt from I~byeng before bopdicommiibee you have served pt lot pad of pre year otter g ot6oe (AAiami Beach City Code sec~ipt 2--~)- o Regtrt >n certak, fns interests and giflls (A1~rti-Dade County Code season X11.1). (re: CMB Cpmnunity Dev~xnent Advisory Committee): protut, during tertrue and for pre year alter i~virig orrice, ircxn having arty interest to or reoeivlr"rg arty t>enetit from Cammtmily Deirebpment Bloac Greutt turtds for either lrotusNf . tx those with whom you have or immediate familyy ties (CFR 570.611). ~ request, oopias of tltese laws tnaty be obtained trotm the ~h perk °I trarr~- attest 15019he accuracy and trutlttuhwas of ttte appttcatlon and have received, r~ arM wsl abbe by ' 2. Arfkts 110 - of 1~re Citii Code °Standards of Cor~Ct tGor Ctty Otflcers. 66nltioyees oral Agency Meeedrees.° Appf;amR's 8t~a Qab Name of A (PLEASE Pt21Ntn talpa a!laeN a ta>Ar of spar rranetw to t3da tNORB: App! wiN on tptr for a pMod dt oar 11) atl~der you.. i2eoeired bt itre City Clerfr's Ot6oe by RESU~ ELEANOR J. CARNEY, P.E. SUMMARY: Ms. Carney is a highly experienced civil engineer, entrepreneur, and businesswoman. She has worked in both the public and private sectors, for clients large and small. She has been an employee in goven~iment organizations and in private industry. She has developed and managed her own business of up to 25 employees and has engaged and managed contracts with numerous subcontractors. She has done extensive business development, selling work directly to clients as a prime and also to other firms as a subcontractor. She has extensive experience in the South Florida engineering and construction market space. She has had extensive exposure to various local governments both from selling services and representing local homeowners groups. She is very well qualified to run any Florida based engineering practices. BACKGROUND: Ms. Carney has worked as a professional engineer for almost 30 years with local as well as international engineering firms and federal, state, and municipal governments. She worked for various federal and municipal governmental entities for the first 14 years of her career before moving into the private sector. In 1993 Ms. Carney founded her own firm, Eleanor Carney Engineering Associates, which was renamed Carney-Neuhaus, Inc. in 1997 with the acquisition of James E. Neuhaus, Inc. Carney-Neuhaus, Inc. is a civil and environmental engineering, surveying, planning, and consulting firm that provides assistance to clients in many areas including water distribution and sewer collection system designs, storm water management, roadway design, construction management and inspection services, siting studies, permitting, remedial action plans and contamination assessment reports. Ms. Carney has employed and supervised a staffof up to 25 and provided engineering design services to Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Martin County School Districts, private developers and consultants, Florida Power and Light Company, Miami Dade Water and Sewer Departiment, the Cities of Miami, North Miami Beach, and Miami Beach, Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the State of Florida Department of Corrections. She also has provided technical assistance in litigation claims cases, storm water engineering services to Palm Beach County on numerous roadway projects and roadway and drainage improvements for the City of North Miami Beach. In addition to her experience in engineering design and construction management, she has extensive experience doing value engineering for large water and sewer projects. Ms. Carney's formal educational background includes both Bachelor and Masters of Science from prestigious engineering institutions. She has also continued to keep can ent through on-going training and membership in various professional organizations. She has expanded her qualifications by becoming a licensed contractor in the State of Florida Ms. Carney has extensive experience with all aspects of water, sewer, and drainage systems from her early career with the Environmental Protection Agency to the numerous design and construction projects her company, Carney-Neuhaus, Inc., have done for clients 2 EXPERIENCE: Carney-Neu6ans, Inc. Civil Engineers, Surveyors and Planners President (1993 -Present) Miami, Florida As