Ad #595 Notice of Public Hearing_: _ _ -'^' ..u .. y - . _ ~' S'. _: ,. i ~ ......ter: a. ~ .,~M~ ar.z+-~+-'' ~ ~" '~ __ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH -' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING _ 6 ~ e Miamt ~;. ~ .NOTICE IS HEREBY given that`s first reading and public hearmg will be held by the City Commission of the-City of a -° Ha11,1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on W Amendiny~ '_ I i3each,in the Commission Chambers, 3rd {lour, City 9 m January 13, 2010 at 10:15 ~.m. To ConsiderPar~ 9' Impact Fee Programs Clarifying That'Th~IsnA Fe eln-L e BOf Providing -;~ Chapter 1'30, "Off-StreefParking,":Article , "Parking, And Permitting More Flexibili ~I~oThAl~ fn ~' a Transportat oB And Mobil ty: P jeOcts In Addition ToyConstructian {?Y~, C~ Ccallected 8y This Program To Be Us ,'. . Q marking Garages. _ ~= ~~ "'~ Inqu~nes may be directed to.the Planning Department at (305) 673-7550. Tess their weuvs 1A _ an agent, or to exp . ear at this meeting, or be represented by ill, -Miami i :~ r. ~ INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to app .Clerk,. 1700 Convention `Center Drive, i st Floor, City .~ venting addressed to the :City Cnmmission, c/o the City 'I -''` Beach, Florida 33139_This meeting may be continued acid under such circumstances additional legal notice;would not be ~p provuded. - _ ftotrert E. Paroher, C'~ty Clerk . _ - _ - iB N ~ .~_ M 'City of ~Miam each ~ al an decision.- - _ ~iblic that: ifi a person decides,~4 epee Y h erson must ensnare Pursuant to Section 286D105, Fla. Stat., the City hereby advises the.p ~ on which ifie appeal ~ " made by the City-Gommission w)t edinpscs made, which record ncluctes tthe testim nY a d ev-dence uP ~ that;3 verbatim record of the prose. 9 is to be'based. This notice does ,not constitute consent by the ea fnot ofhetrw se ~Ilowed bylaw~n ~ otherwise inadmissible' t~: ~ -` or irrelevant evidence, nor does at authorize challenges or aAp ens, informatiop on access for persons with disabilities, To request this, material iri .accessible format,-sign language irrterpret document ar participate'in any'city'sponsored -proceed'mg;''please contact r and/or any accommodation to review'-any ~ (305) 604-2489 (voice), (305)673-72];8 (TTY) five days in advance to initiate your request TTY users may also ca11711 (Fsonda ',~--k~_ Relay Service). ~ ~~ ~. q z ,. # ~~ e Ad #595 - ; . ~~