President, Ms. Carney has had a myriad of duties. Overall, she was the entrepreneur who got the funding and started the Miami Beach based civil engineering firm Eleanor Carney Engineering Associates, Inc. in 1993. She built ECEA to the point that in 1997, she accomplished the purchase of James E. Neuhaus, Inc., a civil engineering and surveying company founded in 1980 and based in Palm Beach Gardens, and its integration into the newly named Carney Neuhaus, Inc. She has sold and supervised many projects. She has recruited, hired, and trained staff and supervised technicians, professional engineers, administrative and clerical support, professional surveyors and mappers, and survey crews. She has dean with all aspects of administration of a company including financial reporting, tax compliance, human resources and payroll, accounts receivables and collections, accounts payables, benefits administration, equipment purchases, infrastructure development, contract administration, banking relations, credit and finance, and governance. CNI has done many projects over the last 16 years for both public sector and private sector (commercial and residential) clients. They have covered a broad scope of civil engineering including water distribution and sewer collection system designs, storm water management, master planning, roadway design, construction management and inspection services, siting studies, permitting, remedial action plans, as built and site surveys, testing, and contamination assessment reports. These engagements have included typical design assignments, but have also included related areas such as value engineering, information systems support, and even litigation support. A small sampling of engagements involving specifically water, dn~inage, or sewer systems, all of which Ms. Carney has been directly involved in, includes: ^ General Engineering Consultants Various, Mlaml-Dade Water and Sewer Department ^ Pump Station Improvement Program Various, Miam~Dade Water and Sewer Department o Sewage Pump Station 77&R Replacement Miam~Dade Water and Sewer Department ^ Sewage Pump Station 005 Upgrnde, Miam~Dade Water and Sewer Department o ForceMaln Improvement Program,Couutry Walk ReliefForceMain,Mium~Dade Waterand Sewer Department ^ Miami International Airport New Northside Runway, Miam~Dade Aviation Department ^ Value Analysis Engineering South Miami Heights Water Treatment Plants, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department ^ ValueAnalysis Engineering South Miami Heights Well Water Fields and Park, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department ^ Allison Island Drainage Improvements, City of Miami Beach, FL ^ Citywide Storm Water Management Plan, City of Miami Beach, FL ^ Storm Water Drainage Design, Normandy Istes, Miami Beach, FL ^ Drainage Improvements at the Polo Club of Boca Raton, Boca Raton, FL ^ Litigation Support Cricket Club On-Site Waste Water T3~eatment Facility, Miami, FL ^ American Airlines Arena Approach Roadway, Lighting, Pavement Markings, Signage, and Drainage, MiDade County Public Works Department ^ Miami International Airport Central Boulevard Roadway and Drainage Design and Permiltiiig, Miami-Dade Aviation Department o Viscaya Museum and Gardens Water Main Extension, Miam~d Dade Parks and Recreation 3 Department ^ Trail Glades Range Park Water Main Extension, Miami-Dade Parks and Recreation Department ^ Women'sPark-Parking, Drainage, Sewer, and WaterMain Design, Miami DadeParksand Recreation Department ^ Cutler Ridge Park-Site Parking, Drainage, and Utilitylmpmvements, Miam~DadeParksand Recreation Department ^ .8endaUSoccerPark -Site Parking, Drainage, and Utility Impmvements, Miami-Dade Parks and Recreation Department ^ Survey and Drainage Impravements, Miami-Dade Department of Environmental Resources Management ^ Drainage and WaterSystem Design, Rookery BayPre~n-e Visitor Center, Florida Depardnent of Environmental Protection, Collier County, FL ^ Sk Lucie Inlet Park Desalinization Plant Design and Permitting, St Lucie County, FL ^ Watson Island Cross Bay Sanitary Sewer Force Main Design, City of Miami, FL ^ ParkingLot and Drainage Design and Permitting, Palm Beach County Health Clinic, Florida Department of Health, Palm Beach County, FZ ^ Parking Lot and Drainage Design and Permitting, Gator Leasing, Hialeah, FL ^ Recycled Water System Design, Surveying, and Permitting, Martin County Correctional Facility, Florida Department of Corrections, Martin County; FZ o Ocean Winds Development Site Civil Design Including Drainage Design and Permitting, O'Connor and Taylor, Juno Beach, FL ^ System Capaeity Analysis and Review, Seminole Indust Water and Sewer Utilities, Hollywood, FL ^ Value Engineering Palm Beach County Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Expansfvn, Palm Beach County, FL ^ Yalue Engineering E,~luent Pump Station X756 Upgrade, Mianr~Dade Water and Sewer ^ High School "JJJ» Site Feasibility Study Including Drainage, Palm Beach County School District, Wellington, FL ^ Hollywood RVPark Drainage, Water, and SewerPlanning and Design, City ofHollywood, FZ ^ Electric Power Substations Various Site Civil Drainage Design and Construction Review, Florida Power and Light, Mianr~Dade County, FL ^ Electric Power Substations Various Stie Civil Drainage Design and Construction Review, Florida Power and Light Palm Beach County, FL ^ Electric Power Substations Various Site Surveys for Duct Bank Routes, Florida Power and Light Bmward County, FZ ^ Sfte Civil Work for Various School Sites, Miami-Dade County School District FL CH2M HILL Interaationai Engineering and Constractioa Company Project Manager - (1991-1993) Water and Wastewater Engineering Division Deerfield Beach, Florida During her time with CH2M HILL, Ms. Carney served as a project manager for major water and wastewater projects. She was the resident project manager on a $4.2 million lime softening expansion at the City of Delray Beach's Water Treatment Plant. Services included resident inspections, claims negotiation, review and oversight of contractor schedule and cost evaluation. 4 While at CHZM HILL, she prepared bids, contract documents, and all regulatory submissions and oversaw advertisement bids, contract awards, and construction for major water and sewer projects for the cities of Delray Beach and Key West. Ms. Gainey also conducted valuation studies of the water and wastewater utility systems of Indian River County, Florida. These systems include water and wastewater treatment plants, sludge disposal facilities, and distribution systems. Ms. Carney also worked with the Hazardous Waste and Industrial Processes Division as a project manager and project engineer preparing remedial action plans for gasoline station and manufacturing sites contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons. Typically, the remedial action plans (RAP) include contamination assessments evaluation of soil remediation alternatives, and designs for groundwater recovery and piping systems, air stripping, and exfihration systems. Many of the sites involved are owned by major oil companies. City of Pompano Beach Civit Engineer - (1989-1990) Office of the City Engineer Pompano Beach, Florida Her duties at the City included those typically found in a city's building and engineering department. Her design projects included roadways, sewer systems, buildings, water distribution systems, and office renovations. She prepared cost estimates and consent agenda items for the City Commissioners, oversaw major construction projects, and supervised design engineers on speciafized projects. She also provided liaison with regulatory agencies, supervised three drafting technicians, and advised city construction inspectors on technical issues. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Project Officer - (1980 -19$9) Office of Water Regulations and Standards Office of Marine and Estuarfne Protection Washfngton, D.C. Ms. Carney was responsible water quality issues and regulations for nonferrous metals manufacturing and shipbuilding industries. She prepared e#Iluent regulations for the Federal Register, participated in EPA negotiations with industry litigants, prepared settlement agreements and technical assessments of treatment data, and provided assistance to EPA regions on National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. She also prepared industrial environmental assessments that evaluated impacts of industrial discharges on receiving waters and publicly owned treatment works and prepared scopes of work for contractual efforts involving specialized assessments. She served as quality assurance advisor for the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program and as environmental protection office for 10 industries engaged in metal casting, battery processing, leather tanning, aluminum forming, petroleum refining, and offshore gas and oil production. While employed by the EPA Office of Marine and Estuarine Protection, she prepared regulatory packages and briefing documents about ocean incineration for EPA officials and Congress. 5 United States Navy Envitronmental and Civil Engineer - (1976 -1980) Naval Facilities Engineering Command Annapolis, Maryland Port Hueneme, California Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Washington, D.C. Ms. Carney inspected installations to ensure compliance with federal, state, and local environmental regulations, prepared reports and briefings summarizing the results of the environmental inspections, provided engineering assistance to naval facilities with environmental problems, obtained air and water pollution permits, and reviewed construction plans and specifications. She was also responsible for the Navy wide program for the ship-to-shore waste transfer program. She also developed manuals and instructions related to this program for naval installations, prepared scopes of work for developmental studies, and provided technical assistance to six engineering field divisions. Prepared candidate environmental impact statements and environmental impact assessments and assisted in developing the Navy's environmental research and development program. Ms. Carney also updated utility drawings to include plans for new construction, served as project engineer on five contracts involving highway improvements and office renovations, negotiated change orders, and served as construction observer at various job locations. EDUCATION Drexel University - M.S., Civil Engineering (Construction Management) Carnegie-Mellon University - B.S., Civil Engineering LICENSES: Professional Engineer -Florida 41285 Professional Engineer -Virginia 14539 Florida Building Contractors License CBC 1251 S04 Florida Underground Utility and Excavation Contractors License CUC 122391 S AFFILIATIONS: American Society of Civil Engineers Conference of Federal Environmental Engineers President, 1987 Director, 1984-1986 National Society of Professional Engineers Florida Institute of Consulting Engineers Florida Engineering Society SAVE (Value Engineering Society} Member Venetian Island Home Owners Association (Miami Beach), Current President, Past Secretary CONTACT INFORMATIDN: Mobile Telephone: Facsimile Number: E-Mail Address: Mailing Address: 305-803-9486 305-534-2608 El1y.Carney@Gmail.Com Carney Neuhaus, Inc. ?880 W 20~ Avenue Unit 26 Hialeah, FL 33016 CONTACT INFORMATION: Mobile Telephone: Facsimile Number: E-Mail Address: Mailing Address: 305-803-9486 305-534-2608 Elly.Carney@Gmail.Com Carney-Neuhaus, Inc. ?880 W 20~` Avenue Unit 26 Hialeah, FL 33016 5 United States Navy Environmental and Civil Engineer - (1976 -1980) Naval Facilities Engineering Command Annapolis, Maryland Port Hueneme, California Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Washington, D.C. Ms. Carney inspected installations to ensure compliance with federal, state, and local environmental regulations, prepared reports and briefings summarizing the results of the environmental inspections, provided engineering assistance to naval facilities with environmental problems, obtained air and water pollution permits, and reviewed construction plans and specifications. She was also responsible for the Navy wide program for the ship-to-shore waste transfer program. She also developed manuals and instructions related to this program for naval installations, prepared scopes of work for developmental studies, and provided technical assistance to six engineering field divisions. Prepared candidate environmental impact statements and environmental impact assessments and assisted in developing the Navy's environmental research and development program. Ms. Carney also updated utility drawings to include plans for new construction, served as project engineer on five contracts involving highway improvements and office renovations, negotiated change orders, and served as construction observer at various job locations. EDUCATION Drexel University - M.S., Civil Engineering (Construction Management) Carnegie-Mellon University - B.S., Civil Engineering LICENSES: Professional Engineer -Florida 41285 Professional Engineer -Virginia 14539 Florida Building Contractors License CBC1251504 Florida Underground Utility and Excavation Contractors License CUC 1223915 AFFILIATIONS: American Society of Civil Engineers Conference of Federal Environmental Engineers President, 198'7 Director, 1984-1986 National Society of Professional Engineers Florida Institute of Consulting Engineers Florida Engineering Society SAVE (Value Engineering Society) Member Venetian Island Home Owner$ Association (Miami Beach), Current President, Past Secretary 4 While at CH2M HQ,L, she prepared bids, contract documenrts, and all regulatory submissions and oversaw advertisement bids, contract awards, and construction for major water and sewer projects for the cities of Delray Beach and Key West. Ms. Carney also conducted valuation studies of the water and wastewater utility systems of Indian River County, Florida. These systems include water and wastewater treatment plants, sludge disposal facilities, and distribution systems. Ms. Carney also worked with the Hazardous Waste and Industrial Processes Division as a project manager and project engineer preparing remedial action plans for gasoline station and manufacturing sites cotrtaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons. Typically, the remedial action plans (RAP) include contamination assessmens evaluation of soil remediation alternatives, and designs for groundwater recovery and piping systems, air stripping, and exfiltration systems. Many of the sites involved are owned by major oil companies. City of Pompano Beach Civil Engineer - (1989-1990) Office of the City Engineer Pompano Beach, Florida Her duties at the City included those typically found in a city's building and engineering deparhnent. Her design projects included roadways, sewer systems, buildings, water distribution systems, and office renovations. She prepared cost estirnabes and consent agenda items for the City Commissioners, oversaw major construction projects, and supervised design engineers on specialized projects. She also provided liaison with regulatory agencies, supervised three drafting technicians, and advised city construction inspectors on technical issues. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Project Officer - (1980 -1989) Office of Water Regulations and Standards Office of Marine and Estuarine Protection Washington, D.C. Ms. Carney was responsible water quality issues and regulations for nonfernous metals manuf~turing and shipbuilding industries. She prepared effluent regulations for the Federal Register, participated in EPA negotiations with industry litigants, prepared settlement agr~ments and technical assessments of treatment data, and provided assistance to EPA regions on National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. She also prepared industrial environmental assessments that evaluated impacts of industrial discharges on receiving waters and publicly owned treatment works and prepared scopes of work for contractual efforts involving specialized assessments. She served as quality assurance advisor for the Nationwide Urban RunoffProgram and as environmental protection office for 10 industries engaged in metal casting, battery processing, leather tanning, aluminum forming, petroleum refining, and offshore gas and oil production. While employed by the EPA Office of Marine and Estuarine Protection, she prepared regulatory packages and briefing documents about ocean incineration for EPA officials and Congress. 3 Deparrtment ^ Tian Glades Range Park Water Main Extension, MiamB-Dade Parks and Recreation Department ^ Women's Park-Parking, Drainage, Sewer, and Water Main Design, Miami-Dade Parks and Recreation Department ^ Cutler RidgeFark-Site Parking, Drainage, and Utr7itylmpmvements,Mianr~DadeParksand Recreation Department ^ %ndall Soccer Park -Site Parking, Drainage, and Utility Improvements, MurmaDade Parks and Recreation Deparbnent ^ Survey and Drainage Improvements, Miam~Dade Department of Environmental Resources Management ^ Drainage and WaterSystem Design, Rookey Bay Preserve VEsitor Center, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Collier County, FL ^ ,St Lucie Inlet Park Desalinization Plant Design and Permitting, Sx Lucie County, FL ^ Watson Island Cross Bay Sanitary Sewer Force Main Design, City ofMiami, FZ ^ Parking Lot and Drainage Design and Permitting, Palm Beach County Health Clinic, Florida Depar~nent of Health, Palm Beach County, FL ^ Parking Lot and Drainage Design and Permitting, Gator Leasing, Hialeah, FL ^ Recycled Water System Design, Surveying, and Permitting, Marxin County Correctional Facility, Florida Departmem of Corrections, Martin County, FL ^ Ocean Winds Development Site Civil Design Including Drainage Design and Permitting, O'Connor and Taylor, Juno Beach, FL o System Capacity A»alysis and Review, Seminole Industries Water and Sewer Utilities, Hollywood, FL ^ Value Engineering Palm Beach County Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Expansion, Palm Beach County, FL ^ Value Engineering E, f,~luent Pump Station S-7S6 Upgrade, Miam~Dade Water and Sewer ^ High School "JJJ" Site Feasibiltty Study Including Drainage, Palm Beach County School District, Wellington, FL ^ HollywoodRVParkDrainage,Water, and SewerPlanningandDes~gn,G'1~yofHollywoa~FL ^ Electric Power Substations Various Site Civil Drainage Design and Construction Review, Florida Power and Light, Miami-Dade County, FZ ^ Electric Power Substations Various Site Civil Drainage Design and Construction Review, Florida Power and Light, Falm Beach County, FL ^ Electric Power Substations Various Site Surveys for Duct Bank Routes, Floriida Power and Light, Brovward County, FL ^ Site Civil Work for Various School S~ Miam~Dade County School District, FL CA2M HILL International Engineering and Construction Company Project Manager - (1991-1993) Water and Wastewater Engineering Division DeerReld Beach, Florida During her time with CH2M I-III.L, Ms. Carney served as a project manager for major water and wastewater projects. She was the resident project manager on a $4.2 million lime softening expansion at the City of Dehay Beach's Water Treatment Plain. Services included resident inspections, claims negotiation, review and oversight of contractor schedule and cost evaluation. 2 EXPERIENCE: Carney-Neuhaus, Inc. Civil Engineers, Surveyors and Planners President (1993 -Present) Miami, Florida As President, Ms. Carney has had a myriad of duties. Overall, she was the entrepreneur who got the funding and started the Miami Beach based civil engineering firm Eleanor Carney Engineering Associates, Inc. in 1993. She built ECEA to the point that in 1997, she accomplished the purchase of James E. Neuhaus, Inc., a civil engineering and surveying company founded in 19$0 and based in Palm Beach Gardens, and its integration into the newly named Carney-Neuhaus, Inc. She has sold and supervised many projects. She has recruited, hired, and trained staff and supervised technicians, professional engineers, administrative and clerical support, professional surveyors and mappers, and survey crews. She has dean with all aspects of administration of a company including fmancial reporting, tax compliance, human resources and payroll, accounts receivables and collections, accounts payables, benefits administration, equipment purchases, infrastructure development, contract administration, banking relations, credit and finance, and governance. CM has done many projects over the last 16 years for both public sector and private sector (commercial and residential) clients. They have covered a broad scope of civil engineering including water distribution and sewer collection system designs, storm water management, master planning, roadway design, construction management and inspection services, siting studies, permitting, remedial action plans, as built and site surveys, testing, and contamination assessment reports. These .engagements have included typical design assignments, but have also included related areas such as value engineering, information systems support, and even litigation support. A small sampling of engagements involving specifically water, drainage, or sewer systems, all of which Ms. Carney has been directly involved in, includes: ^ General Engineering Consuhants Various, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department ^ Pump Station Improvement Program Various, Mlaml-Dade Water and Sewer Department O Sewage Pump Station 778-R Replacement, Mlaml-Dade Water and Sewer Department ^ Sewage Pump Station 005 Upgrade, Miam~Dade Water and Sewer Department ^ Force Main Improvement Program, Cou-tdy WalkReliefForaeMain, Miarn~Dade Waterand Sewer Department ^ Miami International Airport, New Northside Runway, Miant~Dade Aviation Department ^ Value Analysis Engineering South Miami Heights Water Treatment Plants, Mianr~Dade Water and Sewer Department ^ ValueAnatysis Engineering South Miami Heights WeA Water Fields and Park, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department ^ AQason Island Drainage Improvements, City of Miami Beach, FL ^ Citywide Storm Water Management Plan, City of Miami Beaeh, FL ^ Storm Water Drainage Design, Normandy Isles, Miami Beach, FL ^ Drainage In3provoements at the Polo Club of Boca Raton, Boca Raton, FL ^ Litigation Support Cricket Club On-Site Waste Water Treatment Facilgy, Miami FL ^ American Airlines Arena Approach Roadway, Lighting, Pavement Markings, Signage, and Drainage, Mium~Dade County Public Works Department ^ Miand International Airport, Central Boulevard Roadway and Drainage Design and Permitting, MiamB-Dade Aviation Department ^ Viseaya Museum and Gardens Water Main Extension, Miam~Dade Parks and Recreation RESUME ELEANOR J. CARNEY, P.E. SU1~fMARY Ms. Carney is a highly experienced civil engineer, enlreprenew, and businesswoman. She has worked in both the public and private sectors, for clients large and small. She has been an employee in government organizations and in private industry. She has developed and managed her own business of up to 25 employees and has engaged and managed contracts with numerous subcontractors. She has done extensive business development, selling work directly to clients as a prime and also to other firms as a subcontractor. She has extensive experience in the South Florida engineering and construction market space. She has had extensive exposure to various local governments both from selling services and representing local homeowners groups. She is very well qualified to run any Florida based engineering practices. BAC%GROUIVD: Ms. Carney has worked as a professional engineer for almost 30 years with local as well as international engineering firms and federal, state, and municipal governments. She worked for various federal and municipal govennmental entities for the first 14 years of her career before moving into the private sector. In 1993 Ms. Carney founded her own firm, Eleanor Carney Engineering Associates, which was renamed Carney Neuhaus, Inc. in 1997 with the acquisition of James E. Neuhaus, Inc. Carney Neuhaus, Inc. is a civil and environmental engineering, surveying, planning, and consulting firm that provides assistance to clients in many areas including water distribution and sewer collection system designs, storm weber management, roadway design, construction management and inspection services, siting studies, permitting, remedial action plans and contamination assessment reports. Ms. Carney has employed and supervised a staffof up to 25 and provided engineering design services to Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Martin County School Districts, private developers and consultants, Florida Power and Light Company, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department, the Cities of Miami, North Miami Beach, and Miami Beach, Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the State of Florida Department of Corrections. She also has provided technical assistance in litigation claims cases, storm water engineering services to Palm Beach County on numerous roadway projects and roadway and drainage improvements for the City of North Miami Beach. In addition to her experience in engineering design and construction management, she has extensive experience doing value engineering for large water and sewer projects. Ms. Carney's fon~nal educational background includes both Bachelor and Masters of Science from prestigious engineering institutions. She has also continued to keep curnent through on-going training and membership in various professional organizations. She has expanded her qualifications by becoming a licensed contractor in the State of Florida. Ms. Carney has extensive experience with all aspects of water, sewer, and drainage systems from her early career with the Environmental Protection Agency to the numerous design and construction projects her company, Carney-Neuhaus, Inc., have done for clients STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING HOARD (850) 487-1395 '`` .ra*~• TALLAAA33THESMONROE STRSLT32399-0783 CARNEY, ELEANOR J CARNSY-NEUBAUS ZNC 2020 NS 163RD STREET #300 NORTS MIAMI BEACH FL 33162 Congratulations! With this license you become one of the nearly one million Floridians licensed by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. Our professionals and businesses range from architects to yacht brokers, from boxers to barbeque restaurants, and they keep Florida's economy strong. Every day we work to improve the way we do business in order to serve you better. For information about our services, please log onto www.m oridalicense.com. There you can find more information about our divisions an the regulations that impact you, subscribe to department newsletters and learn more about the Department's initiatives. Our mission at the Department is: License Efficierrtly, Regulate Fairty. We constantly strive to serve you better so that you can serve your customers. Thank you for doing business in Florida, and congratulations on your new license! DETACH HERE 8'rATE OF FIOR~A A~ . ~~~, ~'~ DHBARTT OF SU$ZNS$S AND - - PROFESSIONAL Ri~QQLATION _CQC12S3915 08/18/Ot3 086001295 CERT 'QNDBRGROUND & 88CAV CN'~C'R ' CARNEY, BLEANOR J CARNBY-t7$ INC IS CS>RTIFI$D +mdor t~ provisloos of dt.489 as ~a>•raason aae.: A[lGi 31, X010 LOS08Z8o1489 ~~rw~w~~ ~~~~~ AC# '~ ~ ~_~ ~ a~7~~1"T~~ OF'~ F14RtDA ,_ _- p~~ART+tT ~ RY,SS~ts~NaLS ~ ~ G SEC~#r.oaoai8o~s9 ,CONS ~~D _ _ - _ - _ ~ _ ~r ,.~:;- os sa aaos aesool$95...GVe122~~a. '~~ The: UNt3ER®R4nND 'EdTI~+~`~'Y 5~ ~~4 ~~ - Named below T8 CBRTIF~:]~H ; ' ° `r Under the proviaioas Q~ ,C11apg~+~~-.~~~:g.~ FS;. $xp3~rat~on dater AUG 3-1; .: X010 .__ _ ;,_. , CARDtHY,, BLSAN#3R J CARNBY=~HAUS ~ INC _ ' ~ 2t32t~ _ tTR ~6~&# . ST$T ~ #300' ~ , , ...'.: ~ _,. . NORTH MIAMI .EACH ; F~..3~3~:62 ,. - ... . -- - ~~ _ ~. - _ tlirIARLIE CRIST _ CHARLES N. DRAGO ~', C30VERNOR ~ ~ - .'` SEGRETARY ~ D~€'l.~AS #~UIRED BY LAW STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD (850) 487-1395 ' 1940 NORTH MONROE STREET `a~.~*~ TALLAHASSEE FL 32399-0783 CARNEY, ELEANOR J CARNLY-NEUHAUS INC 2020 NE 163RD STREET #300 NORTH MIAMI BEACH FL 33162 Congratulations! With this license you become one of the nearly one million Floridians licensed by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. Our professionals and businesses range from architects to yacht brokers, from boxers to barbeque restaurants, and they keep Florida's economy strong. Every day we work to improve the way we do business in osier to serve you better. For information about our services, please log onto www.myfloridalicense.com. There you can find more information about our divisions and the regulations that impact you, subscribe to department newsletters and seam more about the Department's initiatives. Our mission at the Department is: License Efficiently, Regulate Fairly. We constantly strive to serve you better so that you can serve your customers. Thank you for doing business in Florida, and congratulations on your new license! DETACH HERE sTA'1'E OF Fl.ORIDA AC# ~.:!~} ~-4 ~ ~ S - DSPARTI~NT OF BUSINESS : +ll<ND PROFESSIONAL. R$t3ULAfiION CSC1251504 08/18/08 086001295 CERTIFIED BUILDING CONTRACTOR CARN$Y, ELEANOR J CARNSY-NBUAAUS INC, IS CERTIFIED nados t~ psovisioas o! Ch.489 t6 s~irealoa asL•. AIIi3 31, 2010 L08081900932 acs ~ ~. ~; ~ ~ ~ ~~~aTl* o~ FLORIDA DEPART3~,~~~RYRLTCSENSINGLHOARD~T ON - SEQ# Lososlsoo93a : ~ - LI ENS- -= _ - 08 18 2008 086001295: CHt~125:1- : 4 . The BUZr~DINa COrrrRACT~i2 - - Named:below I3 CERTIFIED-' Uia,der the provis3oAa o~ ~hap~ez: X83- ~~:. 8xpiration .dates AUG 31; .2010=;~ , ;:. . J~LEANOR J - Ca~EY-N}iUHAU3 INC - - 2020 N8 1:63RT3 STREET #300 .NORTH MIAMT Bi~ACH FL :33.62 - , F,~ _ ,,. , .CHARLIE CRIST - -_ ~ CHARLES ~1. DRAGO. aIOVERNOR - ''~ ~ = 3LCRETARY _ p{$!`~LAIf~ASQUlRED BY i.AW O ~ v m ~~ 0 0 w g i m N 00 ~7 m 0 m m cn a ~ m ~_ :~ ~ r ~ .. -~ N ~ boa '. ~ ~~o m ~ ~~~, a ~ `~~ N 0. ~ ~ f( ~ ~ -~~. ~ Z ~ ~v ~ w ~ ~ ~ m ~ rn ~I~ ~ 8 x ~~ ~ ~ ~ x ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ { -c~, _ o ~, ~ ~ ~ t m r .~ y i ~~ m ` :- w. . RI_~<:, ~ ~ c N ~ ~ ~ O 7 ~ ~ =w?~ V - wm m p~ _ m ~ ~ -- o~ N L J